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Examples include the calculator and phone book. Services are general- purpose modules containing functions used by several tasks or services. You can activate tasks, while tasks or services activate other services. EXE file.
The size of the SK. EXE file you generate will therefore depend upon the number of applications installed. Figure 2 shows the development of a module. Hie application program interface processor and assembler translate the description into a module header containing necessary data structures. Ihis module is then linked together with the task object and API library , making a ready-to-install module. The resulting header file contains information describing the module entry points used by the kernel.
Linking requires the API library that contains the access routines for the kernel and services. Thsks normally display primary information in a main window.
The SideKick Plus time planner, for example, has four windows see photo 1. In the photo, the calendar view is open with the schedule view on top. See the insert card following page 80 for details.
See page 4. The programmer can decide whether or not the user should have control over the size of a window in some cases. If the user had selected the address entry, the menu would have disappeared and an address window would have opened.
No longer do software vendors dictate the form or style of the menus or keys to activate a command. Photo 2 shows how to do this. The bar is on the Speed entry and we.
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The menu system is more than just a selection tool; you can use it to enter and change values. Full Memory Management As outlined earlier, the kernel supports memory management. Its two different uses are to swap tasks and services and to give tasks access to dynamic memory.
The task manager controls the overlaying of task and services, activates tasks, and acts as a channel for service requests from the API. Running an executable file prompts the task manager to load the necessary tasks and services into memory and swap files.
When a request to execute a service or task occurs, the task manager checks to see if the module is in memory. If it is not, the task manager loads it from the swap file. If you do not require the task for a temporary period, it can be released and swapped to disk. If you must access the memory block at a later time, the task can reclaim memory and be swapped back into memory if necessary.
After use, the memory block is freed. All large uninitialized data structures used by tasks should be allocated in dynamic memory. That way, they can be swapped out when the task becomes inactive, thereby freeing memory. Because a particular task can work with more than one dynamic memory block and each block is expandable to 64K bytes, each task can easily work with large amounts of data. Listing 1 illustrates the use of dynamic memory. The code shows part of a task.
The procedure OpenProc is called when the task activates the first time. OpenProc opens a window. The procedure EntryProc contains the mainloop within the task, which polls the ReadChar routine for a keystroke.
The CloseProc procedure frees the buffer. The Editor The editor is a useful service module. In addition to its use by the notepad task to provide up to nine separate notepads, it has many other practical purposes. It can attach notes to appointments in the time planner.
It can attach notes to phone book entries and edit communication programs executed when dialing remote computer systems. The tape is edited and saved as a text file. Once it receives a dynamic-memory data segment or a filename, it executes. Running out of memory is not a problem in cases where multiple editor windows are open at the same time. The File-Management System The. Each time you specify a filename containing wild cards, the file window opens and lets you brows5 through your directories.
You can then either select a file or press Escape. The file manager is both a service and a task. Data Communication Data communication plays a major role in the SideKick Plus phone book and munications tasks.
Among the other available services is a modem manager that supports dialing from a variety of modems. You can dynamically reconfigure the port on the fly i.
A file-transfer protocol manager enables the task to transmit or receive symbolic or binary files, optionally under protDcol control e. Coding is a waste of time. Why should you have to work hard just to get dBASE to do what you want? Design any kind of screen using the built-in Form Editor.
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Use them in any application. Linked Files: Link up to 5 databases together on one form using relations. Advanced Form Editor: Specifically designed for building database forms. The one which lets you design reports in seconds simply by drawing them on the screen without any programming.
No longer are you limited to one line per record. No longer are you limited to one database per report. However, a relatively unknown type of database, called the network-model DBMS, has significant capabilities over the others. The DBMS network refers to interconnected data records. The first users of microcomputers were not programmers; therefore, a need existed for easy-to-use DBMS products. Now, more network DBMS products are showing up and this is a boon for serious software developers.
Finally they have a range of high-performance network- model DBMSs to choose from that are suitable for developing major applications. Relations can be linked together on the basis of a common field. Suppose you have a customer relation and an invoice relation laid out like the one in table 1. NE , Bellevue, WA If a program Were processing the invoice relation row by row, it could look up the customer in the customer relation as needed in order to produce a report like that in table 2.
Another program could process the customer rows and find all the associated invoices for each. The relational DBMS depetids on indexes for its speed. The index allows quick access to each record. The main added feature is the data dictionary built into the file structure. The main attraction is that you can change the system easily. You can add and delete fields; you can also establish new relationships merely by associating common key fields in different tables.
For a major accounting application, you would need as many as 50 data files and over index files, and you would have to include common key fields in all related records. If you changed the value of a key field in one relation, you would have to be certain to make the same change in all of the relations you wanted to connect.
Consider the common situation of an invoice header record and its associated detail-line items. Typically, items are numbered 10, 20, 30, and so on. You can insert nine more line items before you fill the slots between 10 and 20, but then you have a problem. Now you will see how the network model gets Table 1; A customer relation and its invoice relation.
The difference is in the way records are linked together. The Cust field no longer needs to remain in the invoice record. Each invoice can have line items attached through another set.
Thus, the invoice line-item records can be linked to their header record in the same order in which they were entered.
You can insert new details anywhere. With one of these large network-model databases, you can define simultaneous access to all records in all sort and selection orders. If you do not know your reporting needs from the start, or if you must change the system often, the relational model makes more sense. When the end user is satisfied with the screens and system flow, the developer recodes using a network-model DBMS.
Other software developers have taken a different approach. Page la limited only by mem try. You Can change fonts at any time, even In mid-tine. T-C”, end magnify your text st you type or when you print. You een iovo things sround, turn thim sideways or J P rlnt : to i result to disk codvd form, and then OHTASY format the text Desktop publishing for people on a budget I f you want to do occasional desktop publishing without spending thousands of dollars on new equipment and expensive software, FONTASY is the answer.
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For the best bargain in desktop publishing software, please call us today! Mouse optional. MS-DOS 2. It needed a quick method of locating a sound effect from a tape library of selections. Thus, it is a good model for a variety of useful applications. The user types in one, two, or three keywords to match, and the program retrieves the records containing all the specified keywords.
Figure 2 shows a sample inquiry screen. The keyword intersect is a dummy record that I will explain later. There is one effect record for each of the sound effects and one word record for each unique keyword.
The database also contains three indexes: one for the description, one for the tape reel ID, and one for the keyword. Look again at figure 3. How is the database structured on disk? It has two distinct DOS fixed-length data files, one for effect and the other for word, and one B-tree index file for all the indexes. Several record types can be contained in a –RamvareDesigns Inc. Design your own professional-looking documents and enter the world of desktop publishing.
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Flexibility Single PC. Thousands of users per network. No central servers. Passing tasks on any machine. Runtime pricing available. For further information or a free demonstration diskette, please telephone By Quantum Software. Quantum Software Systems Ltd. IBM PC. The actual database has 22 record types, 42 sets, and 15 indexes. The real schema would be comprehensible only to telephone engineers. Central to the schema is the extension record. An extension rings on a station at a specified line number.
Some records are connected with several sets. Take the extension number, for instance. This would be difficult in a relational system because the extension number would occur in over 20 different records. The network model solves that problem because the extension Phone systems evolve as companies constantly change, therefore a configuration program must be flexible. Note that all the sets shown in figure 4 determine two-way relationships.
Including these extra keys would further increase redundancy, making it harder to make changes to the data. Other Network-Model Applications The telephone application is a medium- complexity network example.
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Robotics Courier Robotics Passwd. Call NB We accept purchase orders from authorized institutions for 3. Aft returns are subject to our approval. The fact that a particular program boasts tremendous sales figures does not mean that it is the best in its category or even especially outstanding. Likewise, an excellent product might cause barely a ripple in the marketplace.
Some software is ahead of its time. Other programs are too similar to existing products to be noticed, even if they incorporate significant improvements. And a few products simply baffle reviewers. On average, I receive about 30 software products a month, and I write about four of them.
So when I was asked to come up with a list of little-known applications for this issue, I had a huge collection available. I picked out a few favorites; my evaluations follow.
His solution? The result was My Word! The current version even adds a good spelling checker. When I first saw the program about two years ago, I was not impressed. The current release, version 2. To begin, the program can do just about everything that WordStar 3.
First, My Word! My Word! The program has no block move—you have to copy a block, then delete the original— and it does not display file directories. If you want help or status information, you have to press a function key. Finally, My Word! What does My Word! An undelete command for words, lines, or blocks. Ten definable macro commands, each up to characters long. Definable cursor shape. Math functions. Formula evaluation. A label-printing mode. Nested linking of files on output. And on and on.
He can be reached at P. Increase t he speed ofyour programs by as much as times. FLASH win make programs that go to disk operate faster! U mi ted time. But, like overprotective parents who prevent their children from learning how to cope with life, these products can lull you into a false sense of security. The first time you load the program, it builds an internal list of your directories and the executable files in your MS-DOS path the list is updated whenever you make changes.
Detente bases its presentation of choices on spelling, but if you like you can view all the possibilities. What I like about this program is its configurability. IBM version. SimplSoft Products Inc. Suite G-5 P. Software Inc. Box Hainesville Rd. You perform block operations with a quick cut and paste. In the latter mode, it behaves in much the same fashion as Detente; warnings can be as mild as a gentle beep or as fierce as complete refusal to let you enter a word not in the dictionary.
Both are excellent products that you might not hear about from your local software dealer. You can install any or all of the tools into the framework. The result is a pop-up utility that covers only the functions you need.
Although some of the more straightforward tools, such as the statistics calculator, require only one screen, many of the modules use a long series of linked screens. A good example is the personal financial statement, which uses separate schedules for different sorts of assets and liabilities.
The program gives you a data-entry screen of 20 lines a status line at the top and a function-key menu at the bottom occupy the rest of the display.
Each line is divided into three areas. Think of it as the equivalent of the tape from a printing calculator. The third area is simply a space for remarks or line labels. You can use It Figures to perform any top-down computation.
The program is a breeze to use, and you can get the hang of it by checking out a couple of sample worksheets. If you get stuck, thorough on-line help is available. No more doodling while your database goes digging. Or lollygagging while your spreadsheet loads. Fast Forward can. Much faster than hard disks. Hundreds of times faster than floppies. Programs requiring frequent disk access like dBase III will show amazing improvements. And adding extended memory gives Fast Forward more room to work.
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Since no measurements for energy demand to be assessed. Then the measurements were extended to more pa- the ground climate were available, it was assumed that the All simulation models in the Climate for Culture project were calibrated with measured data rameters at diferent places inside and outside the building. A soil temperature under the floor surface corresponds to the to ensure the credibility of the simulation output.
The calibrated model is then used to assess full data set of measurements with a time step of one hour has floor surface temperature and that the relative humidity has the efect of active and passive measures on damage potential and energy demand under the been available since Due to the lack of data on air inluence of a changing climate. Thanks to the measurements , the observed determined to be adequate in the validation process.
As for the prediction of indoor temperature and relative humidity. This method can only be ap- damage could be linked to condensation that occurs mainly in there is no regular service in the church, heat and moisture plied when all necessary measured values are available for the parameterisation of the model. In some simulation- But the simulation performance of this method is higher and therefore faster.
Altogether 15 simulations were ferent time periods to produce indoor climate and indoor climate risk maps. This could cause problems for valuable interior arti- Model veriication facts that are sensitive to high RH luctuations.
The measurements of indoor climate from the years and Simulations of scenario A1B predict increasing indoor temperatures were used to validate the simulation output. Statistical parameters for the mean, maximum and minimum statistical parameters of Another method for controlling indoor relative humidity is show a high correlation between measured and simulated data, about 0.
At the same time, the conservation heating. Here, an additional heating device with with a correlation coeicient of 0. In addition to the statistical evaluation of indoor climate pa- model to control relative humidity through indoor temperature. By comparing the data, rameters, an indoor damage and risk assessment was performed. This where the simulated relative humidity is systematically lower than were collected which describe climate-induced damage processes method was able to limit maximum relative humidity throughout in the measured data.
These damage functions cover bio- the whole year. They were applied on Furthermore, the accuracy of the simulation model was checked the simulated future indoor climates of the Roggersdorf church with Conclusions according to conservation demands by applying the criteria pro- the following results: a very small risk of mould growth can be ob- The simulations of the St.
Margaretha church in Roggersdorf show posed by [2]. Temperature showed excellent accuracy between served, nevertheless the simulated indoor climate can still be con- that hygrothermal building simulation is capable of producing re- simulation results and measured data and an acceptable accu- sidered as safe. Possible damage could arise as indoor climate condi- liable indoor climate data which fulils the high accuracy require- racy in relative humidity, which is visualised in the quantile-quan- tions are favourable for insect growth.
Possible mechanical damage ments of conservators. The simulation results can be used for an tile scatterplots in Figure 2. By combining both indoor climate is predicted for panel paintings and wooden sculptures. Lacquered in-depth assessment of historic buildings and their interior.
No chemical damages of pa- dicted future climate can also be applied, which helps prepare historic buildings for the challenges of climate change. Possible y of the examined days. The results of the damage and risk assessment were almost identical for both climatic scenarios mitigation strategies and their impact on the building as well as Figure 2: Quantile-quantile scatterplots of measured and simulat- and also remained at the same level for both time periods.
Margaretha church in diferent mitigation strategies were discussed. Holm, A. As a consequence, behaviour of rooms: combining thermal building simulation and hy- 20 90 the installation of a controlled ventilation system, which adapts grothermal envelope calculation.
To ference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Aug Measurements Measurements The future indoor climate prediction is based on the two climat- 10 70 assess the possibilities and limitations of this system, hygro- 2. Kilian R. From April to November, especially in the run-up from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, which uses the 40 to the critical spring period, relative and absolute humidity can -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 40 50 60 70 80 90 scenarios as input for modelling all climate parameters relevant Calculation Calculation be reduced through a ventilation system.
No ventilation actions for hygrothermal building simulations. This single zone is 1. Martens and Henk L. Schellen displayed in Tables I and II. However, there is simulation wall wall mm, wall mm, mm, cavity, HAMBase. The latter consists of 16 diferent building zone plastered plastered insulation on the insulation mm, still a lack of maps of indoor climate performance parameters.
HAMBase inside mm, brick mm, types made up of 4 levels of envelopes LoE and 4 levels plastered plastered of climate control Lo C from [4]. Museum relative humidity; 3 mean heating demand; 4 mean cool- Glazing Single Double Double low-e Double low-e models ing demand; 5 mean humidiication demand; 6 mean de- Classiication Figure 1: Visualisation of the proposed methodology Iniltration 1 h-1 0.
This gives a total of use and indoor climate. Interpretation of mean demand is the mean pow- three recent developments. Each development is introduced validation results of the whole building model HAMBase are re- er W over a period of 30 years regardless of the seasons. Please note 20 heating ; stations; secondly, a multi-zone energy model, representing a 1. So 1W also 22 cooling wide range of buildings; and thirdly, the availability of hourly senting a wide range of museums [4] represents To be The construction of the building depends on QoE: walls, glaz- dicators based on European weather stations [6] able to assess the inluence of Quality of Envelope QoE and ing and iniltration rate caused by leakages in the envelope, all This paper presents a methodology and results for obtaining Level of Control LoC , this room layout is put into the simu- change when improving the thermal quality of the envelope.
The layout is based on common museum exhi- Set-points depend on LoC. The available capacity for heat- spread over the whole of Europe.
The whole-building model bition room speciications as encountered in several of the ing, cooling, humidiication and dehumidiication is set to an used for the simulations originates from the thermal indoor researched museums; this room is located in the corner of unrealistically high value to make sure set-points are actually climate model ELAN which was already published in [8].
The room consists of a single zone, 10 m long, achieved; this is deliberately chosen to stress the inluence For example W and a building volume of m3 equals about The current hourly-based model HAMBase, is part of the Heat, 10 m wide and 3.
The ceiling, loor, north and east on energy use. Air and Moisture Laboratory [2], and is capable of simulating walls are adiabatic, which means that the zone is connected to multi-zone HAMBase model, thus providing a very eicient way the indoor temperature, the indoor air humidity and energy use other zones which are identical in behaviour but not part of the of simulating all variants simultaneously.
A year with hourly Furthermore, for all power calculations related with the indoor for heating and cooling a multi-zone building. The physics of simulation. HVAC system. For example for dehumidiication most systems recent past RP , i.
Therefore, it is clear, that a lot more energy may be future NF and far future FF energy demands for Euro- Figure 2: The total energy use in far future FF minus the recent past 2. As already discussed, we produced maps. These lope LoE. The colour blue represents less expected energy needed in 3. Sensitivity studies with the Re- maps will become publicly available on the Climate for Cul- the future, the colour red represents more expected energy needed in gional Climate Model REMo.
Meteorology and Atmospheric ture website [1]. Figure 2 presents one of the main results the future. The brighter the colour, the higher the value. Physics, 63, pp. Martens, M. Here the highest diferences 6. Building and Environment 23, pp. By using a classiication of monumental Figure 2 buildings and museums, the inluence of level of control and level of envelope on the performance indicators can be visualised. The irst step involved a process of model veriication. This was done with the aim of developing a real- Anastasios Markopoulos istic modelled representation of the indoor hygrothermal con- ditions measured in the two buildings studied.
A sensitivity analysis of a range of building parameters was carried out to Interest in the conservation of historic buildings is growing due palace built in the 12th century and later transformed into a site determine the level of correlation between the measured and to concern over the risk of damage to both the material integri- resembling a stately home by the Archbishop of Canterbury in predicted indoor hygrothermal conditions and which factors ty of the building construction and the items they house.
Mois- It is recognised as one of the most fragile properties in indicated the greatest inluence on indoor hygrothermal con- ture is one of the most prevalent causes of damage in historic the National Trust collection and houses sculptures, historical ditions.
Comparison was drawn between the two sets of data buildings, which can erode and rot aging building materials [1]. Two unheated zones on the using a set of statistical criteria to assess the level of modelling In tackling the issue of moisture in historic buildings, a prior- irst loor of the East range of the building were modelled. The accuracy achieved.
Following this initial model veriication pro- ity should be evaluating the use of prospective conservation building structure itself is complex and designed around several cedure, the accepted models were then simulated using future strategies that could improve indoor moisture control, whilst courtyards. Its composition is a mixture of mass stone wall and climate change scenarios.
The third stage of the tions over a period of centuries [2]. Adverse response to newly ing extended; and single glazing is used throughout. A recent ive-year programme was initiated focus- project. Using the predicted indoor air temperature and rela- tion in the construction [3]. This damage has been observed in in the previous step, the risk of damage could be assessed. Fi- hygrothermal performance of historic buildings.
There was particular interest in in- allowed for a range of building parameters to be looked at as part The second building investigated was the Greek-inspired Palladi- vestigating the use of a conservation heating system at Knole of the hygrothermal assessment process. These included occu- an-style chapel located on the Gibside estate. This was originally House.
The use of conservation heating, and its development pancy, ventilation and the introduction of building conservation designed by James Paine during the Georgian era and inally in National Trust properties, continues to grow in light of the strategies, including external wall insulation and conservation completed in under the estate ownership of John Lyon.
Its recent commitment made to reducing the use of fossil fuels for heating. In addition tion climate change scenarios with building simulation models, carrying a pediment surmounted by a parapet with four urns [6]. An additional and a combination of tiled and carpeted looring. The over- Sevenoaks, Kent conditions arising in the indoor environment.
The irst is Knole House, a medieval applied in the building. The second was testing a the measured and predicted indoor climate conditions for the conservation heating system combined with ceiling and external majority of the statistical criteria speciied as part of this project. The third was adding insulation to the loor level. These included the maximum and minimum values, median, to- Having applied the RH and T setpoint guidelines provided by the tal range, correlation coeicient and 1st and 99th percentiles.
Having carried out this initial veriication process, it conservation heating alone. With increased indoor temperatures was found that the air change rate was the dominant factor driv- predicted in future climate change scenarios, however, the ef- ing the indoor hygrothermal conditions, a result which has previ- fectiveness of RH control supplied by the conser vation heating ously been veriied in other studies at Knole, due to air leakage system may be reduced.
Park, S. Initial indoor air and material hygrothermal con- Guidance, Chapt. By using the mod- 3. Neuhaus, S. Knole, Kent; The House, Conservation and Management Plan, Vol- mechanical damage to timber and salt crystallisation, although it ume [2]: Appendix 3 Gazetteer is emphasised that this is site-speciic and relative to the model- 6. Interim Policy Advice 17 Conservation Area Character State- ling assumptions made during the veriication process. The pre- ments, Strategies and Policy Guidelines; Gateshead UDP: Re-de- dicted increase of indoor air temperature also suggested a reduc- posit Draft Replacement Plan tion in the heating demand, which was of speciic interest in the 7.
A simulation study was con- port Mitigation and adaptation strategies diative heating in historic buildings. Along with the sustainability objectives concerning the expected rise of energy needs and costs, a lot of attention was also paid to the applicability of renewable energies to historic buildings.
The above mentioned aspects are addressed in more detail in section 3. An overarching goal of the Climate for Culture project is to pro- The next key objective of the project was to develop indoor climate control strategies for the mote eicient energy use in historic buildings. We irstly as- optimal control of relative humidity and temperature in typical historic buildings and exhibi- sessed how indoor climate and energy demand is afected by tions.
In this research ield, several new concepts have been proposed utilising the mathemati- climate change. We then developed new strategies and techni- cal models and damage functions. The key objective of the methods was to achieve a risk-free cal solutions for energy-eicient climate control and compared environment under minimised energy consumption. These methods, as well as classical ap- them with state of the art solutions.
Historic buildings without proaches have been implemented on a low cost controller, which can be applied to switching on any climate control are vulnerable to climate change because in- and of the indoor climate control devices dehumidiiers, humidiiers, heaters, coolers, ventila- door climate is strongly inluenced by outdoor climate and the tors , both portable and permanent. The simulation based analysis was also supple- a new energy demand.
More detailed information on the topics mentioned here can be found will be afected: it may either increase or decrease. Section 3. A study on the Brezice Figure 1 Renatus Chapel in Germany are presented. Portable dehumidiiers allow for lexible 3.
We can see that energy suited to a historic environment. A system of central dehumidi- question is energy supply. Un- an assessment of the applicability of renewable energy sources, er the energy demand for cooling and dehumidiication is expected less the building already has air ducts, the installation tends to such as solar energy, heat pumps, wind power etc.
The overall energy demand, shown in the map on the be expensive and intrusive. Simulation experiments show that buildings. Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly im- right, shows a distinct geographic pattern where overall energy humidity control is a very energy-eicient mitigation measure. In the context of the Climate for Culture project, the south of the Alps. This is only one example; the results will be difer- signed ranges of relative humidity. In addition to considering introduction of renewable energy can be both a preventive and ent for other types of buildings.
The introduction of renewable energy will adjustment , we studied the possibility of considering loating obviously reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the 3. This will be addressed in change will have an efect on the energy demand for climate con- efect on the energy demand for indoor climate control, we section 3. Humidistatic heating, or conserva- cost-efective solution for climate control aiming to mitigate the mising the energy demand.
Passive strategies. The basic strategy for stabilising the indoor keep the relative humidity below given limits. The tempera- Figure 2a climate in a historic building should be to minimise the inlu- ture is continuously adjusted and not controlled to a constant 3.
Humidistatic heating has been used for many years No single strategy or solution exists that can be used to mitigate the building envelope. Passive control is determined by the in- to maintain a moderate relative humidity in historic houses the efects of climate change on all buildings.
It depends on the sulation, air tightness and hygrothermal bufering of the build- in winter [4]. A peculiar aspect of humidistatic heating is that type and use of the building as well as geographic location. This ing envelope. Case studies within the project and simulations it is sometimes required to heat in summer in order to keep part of the project has provided new knowledge that will allow end show how the indoor climate can be stabilised by reducing the the RH at an acceptable medium level.
This may cause un- users to better select appropriate solutions for a speciic building air exchange and by reducing solar heat gain from windows. Active strategies. If active climate control is needed, it should tion [5]. An increased temperature will generally increase the aim to control the indoor climate as energy-eicient as possi- absolute humidity in the building causing an unwanted posi- A case study example.
In the next 50 years the outdoor climate ble regarding given climate requirements. We assessed these tive feedback. Degradation of organic materials due to hy- in most of Scandinavia is expected to be warmer and more humid.
The en- Timber buildings that so far have done well without any climate and have made a cross comparison of their energy consumption ergy consumption for humidistatic heating is relatively high, control will face new threats. Insects such as woodworm will mi- using the building simulation software [1] [3]. There was par- due to poor thermal insulation and a high iniltration rate, as grate north. Unheated or intermittently heated stone buildings ticular focus on controlling relative humidity while only inter- conirmed by a simulation-based comparison conducted by such as churches and castles will be exposed to higher risks of mittent heating ie.
Gen- Humidity control. Humidity control is performed by releasing erally, dehumidiication is more energy-eicient unless heat Experimental setup for indoor climate control using water vapour into the air. If the RH is too low, humidiication pumps are used; an air-to-air heat pump will typically reduce adaptive ventilation at Skokloster Castle, Sweden Figure 2: At Skokloster Castle in Sweden, diferent climate control is achieved by either injecting steam into the air or evaporat- energy demand by two thirds.
For large buildings, humidistatic Figure 2b strategies have been tested and compared. If the RH is too high, dehumidiication heating with heat pump technology seems to be the most ener- is achieved by removing water vapour from the air via either gy eicient measure, unless the thermal insulation is very poor.
The applicability of For small buildings dehumidiication is more eicient unless the dehumidiication in historic buildings depends on whether the building is very leaky. Staniforth, S. It is a heavy stone and brick building, completed in Housed in Historic Buildings. Preventive Humidistatic: Practice, Larsen, P. Museum Mi- The issue of sustainable management of the indoor climate in place in the layers of wooden material if the relative humidity is The results indicate that the following energy-eicient strategy croclimates, Contributions to the conference in Copenhagen, historic buildings has received considerable attention in the last kept within the determined variation boundaries.
Further ex- can be used to prevent mould growth: November The National Museum of Denmark, pp. The main motivation for this lies in the increase of en- tension then takes into account dynamics of moisture sorption ergy costs as well as the demand for improving the conditions and the stress related to its gradient across the material layers.
Improve passive control by reducing air exchange in historic buildings where an invaluable part of cultural herit- Including the model of sorption dynamics in the control algo- 2.
Use adaptive ventilation as primary active control as it has age is stored. Even considerably increased demands for energy rithm, a further relaxation of the safe boundaries of relative the lowest energy demand. Existing lue pipes can be used eiciency and sustainability in the cultural heritage sector can humidity could be achieved.
As illustrated by simulation mod- to minimise visible installations. Adaptive ventilation may not be suicient in late summer pacts as well as expected further rising energy costs. In order to dehumidiication can be reduced by more than one third com- and early autumn. Use a dehumidiier controlled with re- follow this trend, new concepts for controlling relative humid- pared to the control with ixed relative humidity ranges.
Conservation heating generally has the highest energy the Climate for Culture project. Instead of following ixed limits Natural indoor climate luctuations control. The following three methods have been particu- which in general should not change substantially if the control 1. Antretter, Florian; Kosmann, Sarah; Kilian, Ralf; Holm, Andreas; larly investigated within these activities of the Climate for Cul- is introduced, for the motivation, see also [4].
Thus, the set-points ronment Via Hygrothermal Building Simulation. In: Freitas, V. Building Pathology and Durability. Building Pathology and Reha- one of the main tasks of preventive conservation is to pro- In order to project the guidelines of the standard EN [5] bilitation, Vol. Berlin [u. In Proc. Developments in Climate content. This objective has been targeted in the equal-sorption key ideas. First, due to causality reasons, the central moving av- Control of Historical Buildings.
Edited by Kilian R. The method takes erage applied in the standard was replaced by the simple mov- Brostrom T. Next, in order to keep the natural variability of the therms, which are usually neglected in common climate control. As demonstrated in in cultural heritage buildings, Climate for Collections – Standards previously addressed in [2]. As a key result, allowable variations [6] and [7] by using simulation experiments, energy consump- and Uncertainties, Ashley-Smith, Jonathan; Burmester, Andreas; of relative humidity from its nominal set-point value have been tion can be reduced signiicantly in comparison to conventional Eibl, Melanie; eds , Archetype Publications, London.
As presented in [3], only elastic deformations take methods. This model describes the hygro- the analysis of various control system installations. For example, functionalities, a module for indoor climate risk assessment and thermal behaviour of mould spores allowing for the prediction diferent control techniques conservation heating, controlled control has been proposed and implemented within the exDSS of mould growth based on surface temperatures and RH.
The ventilation, dehumidiication were installed and cross-com- SW application [9] developed for the purposes of the project. They must exist simultaneously for a certain period Gotland Sweden. The concept for controlled ventilation in the parts: of time. These diagrams describe the germination times Palace Germany were proposed and tested by building simula- Part 1: Future outlook.
This part indicates how the indoor cli- or growth rates. The resulting lowest boundary lines of possi- tion software. The performance of a newly installed controlled mate and risks related to the indoor climate might change in the ble fungus activity are called Lowest Isopleth for Mould. Taking ventilation system in St. This is deined by into account the exponential function decrease of relative hu- conservation heating control system in St.
Renatus Germany Figure 1 key characteristics, such as thermal inertia of the walls, glassing midity with increasing temperature in the lowest isopleth, the were monitored within the project activities. In addition to the simulation 3. This part see the decision tree in Fig. Using this tech- trot programmable controller. Various sub-modules can be add- nique, the most risky zones in the chapel have been identiied. Local problem Part 3: Indoor climate control methods. For this purpose, the information received Mould Movable year data?
The con- tion-based indoor climate control.
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