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[Step by Step Windows R2 Remote Desktop Services – Part 1 | msfreaks

Home network Choose this network for home networks or when you know and trust the people and devices on the network. Computers on a home network can belong to a home group. Network discovery is turned on for home networks, which allows you to see other computers and devices on the network and allows other network users to see your computer. Work network Choose this network for small office or other workplace networks. Network discovery, which allows you to see other computers and devices on a network and allows other network users to see your computer, is on by default, but you cannot create or join a home group.
Public network Choose this network for public places such as coffee shops or airports. This location is designed to keep your computer from being visible to other computers and to help protect your computer from malicious software from the Internet. Home group is not available on public networks, and network discovery is turned off. You should also choose this option if you’re connected directly to the Internet without using a router, or if you have a mobile broadband connection.
Domain Choose this network for domains such as those at enterprise workplaces. This type of network location is controlled by your network administrator, and it cannot be selected or changed. After Remote Web Access is turned on, you can set up a domain name for your server that is running Windows Server Essentials. This is a necessary step if you plan to use Remote Web Access from a remote computer.
Domain names overview. Understand Microsoft personalized domain names. Use a new or existing domain name. Set up a domain name. Choose a domain name service provider. Choose a domain name. Choose a domain name prefix. Choose a domain name extension. Update or upgrade your domain name service. Export or import your certificate on your server. Set up a domain name manually. Find your domain name service provider. A domain name uniquely identifies your server on the Internet.
Domain names consist of at least two parts: a top level domain name TLD and a second level domain name.
For example, in contoso. While you are away from your office, you can use your domain name to access shared files on the server or computers on the network. You can also manage your server when you are away. For example, you register contoso. When you are away from your office, you can open a web browser on your laptop and type contoso.
A custom domain name for Remote Web Access for example, yourhostname. Your domain name is associated with your public IP address. To integrate a Microsoft personalized domain name with your server, you need a Microsoft account formerly known as a Windows Live ID. If you do not have a Microsoft account, you can sign up for one at the Microsoft Hotmail website. Windows Live allows special characters in your Microsoft account password that the server does not support. If you use a Microsoft personalized domain, ensure that your Microsoft account password contains only characters that the server supports.
To automatically set up your domain name on a server running Windows Server Essentials, you must use a domain name service provider that is listed in the Set Up Your Domain Name Wizard. You may choose to get a new domain name or use an existing domain name. Do one of the following:.
If you want to get a new domain name from one of the domain name service providers that are listed in the wizard, click I want to set up a new domain name. If you have an existing domain name that you purchased from one of the supported domain name service providers, you can use the Set Up Your Domain Name Wizard to set up the domain name for your server.
You must provide the user name and password that you used to purchase the domain name. If you have an existing domain name that you purchased from a domain name service provider that is not supported by Windows Server Essentials, and you want to use the Set Up Your Domain Name Wizard to set up the domain name for your server, you can transfer the domain name to one of the domain name service providers listed in the wizard.
Click I want to use a domain name I already own , type the domain name in the Domain Name text box, and then follow the instructions on the domain name service provider’s website to transfer the domain name. When you turn on Remote Web Access, you can choose to set up the Internet domain name of the server. Follow the instructions to complete the wizard. If you do not already own a domain name and certificate, the wizard helps you find a domain name provider to purchase a domain name and certificate, or you can get a personalized Microsoft domain name.
You should choose a domain name service provider that supports the domain name extension that you want to use. View All Virtual Labs. View All Tech Journeys. Windows Server Preview. Evaluations days. Windows Server Windows Server Essentials. Hyper-V Server Evaluations Unlimited. Windows Admin Center. Windows Server R2. Windows Server R2 Essentials.
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Community Last Visited:. The My Server app lets you connect to resources and perform light administrative tasks on your Windows Server Essentials server from your Windows-based PC, laptop, or Surface device. With the expanded My Server R2 app, you can connect to the server or client computers by using Remote Desktop.
For information about installing and using these apps, see Use the My Server App. The My Server Windows app for Windows Phone for Windows Server and the My Server R2 app for Windows Phone for Windows Server Essentials are designed to help you stay seamlessly connected to your servers through smart phones while working at remote locations.
This is one of the various ways to access Windows Server Essentials after you configure your server for remote access.
Install My Server for Windows Phone. All of these things can be done the traditional way – static IP address from the ISP, register a proper public domain name, purchase an SSL certificate. You may get a better answer to your question by starting a new discussion.
Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Best Answer. Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional. Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert. View this “Best Answer” in the replies below ».
Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users’ IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Br d This person is a verified professional. Br d wrote: I’m pretty sure that is a feature of the Standard and higher license and not available with essentials. It was included in Essentials up until when they removed it among other features.
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replace.me › en-us › download › details. Windows Server Essentials Connector is software that helps you connect your PC or Mac client to Windows Server R2 with the Windows.