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III-8 proves that they are expelled simultaneously from distinct sources MacDonald et al. Note the presence of a shallow diapir that creates consistent high amplitudes close to the seafloor. The colour-scale refers to the distance between the seismic horizon and the seafloor. The reappearance of oil slicks on the following image also indicates that cessation of oil release can occur under restricted time scales. Hydrates de gaz Wind and current assessments In order to observe the wind effect on slick detection, we compared the regional wind field with the number of slicks detected and their size with the local wind field extracted at the location of the oil slicks. Blue stars correspond to the projections of NAA2 using the 3 geothermal gradients computed from the estimated depths of the NAA1 above the salt diapir. The median residence time value for the upper bound at 30 cm. Where the disrupted zone has reached the Brunei sea floor, the mud-filled structure depressurizes and sediment flow ceases. VI a.❿

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The deflection value is computed by integrating current measurements at Mooring 1 for a range of ascension velocities between 2 and 50 cm. Jadhawar et al. The inventory of updte location of recurrent seep sites a hundred of sites concentrated around OSO clusters; Fig. Recognition criteria of an active thermogenic oil seeping area


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