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Windows 10 1703 download iso itar tassel ridge
The next day she struck a violent storm. She tried to anchor. The six men who were on board launched a dory and set out to row to St. For five days they were In the small boat without food or water, and they were nearly dead when they arrived at St.
Michael ye»terday. Vance, Commlaeloner of Education for. Alaeka, and Mr. Frank Waskey. She was delayed hy running out Of fuel. Iti ears wsra tnspsetsd. Of these l. TH«r« were in sight thla aomlnt for in’apactton 1. The ap- peal Is from a decision of the commis- sioner of May The appeal will be heard by the cabinet shortly.
The Grand Trunk Pacific has a town- site of 1, acres purchased from the Dominion and British Columbia Govern- ments, where It has laid out a proposed city, and the railway wants the station on Its property.
The railway applied for a site for a station on the reserve on January 4. This was approved on March The Natural Resources Company then objected and asked for a re-hearlng, which was granted, and on May 14 the old order was rescinded and a new order made, fixing the station site on the property on the Natural.
The Grand Trunk Pacific in Its appeal to the Privy Council claims that the Railway Commission gave undue weight to the representations made on behalf of the Security Company as to the extent and character of the expenditures It has made, and the development work done.
The O. Its arrival was greeted with cheers by thousands of persons Who lined the quays. The strikers themselves unloaded the relief ship, the first work they had done for a month.
They carried the food to sheds, where hundreds of stewards dis- tributed It to the eagerly awaltmg peo- ple, each of whom received a package containing rations weighing twenty pounds.
It was a four-storey building, filled with whitewear and dreesgoods. Is spoken of as a’salf-mada man. I9 «n. Besides the four Belfast regiments, each of them commanded by a retired rmy officer or mllltla officer, the Ulster war staff. A child on the sidewalk was slightly w. If we are driven to It. I and “-. Btft, ‘ tt. C, Sept. Vast State Xnooxne “The tariff bill, in which the law is embodied, will not be signed until next week and the first retvims do not have to be made to the Internal Revenue Col- lectors before March 1, Vl- ready the water.
Within a few days. It is confidently hoped, it will be prac- ticable to pass vessels of any size through the locks, though the exact date will be a matter for the decision of the engineers in charge. The lug Gatun was again pas. The operation consumed a little more than one hour and a half, compared With two hours yesterday.
Xioeka Are ruiaft The operations were conducted with groat care, and everything went through, according to schedule.
The three chambjrji,unp? At that time the sea gate was swunjr and a moment later the tug, which had been in readiness all day In the ap- proach channel turned Us head toward the entrance. As the vessel passed Iniflde the lower icck Chamber, a mighty cheer went up tioni the assembled thousands that U’ icd the lock walls, the tug’s whistle was blown loud and long, and all tha whistles In the neighborhood Joined in.
The first large vessel that will be passed through the Gatun Locks will probably be a canal dredge on October 9. This Is due to I the clearing up of the cut earlier than had been expected. The Pope yesterday disobeyed the doctor’s order.
After blessing the French and BrasiUan pilgrims, he smllliKly rejected the eAtreatlaa of the cardinals to return to his apartments and said he preferred to listen to the Kaods playing the National Anthem. It waa This is the of- ficlsl announcement coming from tha C. It is this condition which makes a diamond bought here an indestructible investmenjt. Our prices are the same as last year. For price and full par- ticulars, apply to A. Factory and Office.
Phone Btatenient at the Imperlo: Conferenee that he did not do. His attitude was a nattiral con. And because we have made no conce. Borden may change his method without changing his principle. Just as Aus- tralia was? Such « meastii-e would be, to all intents and purposes, an act of war. Orangcme:i laugh at the threats to tie up the post offlre. The Inauguration of thin fund has al- ready affected the f. Severn 1 Inqviirle. A quotation of 10 gislneas per cent, or somf like amount, ia the Only one recordeil.
Verbatim nn! He said the proposed provisional govern- moni would be treated by the banks In tho ennio way they would treat a. Regarding tlic suggested conference of tlie political parties, he said that pro- vided the prlrvclplo cf Home Rule was iciepted by their political dpponfnts, the Clovernment would be ready to enter the confi5rencc nnd ready to nejiotlate upon the qtiestlon of greater represen- tation for I’lstcr in the Irish Parlia- ment. They would also listen favorably to proposals giving I’lstcr absolute ;cni.
They could have li put Into words BO as to remove all doubt and timidity on the pSrt of Ulster people. He reJoic? The Ulster people have been arming themselves for a year. They would resist with the sime arms. I believe, nn attempt by the Government ti force Home Rule upon them. The Inter-Ocean will say tomorrom’: “It wt»« the one subject in which the world-famous newspaper publisher of England evinced a deep concern. These people are thoroughly arm»d to resist su’-h a thing.
I do not cxaofit It. Mil- lar, of Saanlch, warned the Eaqulmnit board thit much as he Uoped they would b. The dedicatory prayer wa« offered by the Rev. Raugh-Allen and the bles. Blrcii to the nuist success. William Pauline, and also tii« first prirre for general profici- ency. The second prize was presented to Hugh Meckay, «.
Including Slii- i;Oy. Xext with his mac lne in a normal position, he snared upward, and then, with an eagle’s swoop downward, turned two complete somersaults In the air. Each loop descrlbCKl a circle of about one hundred and ten yards In cir- cumference. The sppctatorH wore thrilled by his amazing nntl’-s. Pegoud In describing hi. SO per cent can be paid to the Indians direct. Thanks to the presence of Mr, DItchburn, their opposi- tion wa.
In speaking of the transaction this evening, Mr. Tate said that ncrthlng re- mained to be done In order to secure possession of the land except to receive the title from the Dominion Govern- ment and the consent of the Provincial Government to the transfer. He paid tribute to the ability of Mr. DItchburn and to his valuable assistance In the bringing the nogotl.
There are. Including the mountain, 1, acres affected by the transfer. The area It required for terminals and town- site purposes. Tate said that the company proposed to dredge out the harbor and deposit the material on the lower stretches of th? Ha believes that. Vewport can be made an Important harbor and shipping point. Vt- drlnes. Queen Wll- iielmlna, of the. Vctherlands, In the »1 eech from the throm- on the opening of the Dutch Parliament, gald that a measure would be Introduced for the reclamation of the Zuyder Zee.
The Zuyder Zee was originally a lake, and the scheme Is to make It so again by constructing a great dyke across the entrance to the Zuyder Zee. This scheme will not totich the centre of the Zee, which will lints return to its former condition of a lake.
If the Dutch Chambers sanction it the work will bo carried on by means of a public loan In the Netherlands. No careful ijresser can afTord to neglect seeing our Fall showing of “20th Century” garments.
They have that correct, style appearance which the man or young man of moderate means so much desires but could never obtain until “20th Century” came to the fore. At no time should such great care be exer- cised as in childhood. The future walk, carriage and grace of your boy or girl depends largely on the selec- tion of footwear throughout the formative period of life.
Then you’ll be sure of getting Ham just nicely proportioned in fat and lean, with the fat distributed throughout the meat, mild cured. Price Per lb. Ladies’ Hand Bags Leather and silk embroidered from 50C up to. We guarantee all our Suits tofit. The washboard surfaces on the bottom and sides of the machlnu add very materially o Its value. The rubblr. Motors For Sale One 75 H. Mac’Donalci, who has charge of the rock blasting, and a trained staff, havo been working for several days at ttie Songheos Rock, drilling and placing the necessary explosives, and the large amount of rock removed by the blast was in a largo measure due to the care with which the different charges wore plai-ed In position.
The new orange peel dredg’e has been in operation for the last week, and has lifted the rocks that are too large for the dredges Ajax and Mudlark to handle. Then vmi can readily understand what you ire guaranteed. Perfection in ALL parts has been the Unswerving policy of the manufacturers throughout its.
Gideon Hicks? Double slilfts have been if operation on the plant for the last twelve monlhs, and the engineers In charge predict that before tne comple- tion of tlie present work ships of much deeper draught will be able to enter the Inner Harbor than has ever been possi- ble before.
During his recent visit to Victoria, H’on. Robert Rogers’ evinced particular interest in the harbor work, and as- sured Mr. Barnard that every as- si. Nelson, Dominion Superin- tendent of Dredges, arc co-operating for tlip advancement of the work, and botli of these officials yesterday expressed themselves as satisfied with the progress made up ‘o the present.
Mac- I. This store was established with that. In some manner, provide fire pro- tection for that portion of the rural niunjclpality which lies along the city bcundary, and which Is btiiig rapidly settled, was considered yesterday at a meeting at which Alderman’ W.
Ful- lerton, ch. Davis will be sub- mitted to the City Council at tomorrC’w night’s meeting, to the effect that to adequately supply protection to the dis- trict named will renuire the Instnlln lion of a piece of motor apparatus at the Dunodin Street flro hall. HorBC-drawn apparatus, In view of the largo extent of territory to be covered, would not, the report will state, prove adequate.
If the City Council approval of the recommendations of its cmnmlttee they will be forwarded to the Saanlch Coun- cil for consideration. Herbert L. Wright, president of the association, presided. Samuel has been touring Canada for the past six weeks. He will go Eaat through the United States shortly. Hermann 8. Merln«, C. Boston, Mass. The publlo Is cordially In- vited to be present No collection. STrtffr ‘ear. The black chiffon over colored embroidery.
Check them off, then pinch your. And there are scores of other notables that arc doing tlie same — and what are these men doing? It is a case of satisfaction with them, and Royal Clothes satisfy. Get in line, your Majesty. A Royal tape, line is awaiting -you at ipencc-Doherty’s. If Royal tail- oring pleases these men, who can and do deiiiand the world’s best, it should please you.
Royal Tailoring Sefii at Wc invite comparison of values and prices. Our guarantee of “goods as represented or money refunded,” protects you absolutely. Free :packing and shipping. Dresser and Stand. V neat Dresser of fir, well finished in early Fnglish ; British plate b’evelcd mirror And three draw’ers, with washstand to match. Golden quarter-cut Oak Dresser Top 21 X Mirror 22 x Two small and two large drawers. Neat designs at low prices. Zht Sails dTxrliOrnirf.
Eitabllnhrd lltS. The Colonl»l rrlntlne and Publl»hlnj Company. I-lmlted Ualjlllty. Subeorlbera In ordering chance of ad- dreaa ihould be pellicular to cive both new and old addreea. As the census for gave the population as a little In excess of ,, Bp the estimate of the cost of our educational system at J15 for every man, woman and child In the Province is very nearly arcuratc. While the outlay on these must increase very rapidly in the future as population increases, we think that the cost of our educational ayatem.
Toung was rtsrht when he. George E. Foster Illuminates every subject he touches. Tliose wlio had the opportunity of conversing with him on his arrival In Vict rla from his Southern and Oriental tour, know how profoumily Imprenaei1 he whs with his obsciMations in China and Japan. We shall publisU the. Foster’s thought Is that we piust learn to understand the Orient. Robert Rogers was shown the plans for the improvement of To- ronto harbor and told tliat the work would take ten years, he said; “Why not flvc years?
If we can do It In live, whafs the use of wasting five more? Vmerlcan contemp’rary wants to know why women cannot have some- thing to.
Prolmbly for the same rea- son that men cannot. A man wears the sort of coat the tailor tells him to. The only difference is that his fashions do not change so often or over so wide a range.
Another branch bank opens for busi- ness in Victoria tomorrow morning. The charge is being freely made In well-informed circles that the real Influ- ence, behind the Balkan huwtlllttes was ii powerful ring of manufacturers, who make munitions of war. We see no reason why Victoria’s an- nual Exhibition should not become an event of very mu.
The outstanding fact of the week Is that th« attendance one day reached the hitherto unprecedented figure of 20,, and only a small proportion of those present were attracted by the sorry series of spec- tacles miscalled horse races.
There arc other means of entertaining visitors, such as have proved so very successful in Toronto. One of the lessons of the Exhibition Is that the people will attend If it Is made worth attending. Another Interesting lesson Is that, al- though this Is a so-called dull season In Victoria, tile thousands of people on the Fair grounds were all well dressed, looked prosperous and. It is.
The police, under the able command of Chief Langley, did splendid service. Similar remarks apply to those In charge of the street-car service. The crowds were tran. Not a single complaint ha:?
George Jay, Chairman of the Board of. School Trustees, spoke of the necessity of co-operation between the several boards of Victoria, Oak Bay.
He says that tlii. Both these suggestions apppiir very useful. We are not advised if any legislation would be required In either case, although we feel very sure that It would not be In respect to truant officers. There may be some doubt as to the Jurisdiction of th. We commend Mr. The suggestion tfiit’ take a plebiscite on the rule of the road and that there should be legislation to give effect to their decision, if it should be In favor of turning to the right.
Is needles. We should suppose that thev, of all people, would see th« desirability of passing horse-drawn vehicles on the driver’s side. The reason given for the proposed change Is that visitors usually turn to the right, but It is surely bet- ter that they should Irarn our ways than that we should learn theirs.
Therefore, as a driver should ait on the right, he should turn to the left. There cannot be two practices, one for the motorists and one for the drivers of horse-drawn vehicles, and as all the arguments are against a change as to the latter, there is no rea- son at all for making a change In re- spect to the former. The action of the Admiralty In deter- mining upon dispatching a.
A recent London correspondent dwells at some length upon the report that Greece Is to strengthen her navy vcr. After stating that both. AuBlria and Italy are stronger In the Mediterranean than ever, tha cor- respondent goes on to say; The announcement of the Government In. H may be years before the Greek fleet Is of any Importance, it must be years before it can be of much importance, and during those years many things may happen.
Nevertheless, the Greek fleet, if all goes well with the country, will be a factor to he taken into consideration probably within the next decade, and It must bause not merely a new distribu- tion of naval power in the Mediter- ranean, but new political entanglements. Heretofore, Greece has had nothing to fear at the eastern end of the Mediter- ranean, and so long as she kept on good terms with Franco and ilal.
Her immense expanse of roast render. The French fleet Is proportionately weaker than It was a generation ago, but it is being gradually strengthened, and possesses a valuable base at Marseilles and another at Blxerta. In view of what la transpiring in and around this «reat ae;i. It seems evident that the burden which the United Kingdom will have to bear Is viiy llValy to. This Is u very regrettable state of things.
Recently a person who has occasion to employ a large number of men. How exicpjlve thi. It is in part the outgrowth of the pernicious notion that it is tlie duty of the munici- pality to provide work within Its bor- ders for all who wish to have it In part It arises out of a not wholly un- natural desire on the part of men to work In town in preference to out of town, and, possibly, though we have not heard this alleged, to the conditions un- der which some out Of town work has to be done.
We suppose there Is no way in which men can be compelled to igo out of town to. Pendray was a great shock to the community In which he has lived long and was highly esteem- ed, and to the prosperity of which he has contributed much.
Whether as 8 citizen, a member of the business com- munity, an ; earnest church worker, or in the more intimate associations of his home, his sterling qualities were al- ways in evidence. He spent a busy life in Victoria, and from modest be- ginnings built up a fine business.
He seemed to be only fairly entering his field of usefulness, for he wu. Jtemember that re,:»istra tlon for the Provincial and Federal elections will close on October 6.
Pankhurst would be o. The KInc of Greece Ik not as. He did good ficrvlce a. If Ih estimated that the coltnn crop of the Hnlted States will be worth a million dollars this year.
It is announced that Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Is to explore South America. In that continent there is abundant scope for the most daring adventurer.
States that an income tax was unconstitutional. The Constitution has not been altered; all that has happened is that the Su- preme Court changed It. The Governor of the Canal Zone sees a great future for the city of Panama. He says: “Panama, in my opinion, is destined to be one of the greatest sea- ports of the earth. Here will be erected huge bonded warehouses for the distri- bution to other countries of products from every corner of the world, bhips sailing under every flag will anchor in this beautiful harbor, and where today Is a romantic old Spanish city, to- morrow will be a magnificent metropolis In, I hope, a republic that will be as near as humanly possible to Utopia itself.
A dissolution of Parliament by the royal prerogative, propria motu regis, might be followed by a vindication j. The proposal, in fact, has only to be stated with its implications for its constitutional ab- surdity to be revealed. V8 when there is so much loose talk ab:. It la a not uninteresting colnchlenco that simultaneously with the njbpearance In The Colonist of an editorial in which this sentence occurred: “If, on a rail- way Journey In l-‘astern f.
The names and even tlie mem- ory of the pioneers, who first subdued the prlmovul fnre. Invitations aie being sent to the Van- couver and Victoria branches of the order, and It Is thought that many local membern will participate.
The dele- gates win leave on the Great Northern Railway ateamshlp Minnesota on h? The designs are rich border patterns, in pink and green enamel. Just the Style You’ll Like to Use When Friends Maike an Unexpected Call Giving a word picture of these beautiful pieces would be as difficult as trying to do justice to beautiful scenery that your friends have not seen. You’ll appreciate their worth ami will make them your favorite pieces when entertaining vour friend.
Bon Bon Dishes,. Choice decorations. Can- not work into lumps. As com- fortable as new even after year. Hygienic, ver- min proof and full of comfort. Price for the full size.. Prices subject to a lo per cent discount for cash. An other Shipment of Handsome Grandfather’s Jocks, With Cathedral Chmies, Now in Stock We cannot speak too highly of the beauty or quality of the clocks, and — to say the least of it — we have the finest collection in the Province, perhaps the largest and best in Western Canada.
Hear the melodious chimes, notice the dignified but fjraceful lines on which the cases are built, the lovely grain of the wood and the excellent manner in which they are finished. All these features mark the clocks as being of a superior or-tler, and wc arc prepared to give an absolute guarantee for their time- keeping ability. A Very Fine Clock in a massive mahogany case has an unusually attractive dial and rings any of the following chimes: Trinity, Westminster, and the Notre Dame of Paris.
Our assortment of Low Shoes evenmg wear, in a Includes the very newest models for street, house or jreat variety of leathers and fab- rics.
Only just arrived, tomorrow. Then it’s so easy to have your tank filled. They are made by the McClary Co. The Xiate Mr. Pendray across the head. The pipe, of steel, was cased In concrete, and the broken portion, about fifteen feet In length, welglied sev- eral hundrtKl pounds.
It Is certain thut Mr. Pendray never knew what struck him. Without warnlnK. Indeed, before lliey realized what had happened, Mr. Pendray wa. The news of the accident quickly spread through the city and was deeply deplored by thousands of Victorians, to whom Mr. Pendray’s long residence In tlie city had endeared him by his many fine qualities of mind and heart. Sutherland, a machinist en- g-ttRed on the Installation of the sprink- ling plant, was hol-dlng the feiM pipe just beneath the tank when -the pipe broke, lie fell with the pipe, striking the ground with great force and sustain- ing a broken jaw, besides oth«?
He la now lying at St. Joseph’s Ho. In company with Mr. Qf the work of in- stjLilinif fhe flfe protection system, and Mr. Bianco; engineer’ at tho paint works, Mr. Pendray was examining the newly installed plant.
He and -Mr. Bl- anco were standing at the foot of the steel framework on the top of which Is situated the water tank. Crawford wa. In the act of turning on the valve to shaw the manner in which the tank -would be filled through the feed pipe. This latter pipe, four Inches in diameter and cased In concrete, ran up the frame- work to about half way between the ground and the bottom of the tank, and then by an elbow was carried to a point directly beneath the bottom of the tank, where another elbow joined with the portion of the pipe running upward to the opening In the bottom of the tank, through which opening the tank was fill- ed.
Sutherland was at the top ‘of the pipe and directly underneath the tank. Whether Mr. Crawford In turning on the VAlve increased the pressure too rapidly, or whether the pipe, where 4t Joined the bottom of the tank was not securely fastened. Is not certain, but the joint at the tank parted. The el- bow below, suddenly sagging, the lengtli of heavy concrete-covered pipe above crashed downwards and outwards direct- ly towards Mr.
The edge of the casing on the pipe struck Mr. I’endray across the top of the head, fracturing the skull, and, plunging to the ground, the sharp edge struck him above the right ankle and cut the foot clean off. The plpr In Its fall struck Mr. Pendray in sucl. Both arms and both legs were broken, and other terrible Injuries occasioned.
Then a rush was made towards the prostrate bodies of Mr. P«ndray and Mr. Pendray was dead. Sutherland was unconaclous, but breathlnr. Sutherland waa rushed to St. Funeral Pumish- lar Companr. Read our Ad. We anticipate a crowded store and would ask your earliest pos- sible shopping as early selection affords better satisfaction.
Sale commences sharp at to- morrow morning. Special Notice— All charge sales on Monday and Tuesday will be entered on your next month October account. Best of workmanship is. Sizes for ladies and misses in navy, brown, greys and tans. Vdu’il find many values ti? Coats for ladies and misses, and at these specjal prices quoted above, we ask your comparison with the values offered. Materials, style and workmanship the best and newest creations alone are here, in the most desired effect and color prominent for the fast-advancing Fall season.
Be certain to see these tomorrc”. All wools are of the better grade, strongly twisted and firmlv knit, to warrant perfect sati. All colors shown in all sizes. Styles from the effective sinvple-line design to the fancy trimmed effects; in silk pojilin. Styles show smart trimmiuga. Kfter- noon i resscs of crepe de chine, crepe meteor, failles, satin duchesse, etc. Every one a won- der Month-End value. Style is perfect tailored with turnback cuff and collar. Sizes 34 to Plain tailored style, which is very popular for Fall, in best quality plain silk crepe de chine, showing hemstitching; pencil stripes in messalines; plain messalines, etc.
Colors of tans, blues, wines, navy, Hague blue, mauve, champagne and grey. Included are fancy and tailored etc. Colors are navy, black, tans, greys, ecru, etc. Fancy back stitching and two dome fasteners, all stamped “Finch” and backed by our gtiarantee to give absolute satisfaction. Greys, tans, black and white. All sizes. Regular 65c. You Will Appreciate the Exclusiveness of Our Gowns for Evenings and Afternoons Many of tlic loveliest creations of New York, Paris and London are here now for your approval, and fresh importa- tions, personally selected by our Euro- pean buyer, are arriving daily.
You will find our selection of After- noon Gowns particularly large, embrac- ing beautiful styles in satin, charmcuse. J Smart Dresses for street wear come in velvets, cords and serges. Try us and you’ll be satisfied. The mica makes an ideal cool lubricant.
Victoria Theatre Don’t Be Anndyed. By havinc to csll Main ih d again for your rep’alm. Brentnall, late of Caljrary. BMth of Boy Qhmtrg — “Accidental death” was the verdict returned by the jury convened by. From the appearance of the trace Mr. Deni- 8on thinks U orliflnated about mill’s distant, and probably off the Coast.
Dow- Icr will al. The Mnyor will also Introduce a resolution to the effect that Assistant City Clerk Bradley bo appointed acting city clerk.
Speaks on Peace — Tomorrow evening a mass meeting will be held In the first Congregational Church at 8. Robert Connell will preside. Younj people;s societies and churches are expected to attend this mfptin?. The father is working, but has not yet been able to save enough to purchase rurnlture.
If anyone having a second- hand stove communicates with the sec-. Johnson was lonvicled three years ayo of a -similHr offence, aiui on that occasion served one month In Jail. The programme in- cluded song. The sale of baskets was a great success. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse by the members and their friends. Price Ellison. Min- ister of Agriculture, will officially open tiie fair on Tuesday at 2 o’clock, and with him will be also Acting Premier W.
Bowser, Hon. Gets Xilffht rine — ,rohn Maloney, who was arrested late Friday night on a charge of breaking into Pandora. Avenue, -nas brought up in the police court yestej-clay. Is a cannery hand at StevfliJjBw -ailRi came here for a holiday. A grad- ing gang was put to work yesterday. Would Oo to “Work— Alfred Harrison, who had been released earlier on the pre- vious day fiom the city Jail, was charged yesterday in” the police court for com- iTiltting a hre.
SIcllano after the pair had locked themselves in a room In the Empire Hotel. Tlie case was dismissed after the fwo men had promised the magistrate to go to work. Seek Kiaslng- »«Utlv»— The police have been requested by Mrs. Archie Greer. Se- gee, who was last heard from by his relatives on. The accused, who Was defended by Mr. Court- hey, had been drinking aonrewhat freely, and the eourt waa convinced after h«Kr.
Xnoaadiary Blaae— Fire, which is be- lieved to have been of incendiary origin, brokie out In a stable at the rear of Rose Street last niKht at o’clock. Klre apparatus from headquarters and from No. The stable Is owned by Hookani Singh, a Hindu, and contained a number of head of cattle, which were’ safely got out. The Are had apparently been started In two places. The owner alleged that someone entertaining a spite against him started the blaze.
Xnowles Sere — Rev. Knowlea, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Gait, and one of the popular novelists of the day, is visiting Vic- toria.
Vndrew’s Church could not hold the people who wanted to hear him. It Is hoped th«t the Rev. In addition, particulars oT each I man’s age, occupation and genealogy nUist be given. The registrations must a’. The object of the order Is not to cause any trouble for any Chinese who arc at present In Can- ada, but to make It simpler for them to travel back to China, and to prevent.
Awarded Hlg’h Honors — One of the uii-. The management of this progressive concern liftc; gone to ffreat pains to make th.. All day the space occupied by the con- cern was surrounded by an ndnilring tlirong, and the proprietor and nianagrr Mr. Harry Maynard, was warmly com- iMimented. The judges a-wardeJ the’ company three gold medals’.
Prosperous “Week — “The best week we have had thi. Charge of “Vagrancy — James Sharkey, who claimed to be an ox-Jockey witli a string of victories to his credit on the American and English turf, was given a sentence of Ihr.
Sharkey came Into the hands of the po- lice four years ago, when he was plying his trade of racetrack tout and general hanger-on. At that time he was de- ported, and his return to the clt” this week led to his arrest.
The accused seemed dumbfounded tvhen he was sentenced, and immediately asked if he had the privilege of appeal. He was assured that he could do so, and at once gave notice that he would take the case to a higher court. Oscar C.
Just published In London, Is essentially a book of the present year, and has been compiled with an eye to the future, no further reference to past events being Included than Is sufficient t. The prospects of the Province are roseate, and progress Is not only steady but great. The weath- er Is fine and, warm In the Prairie Prov- ince!. Victoria, B. We have Watson’s and Turnbull’s shrunk underwear in the best seHing lines.
Our stock this season is larger than ever before, and you will find our cash prices the lowest. Vests from 30c to. Scarf Pin, or Stick Pin. There’s no big duty to boost the price, so you’ll be getting Diamond Value. And the exceptionally fine assort- ment we are showing in single-stone Rings and other settings will give you a Dia- mond selection.
One — a gem of the first water in every sense — is well over carat. We have it mouated in a Ring, and the price is only 81 Take this back with you. Every courtesy is extended. You will be welcome at all times to our best judgment and advice regarding your financial problems. Electric Car Barns, 52 x feet each. Kingham, will be for rent from September 1. C Warden, R. Harvey, M. In Every Sf itch — There’s shown the wcwt of expert sewers. Ten rooms. Railway, at a figure 30 per cent less than same class of soil adjoining.
Terms easy. A decided snap. Prompt attention to mail orders Govena- inent St. Come in today and choose. Phone Established. Addraaa to tha Sceratary, A. Sherwood ao« Itl. Htre only is It possible for you to get your Fail Suit made to or- der from imported materials from I am tiaving a removal sftle.
S0 Sets. Fred Cook, one of the best-known newspaper men of the Dominion, has been appointed secretary to the Royal Commlsnlon on Better Terms for Brit- ish Columbia, according to an Eastern dispatch which came to hand last night.
Apart from the fact that the appoint- ment of a secretary naturally hr’Tigs tha operation of the commission much nearer, the appointment In Itself Is not without Interest. Fred Cook 1 as been In Journalism practically a. He is exceedingly well versed In everything that relates to Canadian aftalrs, political and commer- cial, and his appointment Is bound to meet with favor everywhere. Stationed at Ottawa, Mr. Cook has been a proline writer In British papers on the Canadian House of Commons, and his articles have always Inspired considerable Interest.
He has sat In the pre. Ttions at present are that the victim of the would-be murderei will recover. The search after Llm Bat Lum’s as- sailant Is being prosecuted by the Pro- vincial police, but the clues are so few and slim that practically no progress has been made towards an arrest The entire district In the nefghborhood of Col wood has been covered by the police offlcers.
The more the police Investigate the case the more inclined they are to believe the shooting wa. Um Bat Lum’s friends are totally un- able to give any assistance to the po- l! Moore has the distinction of being the oldest placer miner in the Cariboo, having located his rtrst claim on the Horsefly in IS.
His original location Is stIU being worked. Unlike many of the old timers, Mr. Moore never deserted the Cariboo, and although now over eighty years old, is still holding. He Is a man that later British Columbians might study to advantage; generous to his friends.
Just to all. He is affectionately known to his many Cariboo friends as “Uncle Jim. Sir, — DTrrlrtg the Tegl»tr«tlon work last April, a large number of persons found themselvea unable to register, owing to their not having the necessary residence quallflcatlon, and I would like to point out that, aa the list la only open until October 4, it Is essential that all those who are now quallAed should register at once.
The rooms of the conserva- tive Association are open from 9 a. Miss Helmcken hon. Morley, Senator and. Colonel Currie and officers of the Fifth Hegiment, Mr. Charifa Ilnyward, president of the board of managom. Tlnda “Weifl Bonnd — Mr. He expres. When I return home I Intend to write a number of ar- ticles on the subject, and I hope to be able to demonstrate conclusively tliat the talk of over-borrowing la Idle, and that nothing could be more secure, more permanently secure, than the invest- m.
Baxter, Inspector of machinery, has returned to town after a tour of inspection of steam plants up the E. Railway work and the Empire Lumber Company he. The mill Is. Thej- hnci In sev- eral large donkeys of large size, amongst which were two large skidding machines, which operate the logs by an aerial cable suspended from large trees, thus bringing in the logs Siis- pended above the.
It Is expected that Chief Justice Hunter will occupy the bench. There is a large list of indict- ments to be taken up. It Is understood that the first oases to be dealt with are those rising out of the liquidation of the Bankers’ Trust Co..
There are two of these, one being a charge of mis- appropriation of funds- against Mr. Cook, the Company’s former president, and the other onsjalleglng the sale of shares through –flrilsrepresentatlon. Hearn and O’Connor, the two latter also having been Identified with the defunct concern, are accused of the latten offense. The Crown prose- cutor In these Is Mr. Robertson, while Mr. Frank Hlgglns Is defending. There are a number of other trials to be heard, some of which are of such a character that the evidence Is Ukely to be voluminous.
Some of these follow: Deakln, tjjeft; WJnsby. The per- sonnel of the Grand Jury is as follows: Messrs. Thomas Blck. Thomas Cueaek, James Fortnan. Robert James Hurst, H.
Litchfield, Percy Ross Little. Henry Moss, A. Maynard, T. George V. Walsh, A. Wolfenden and E. September New members wishing to Join will be cordially welcomed. Francis O. Strong, of local reputation. October T, at t p.
Frledlamle will officiate. Seats can be reaerved by application to Mr. She Mavaa a mothar, one aiater and a brothar to «iK«um Itar loaa. Before a large crowd, more than ever representative of Victoria’s social elite, the Victoria Exhibition horse show was brought to a pleasant conclusion last evening.
McRae’s Perfect Dream in a strong class. Other out- standing features were the saddle con- test, tn which Mr. Andrew Laidlaw’s Rosalind, an old favorite here, was rid- den by the owner’s daughter, Mrs. Gor- don, and toolt the blue, and the hunters, which brought another well-known local animal — Mr. Henderson’s Warwick Lily — to the front. In the high Jump, unfortunately, there was practically no competition.
Tolmie maae two presentations during the evening. McRae, of Vancouver, received It personallx-. The other, whicli was thp. Farrell, of Portland. In his preliminary remarks Dr. Tolmie thanked those who liad helped make the Horse Show a success by their patronage, and similarly acknowledged the generous support accorded by the public, which had made the Exhibition greater than any of Its predecessors.
Darby, of thie Brit- ish Peace Society, will speak at the iT. Special music and a hearty welcome to all men. Meeting to be held In the schoolroom. Dress at parade, undress uniform. A cordial Invitation has been extended to all those interested In the work of the Guild to be present.
September 29, at p. The club has taken the schoolroom over, and dresslng-rooma and a stage will be laid out for use in reliearsal.
Osborne, the well-known blind Socialist. After the service a meeting will be held. October 1, when a full ac- count of the work of the Reat Room will be presented, it having bean Juat a year in operation. Andersen R. Andersen1—2 bushveld horseshoe bat 3—4— R. A llen 1—2short-tailed leaf-nosed bat 3—4— H. A ndersen H. Geoffroy A. Allen L. Allen M. Geoffroy M. G argues pipistrelle3—4— P.
Geoffroy S. Geoffroy etG. Geoffroyet G. Geoffroyet St. Geoffroy et F. Geoffroy1—2 horse-tailed squirrel 3—4— S. Allen 1—2B aja California chipmunk 3—4— T. Allen1—2 striped Himalayan andBurmese squirrels, Asiaticstriped squirrels 3—4— T. Allen H. Allen A. Hanoi Pine A. Allen et Chapman A. Leger G. Allen O. Allen etChapman 1—2 pygmy rice rat 3—4— O. Vincentrice rat 3—4— O. Allen 1 —2 Michoacan deer mouse 3—4— Otomys F. Allen 1—2Zacatecan deer mouse 3—4— P. Allen P. Leger T.
Full text of “The Daily Colonist ()”
Geoffroy etG. Geoffroyet G. Geoffroyet St. Geoffroy et F. Geoffroy1—2 horse-tailed squirrel 3—4— S. Allen 1—2B aja California chipmunk 3—4— T. Allen1—2 striped Himalayan andBurmese squirrels, Asiaticstriped squirrels 3—4— T. Allen H. Allen A. Hanoi Pine A. Allen et Chapman A. Leger G. Allen O. Allen etChapman 1—2 pygmy rice rat 3—4— O. Vincentrice rat 3—4— O.
Allen 1 —2 Michoacan deer mouse 3—4— Otomys F. Allen 1—2Zacatecan deer mouse 3—4— P. Allen P. Leger T. Jones 1—2dusky hopping mouse 3—4— N. Sm ith P. Leger P. Leger C. Allen Echimys F. Geoffroy E. Allen etChapman P. Dendroxyrax — arboreus — dorsalis — validus Deomys — ferrugineus Dermoptera Desmana — moschata Desmodilliscus — braueri Desmodillus — auricularis Desmodontidae Desmodus — rotundus Diaemus — youngi Dicerorhinus — sumatrensis Diceros — bicornis Diclidurus — albus — ingens — isabellus — scutatus Dicrostonyx — exsul — groenlandicus — hudsonius — kilangmiutak — nelsoni — richardsoni — rubricatus — torquatus — unalascensis — vinogradovi Didelphidae 11Didelphis 20— albiventris 21— marsupialis 22— virginiana 23Dinomyidae Dinomys — branickii Diomys — erumpi Diphylla — eca.
Pteropus— pohlei — poliocephalus — pselaphon — pumilus — rayneri — rodricensis — rufus — samoensis — santacrucis — scapulatus — seychellensis — speciosus — subniger — tablasi — temmincki — tokudae — tonganus — tuberculatus — vampyrus — vetulus — voeltzkowi — woodfordi Ptilocercus — lowi Pudu — mephistopheles — pudu Punomys — lemminus Pusa — caspica — hispida — sibirica Pygathrix — avunculus — brelichi — nemaeus — roxellana Pygerethmus — platyurus Vulpes — bengalensis — cana — chama — corsae — ferrilata — macrotis — pallida — rueppeli — velox — vulpes — zerda WWallabia — bicolor Wiedomys — pyrrhorhinos Wyulda — squamicaudata XXenomys — nelsoni Xenuromys — barbatus Xeromys — myoides Xerus — erythropus — inauris — princeps — rutilus ZZaedyus — pichiy Zaglossus 5— bruijni 6Zalophus — californianus Zapodidae Zapus — hudsonius — princeps — trinotatus Zelotomys — hildegardeae — woosnami Zenkerella — insignis Ziphiidae Ziphius — cavirostris Zygodontomys — borreroi — brevicauda — reigi Zygogeomys — trichopus Zyzomys — argurus — pedunculatus — woodwardi a.
They would resist with the sime arms. I believe, nn attempt by the Government ti force Home Rule upon them. The Inter-Ocean will say tomorrom’: “It wt»« the one subject in which the world-famous newspaper publisher of England evinced a deep concern. These people are thoroughly arm»d to resist su’-h a thing.
I do not cxaofit It. Mil- lar, of Saanlch, warned the Eaqulmnit board thit much as he Uoped they would b. The dedicatory prayer wa« offered by the Rev.
Raugh-Allen and the bles. Blrcii to the nuist success. William Pauline, and also tii« first prirre for general profici- ency. The second prize was presented to Hugh Meckay, «. Including Slii- i;Oy. Xext with his mac lne in a normal position, he snared upward, and then, with an eagle’s swoop downward, turned two complete somersaults In the air.
Each loop descrlbCKl a circle of about one hundred and ten yards In cir- cumference. The sppctatorH wore thrilled by his amazing nntl’-s.
Pegoud In describing hi. SO per cent can be paid to the Indians direct. Thanks to the presence of Mr, DItchburn, their opposi- tion wa. In speaking of the transaction this evening, Mr. Tate said that ncrthlng re- mained to be done In order to secure possession of the land except to receive the title from the Dominion Govern- ment and the consent of the Provincial Government to the transfer.
He paid tribute to the ability of Mr. DItchburn and to his valuable assistance In the bringing the nogotl. There are. Including the mountain, 1, acres affected by the transfer. The area It required for terminals and town- site purposes.
Tate said that the company proposed to dredge out the harbor and deposit the material on the lower stretches of th? Ha believes that. Vewport can be made an Important harbor and shipping point. Vt- drlnes. Queen Wll- iielmlna, of the. Vctherlands, In the »1 eech from the throm- on the opening of the Dutch Parliament, gald that a measure would be Introduced for the reclamation of the Zuyder Zee.
The Zuyder Zee was originally a lake, and the scheme Is to make It so again by constructing a great dyke across the entrance to the Zuyder Zee. This scheme will not totich the centre of the Zee, which will lints return to its former condition of a lake. If the Dutch Chambers sanction it the work will bo carried on by means of a public loan In the Netherlands. No careful ijresser can afTord to neglect seeing our Fall showing of “20th Century” garments. They have that correct, style appearance which the man or young man of moderate means so much desires but could never obtain until “20th Century” came to the fore.
At no time should such great care be exer- cised as in childhood. The future walk, carriage and grace of your boy or girl depends largely on the selec- tion of footwear throughout the formative period of life. Then you’ll be sure of getting Ham just nicely proportioned in fat and lean, with the fat distributed throughout the meat, mild cured. Price Per lb. Ladies’ Hand Bags Leather and silk embroidered from 50C up to. We guarantee all our Suits tofit.
The washboard surfaces on the bottom and sides of the machlnu add very materially o Its value. The rubblr. Motors For Sale One 75 H.
Mac’Donalci, who has charge of the rock blasting, and a trained staff, havo been working for several days at ttie Songheos Rock, drilling and placing the necessary explosives, and the large amount of rock removed by the blast was in a largo measure due to the care with which the different charges wore plai-ed In position. The new orange peel dredg’e has been in operation for the last week, and has lifted the rocks that are too large for the dredges Ajax and Mudlark to handle.
Then vmi can readily understand what you ire guaranteed. Perfection in ALL parts has been the Unswerving policy of the manufacturers throughout its. Gideon Hicks? Double slilfts have been if operation on the plant for the last twelve monlhs, and the engineers In charge predict that before tne comple- tion of tlie present work ships of much deeper draught will be able to enter the Inner Harbor than has ever been possi- ble before.
During his recent visit to Victoria, H’on. Robert Rogers’ evinced particular interest in the harbor work, and as- sured Mr. Barnard that every as- si. Nelson, Dominion Superin- tendent of Dredges, arc co-operating for tlip advancement of the work, and botli of these officials yesterday expressed themselves as satisfied with the progress made up ‘o the present. Mac- I. This store was established with that. In some manner, provide fire pro- tection for that portion of the rural niunjclpality which lies along the city bcundary, and which Is btiiig rapidly settled, was considered yesterday at a meeting at which Alderman’ W.
Ful- lerton, ch. Davis will be sub- mitted to the City Council at tomorrC’w night’s meeting, to the effect that to adequately supply protection to the dis- trict named will renuire the Instnlln lion of a piece of motor apparatus at the Dunodin Street flro hall.
HorBC-drawn apparatus, In view of the largo extent of territory to be covered, would not, the report will state, prove adequate. If the City Council approval of the recommendations of its cmnmlttee they will be forwarded to the Saanlch Coun- cil for consideration. Herbert L. Wright, president of the association, presided.
Samuel has been touring Canada for the past six weeks. He will go Eaat through the United States shortly. Hermann 8. Merln«, C. Boston, Mass.
The publlo Is cordially In- vited to be present No collection. STrtffr ‘ear. The black chiffon over colored embroidery. Check them off, then pinch your.
And there are scores of other notables that arc doing tlie same — and what are these men doing? It is a case of satisfaction with them, and Royal Clothes satisfy. Get in line, your Majesty. A Royal tape, line is awaiting -you at ipencc-Doherty’s. If Royal tail- oring pleases these men, who can and do deiiiand the world’s best, it should please you.
Royal Tailoring Sefii at Wc invite comparison of values and prices. Our guarantee of “goods as represented or money refunded,” protects you absolutely. Free :packing and shipping. Dresser and Stand. V neat Dresser of fir, well finished in early Fnglish ; British plate b’evelcd mirror And three draw’ers, with washstand to match. Golden quarter-cut Oak Dresser Top 21 X Mirror 22 x Two small and two large drawers.
Neat designs at low prices. Zht Sails dTxrliOrnirf. Eitabllnhrd lltS. The Colonl»l rrlntlne and Publl»hlnj Company. I-lmlted Ualjlllty. Subeorlbera In ordering chance of ad- dreaa ihould be pellicular to cive both new and old addreea. As the census for gave the population as a little In excess of ,, Bp the estimate of the cost of our educational system at J15 for every man, woman and child In the Province is very nearly arcuratc.
While the outlay on these must increase very rapidly in the future as population increases, we think that the cost of our educational ayatem. Toung was rtsrht when he. George E. Foster Illuminates every subject he touches. Tliose wlio had the opportunity of conversing with him on his arrival In Vict rla from his Southern and Oriental tour, know how profoumily Imprenaei1 he whs with his obsciMations in China and Japan.
We shall publisU the. Foster’s thought Is that we piust learn to understand the Orient. Robert Rogers was shown the plans for the improvement of To- ronto harbor and told tliat the work would take ten years, he said; “Why not flvc years? If we can do It In live, whafs the use of wasting five more? Vmerlcan contemp’rary wants to know why women cannot have some- thing to.
Prolmbly for the same rea- son that men cannot. A man wears the sort of coat the tailor tells him to. The only difference is that his fashions do not change so often or over so wide a range. Another branch bank opens for busi- ness in Victoria tomorrow morning. The charge is being freely made In well-informed circles that the real Influ- ence, behind the Balkan huwtlllttes was ii powerful ring of manufacturers, who make munitions of war.
We see no reason why Victoria’s an- nual Exhibition should not become an event of very mu. The outstanding fact of the week Is that th« attendance one day reached the hitherto unprecedented figure of 20,, and only a small proportion of those present were attracted by the sorry series of spec- tacles miscalled horse races. There arc other means of entertaining visitors, such as have proved so very successful in Toronto.
One of the lessons of the Exhibition Is that the people will attend If it Is made worth attending. Another Interesting lesson Is that, al- though this Is a so-called dull season In Victoria, tile thousands of people on the Fair grounds were all well dressed, looked prosperous and.
It is. The police, under the able command of Chief Langley, did splendid service. Similar remarks apply to those In charge of the street-car service. The crowds were tran. Not a single complaint ha:? George Jay, Chairman of the Board of. School Trustees, spoke of the necessity of co-operation between the several boards of Victoria, Oak Bay. He says that tlii. Both these suggestions apppiir very useful.
We are not advised if any legislation would be required In either case, although we feel very sure that It would not be In respect to truant officers. There may be some doubt as to the Jurisdiction of th. We commend Mr. The suggestion tfiit’ take a plebiscite on the rule of the road and that there should be legislation to give effect to their decision, if it should be In favor of turning to the right.
Is needles. We should suppose that thev, of all people, would see th« desirability of passing horse-drawn vehicles on the driver’s side. The reason given for the proposed change Is that visitors usually turn to the right, but It is surely bet- ter that they should Irarn our ways than that we should learn theirs. Therefore, as a driver should ait on the right, he should turn to the left. There cannot be two practices, one for the motorists and one for the drivers of horse-drawn vehicles, and as all the arguments are against a change as to the latter, there is no rea- son at all for making a change In re- spect to the former.
The action of the Admiralty In deter- mining upon dispatching a. A recent London correspondent dwells at some length upon the report that Greece Is to strengthen her navy vcr. After stating that both.
AuBlria and Italy are stronger In the Mediterranean than ever, tha cor- respondent goes on to say; The announcement of the Government In.
H may be years before the Greek fleet Is of any Importance, it must be years before it can be of much importance, and during those years many things may happen. Nevertheless, the Greek fleet, if all goes well with the country, will be a factor to he taken into consideration probably within the next decade, and It must bause not merely a new distribu- tion of naval power in the Mediter- ranean, but new political entanglements.
Heretofore, Greece has had nothing to fear at the eastern end of the Mediter- ranean, and so long as she kept on good terms with Franco and ilal. Her immense expanse of roast render. The French fleet Is proportionately weaker than It was a generation ago, but it is being gradually strengthened, and possesses a valuable base at Marseilles and another at Blxerta.
In view of what la transpiring in and around this «reat ae;i. It seems evident that the burden which the United Kingdom will have to bear Is viiy llValy to. This Is u very regrettable state of things. Recently a person who has occasion to employ a large number of men. How exicpjlve thi.
It is in part the outgrowth of the pernicious notion that it is tlie duty of the munici- pality to provide work within Its bor- ders for all who wish to have it In part It arises out of a not wholly un- natural desire on the part of men to work In town in preference to out of town, and, possibly, though we have not heard this alleged, to the conditions un- der which some out Of town work has to be done. We suppose there Is no way in which men can be compelled to igo out of town to. Pendray was a great shock to the community In which he has lived long and was highly esteem- ed, and to the prosperity of which he has contributed much.
Whether as 8 citizen, a member of the business com- munity, an ; earnest church worker, or in the more intimate associations of his home, his sterling qualities were al- ways in evidence. He spent a busy life in Victoria, and from modest be- ginnings built up a fine business. He seemed to be only fairly entering his field of usefulness, for he wu.
Jtemember that re,:»istra tlon for the Provincial and Federal elections will close on October 6. Pankhurst would be o. The KInc of Greece Ik not as. He did good ficrvlce a.
If Ih estimated that the coltnn crop of the Hnlted States will be worth a million dollars this year. It is announced that Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Is to explore South America. In that continent there is abundant scope for the most daring adventurer. States that an income tax was unconstitutional. The Constitution has not been altered; all that has happened is that the Su- preme Court changed It. The Governor of the Canal Zone sees a great future for the city of Panama.
He says: “Panama, in my opinion, is destined to be one of the greatest sea- ports of the earth. Here will be erected huge bonded warehouses for the distri- bution to other countries of products from every corner of the world, bhips sailing under every flag will anchor in this beautiful harbor, and where today Is a romantic old Spanish city, to- morrow will be a magnificent metropolis In, I hope, a republic that will be as near as humanly possible to Utopia itself.
A dissolution of Parliament by the royal prerogative, propria motu regis, might be followed by a vindication j. The proposal, in fact, has only to be stated with its implications for its constitutional ab- surdity to be revealed.
V8 when there is so much loose talk ab:. It la a not uninteresting colnchlenco that simultaneously with the njbpearance In The Colonist of an editorial in which this sentence occurred: “If, on a rail- way Journey In l-‘astern f. The names and even tlie mem- ory of the pioneers, who first subdued the prlmovul fnre.
Invitations aie being sent to the Van- couver and Victoria branches of the order, and It Is thought that many local membern will participate. The dele- gates win leave on the Great Northern Railway ateamshlp Minnesota on h? The designs are rich border patterns, in pink and green enamel. Just the Style You’ll Like to Use When Friends Maike an Unexpected Call Giving a word picture of these beautiful pieces would be as difficult as trying to do justice to beautiful scenery that your friends have not seen.
You’ll appreciate their worth ami will make them your favorite pieces when entertaining vour friend. Bon Bon Dishes,. Choice decorations. Can- not work into lumps. As com- fortable as new even after year. Hygienic, ver- min proof and full of comfort.
Price for the full size.. Prices subject to a lo per cent discount for cash. An other Shipment of Handsome Grandfather’s Jocks, With Cathedral Chmies, Now in Stock We cannot speak too highly of the beauty or quality of the clocks, and — to say the least of it — we have the finest collection in the Province, perhaps the largest and best in Western Canada.
Hear the melodious chimes, notice the dignified but fjraceful lines on which the cases are built, the lovely grain of the wood and the excellent manner in which they are finished.
All these features mark the clocks as being of a superior or-tler, and wc arc prepared to give an absolute guarantee for their time- keeping ability. A Very Fine Clock in a massive mahogany case has an unusually attractive dial and rings any of the following chimes: Trinity, Westminster, and the Notre Dame of Paris. Our assortment of Low Shoes evenmg wear, in a Includes the very newest models for street, house or jreat variety of leathers and fab- rics.
Only just arrived, tomorrow. Then it’s so easy to have your tank filled. They are made by the McClary Co. The Xiate Mr. Pendray across the head.
The pipe, of steel, was cased In concrete, and the broken portion, about fifteen feet In length, welglied sev- eral hundrtKl pounds. It Is certain thut Mr. Pendray never knew what struck him. Without warnlnK. Indeed, before lliey realized what had happened, Mr. Pendray wa. The news of the accident quickly spread through the city and was deeply deplored by thousands of Victorians, to whom Mr. Pendray’s long residence In tlie city had endeared him by his many fine qualities of mind and heart.
Sutherland, a machinist en- g-ttRed on the Installation of the sprink- ling plant, was hol-dlng the feiM pipe just beneath the tank when -the pipe broke, lie fell with the pipe, striking the ground with great force and sustain- ing a broken jaw, besides oth«? He la now lying at St. Joseph’s Ho.
In company with Mr. Qf the work of in- stjLilinif fhe flfe protection system, and Mr. Bianco; engineer’ at tho paint works, Mr. Pendray was examining the newly installed plant. He and -Mr. Bl- anco were standing at the foot of the steel framework on the top of which Is situated the water tank. Crawford wa. In the act of turning on the valve to shaw the manner in which the tank -would be filled through the feed pipe. This latter pipe, four Inches in diameter and cased In concrete, ran up the frame- work to about half way between the ground and the bottom of the tank, and then by an elbow was carried to a point directly beneath the bottom of the tank, where another elbow joined with the portion of the pipe running upward to the opening In the bottom of the tank, through which opening the tank was fill- ed.
Sutherland was at the top ‘of the pipe and directly underneath the tank. Whether Mr. Crawford In turning on the VAlve increased the pressure too rapidly, or whether the pipe, where 4t Joined the bottom of the tank was not securely fastened. Is not certain, but the joint at the tank parted. The el- bow below, suddenly sagging, the lengtli of heavy concrete-covered pipe above crashed downwards and outwards direct- ly towards Mr. The edge of the casing on the pipe struck Mr. I’endray across the top of the head, fracturing the skull, and, plunging to the ground, the sharp edge struck him above the right ankle and cut the foot clean off.
The plpr In Its fall struck Mr. Pendray in sucl. Both arms and both legs were broken, and other terrible Injuries occasioned. Then a rush was made towards the prostrate bodies of Mr. P«ndray and Mr. Pendray was dead. Sutherland was unconaclous, but breathlnr. Sutherland waa rushed to St. Funeral Pumish- lar Companr. Read our Ad. We anticipate a crowded store and would ask your earliest pos- sible shopping as early selection affords better satisfaction.
Sale commences sharp at to- morrow morning. Special Notice— All charge sales on Monday and Tuesday will be entered on your next month October account. Best of workmanship is. Sizes for ladies and misses in navy, brown, greys and tans. Vdu’il find many values ti? Coats for ladies and misses, and at these specjal prices quoted above, we ask your comparison with the values offered.
Materials, style and workmanship the best and newest creations alone are here, in the most desired effect and color prominent for the fast-advancing Fall season.
Be certain to see these tomorrc”. All wools are of the better grade, strongly twisted and firmlv knit, to warrant perfect sati. All colors shown in all sizes. Styles from the effective sinvple-line design to the fancy trimmed effects; in silk pojilin.
Styles show smart trimmiuga. Kfter- noon i resscs of crepe de chine, crepe meteor, failles, satin duchesse, etc. Every one a won- der Month-End value. Style is perfect tailored with turnback cuff and collar. Sizes 34 to Plain tailored style, which is very popular for Fall, in best quality plain silk crepe de chine, showing hemstitching; pencil stripes in messalines; plain messalines, etc. Colors of tans, blues, wines, navy, Hague blue, mauve, champagne and grey.
Included are fancy and tailored etc. Colors are navy, black, tans, greys, ecru, etc. Fancy back stitching and two dome fasteners, all stamped “Finch” and backed by our gtiarantee to give absolute satisfaction. Greys, tans, black and white. All sizes. Regular 65c. You Will Appreciate the Exclusiveness of Our Gowns for Evenings and Afternoons Many of tlic loveliest creations of New York, Paris and London are here now for your approval, and fresh importa- tions, personally selected by our Euro- pean buyer, are arriving daily.
You will find our selection of After- noon Gowns particularly large, embrac- ing beautiful styles in satin, charmcuse. J Smart Dresses for street wear come in velvets, cords and serges. Try us and you’ll be satisfied. The mica makes an ideal cool lubricant. Victoria Theatre Don’t Be Anndyed. By havinc to csll Main ih d again for your rep’alm.
Brentnall, late of Caljrary. BMth of Boy Qhmtrg — “Accidental death” was the verdict returned by the jury convened by. From the appearance of the trace Mr. Deni- 8on thinks U orliflnated about mill’s distant, and probably off the Coast. Dow- Icr will al. The Mnyor will also Introduce a resolution to the effect that Assistant City Clerk Bradley bo appointed acting city clerk.
Speaks on Peace — Tomorrow evening a mass meeting will be held In the first Congregational Church at 8. Robert Connell will preside. Younj people;s societies and churches are expected to attend this mfptin?. The father is working, but has not yet been able to save enough to purchase rurnlture. If anyone having a second- hand stove communicates with the sec-. Johnson was lonvicled three years ayo of a -similHr offence, aiui on that occasion served one month In Jail.
The programme in- cluded song. The sale of baskets was a great success. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse by the members and their friends. Price Ellison. Min- ister of Agriculture, will officially open tiie fair on Tuesday at 2 o’clock, and with him will be also Acting Premier W. Bowser, Hon. Gets Xilffht rine — ,rohn Maloney, who was arrested late Friday night on a charge of breaking into Pandora.
Avenue, -nas brought up in the police court yestej-clay. Is a cannery hand at StevfliJjBw -ailRi came here for a holiday. A grad- ing gang was put to work yesterday. Would Oo to “Work— Alfred Harrison, who had been released earlier on the pre- vious day fiom the city Jail, was charged yesterday in” the police court for com- iTiltting a hre. SIcllano after the pair had locked themselves in a room In the Empire Hotel.
Tlie case was dismissed after the fwo men had promised the magistrate to go to work. Seek Kiaslng- »«Utlv»— The police have been requested by Mrs. Archie Greer. Se- gee, who was last heard from by his relatives on. The accused, who Was defended by Mr. Court- hey, had been drinking aonrewhat freely, and the eourt waa convinced after h«Kr. Xnoaadiary Blaae— Fire, which is be- lieved to have been of incendiary origin, brokie out In a stable at the rear of Rose Street last niKht at o’clock.
Klre apparatus from headquarters and from No. The stable Is owned by Hookani Singh, a Hindu, and contained a number of head of cattle, which were’ safely got out. The Are had apparently been started In two places. The owner alleged that someone entertaining a spite against him started the blaze. Xnowles Sere — Rev. Knowlea, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Gait, and one of the popular novelists of the day, is visiting Vic- toria.
Vndrew’s Church could not hold the people who wanted to hear him. It Is hoped th«t the Rev. In addition, particulars oT each I man’s age, occupation and genealogy nUist be given. The registrations must a’. The object of the order Is not to cause any trouble for any Chinese who arc at present In Can- ada, but to make It simpler for them to travel back to China, and to prevent. Awarded Hlg’h Honors — One of the uii-.
The management of this progressive concern liftc; gone to ffreat pains to make th.. All day the space occupied by the con- cern was surrounded by an ndnilring tlirong, and the proprietor and nianagrr Mr. Harry Maynard, was warmly com- iMimented. The judges a-wardeJ the’ company three gold medals’. Prosperous “Week — “The best week we have had thi.
Charge of “Vagrancy — James Sharkey, who claimed to be an ox-Jockey witli a string of victories to his credit on the American and English turf, was given a sentence of Ihr. Sharkey came Into the hands of the po- lice four years ago, when he was plying his trade of racetrack tout and general hanger-on.
At that time he was de- ported, and his return to the clt” this week led to his arrest. The accused seemed dumbfounded tvhen he was sentenced, and immediately asked if he had the privilege of appeal. He was assured that he could do so, and at once gave notice that he would take the case to a higher court. Oscar C. Just published In London, Is essentially a book of the present year, and has been compiled with an eye to the future, no further reference to past events being Included than Is sufficient t.
The prospects of the Province are roseate, and progress Is not only steady but great. The weath- er Is fine and, warm In the Prairie Prov- ince!. Victoria, B. We have Watson’s and Turnbull’s shrunk underwear in the best seHing lines. Our stock this season is larger than ever before, and you will find our cash prices the lowest. Vests from 30c to. Scarf Pin, or Stick Pin. There’s no big duty to boost the price, so you’ll be getting Diamond Value.
And the exceptionally fine assort- ment we are showing in single-stone Rings and other settings will give you a Dia- mond selection. One — a gem of the first water in every sense — is well over carat. We have it mouated in a Ring, and the price is only 81 Take this back with you. Every courtesy is extended. You will be welcome at all times to our best judgment and advice regarding your financial problems.
Electric Car Barns, 52 x feet each. Kingham, will be for rent from September 1. C Warden, R. Harvey, M. In Every Sf itch — There’s shown the wcwt of expert sewers. Ten rooms. Railway, at a figure 30 per cent less than same class of soil adjoining. Terms easy.
A decided snap. Prompt attention to mail orders Govena- inent St. Come in today and choose. Phone Established. Addraaa to tha Sceratary, A. Sherwood ao« Itl. Htre only is It possible for you to get your Fail Suit made to or- der from imported materials from I am tiaving a removal sftle.
S0 Sets. Fred Cook, one of the best-known newspaper men of the Dominion, has been appointed secretary to the Royal Commlsnlon on Better Terms for Brit- ish Columbia, according to an Eastern dispatch which came to hand last night. Apart from the fact that the appoint- ment of a secretary naturally hr’Tigs tha operation of the commission much nearer, the appointment In Itself Is not without Interest. Fred Cook 1 as been In Journalism practically a.
He is exceedingly well versed In everything that relates to Canadian aftalrs, political and commer- cial, and his appointment Is bound to meet with favor everywhere. Stationed at Ottawa, Mr. Cook has been a proline writer In British papers on the Canadian House of Commons, and his articles have always Inspired considerable Interest.
He has sat In the pre. Ttions at present are that the victim of the would-be murderei will recover. The search after Llm Bat Lum’s as- sailant Is being prosecuted by the Pro- vincial police, but the clues are so few and slim that practically no progress has been made towards an arrest The entire district In the nefghborhood of Col wood has been covered by the police offlcers.
The more the police Investigate the case the more inclined they are to believe the shooting wa. Um Bat Lum’s friends are totally un- able to give any assistance to the po- l! Moore has the distinction of being the oldest placer miner in the Cariboo, having located his rtrst claim on the Horsefly in IS. His original location Is stIU being worked. Unlike many of the old timers, Mr. Moore never deserted the Cariboo, and although now over eighty years old, is still holding.
He Is a man that later British Columbians might study to advantage; generous to his friends. Just to all. He is affectionately known to his many Cariboo friends as “Uncle Jim.
Sir, — DTrrlrtg the Tegl»tr«tlon work last April, a large number of persons found themselvea unable to register, owing to their not having the necessary residence quallflcatlon, and I would like to point out that, aa the list la only open until October 4, it Is essential that all those who are now quallAed should register at once. The rooms of the conserva- tive Association are open from 9 a.
Miss Helmcken hon. Morley, Senator and. Colonel Currie and officers of the Fifth Hegiment, Mr. Charifa Ilnyward, president of the board of managom. Tlnda “Weifl Bonnd — Mr. He expres. When I return home I Intend to write a number of ar- ticles on the subject, and I hope to be able to demonstrate conclusively tliat the talk of over-borrowing la Idle, and that nothing could be more secure, more permanently secure, than the invest- m.
Baxter, Inspector of machinery, has returned to town after a tour of inspection of steam plants up the E. Railway work and the Empire Lumber Company he.
The mill Is. Thej- hnci In sev- eral large donkeys of large size, amongst which were two large skidding machines, which operate the logs by an aerial cable suspended from large trees, thus bringing in the logs Siis- pended above the.
It Is expected that Chief Justice Hunter will occupy the bench. There is a large list of indict- ments to be taken up. It Is understood that the first oases to be dealt with are those rising out of the liquidation of the Bankers’ Trust Co.. There are two of these, one being a charge of mis- appropriation of funds- against Mr. Cook, the Company’s former president, and the other onsjalleglng the sale of shares through –flrilsrepresentatlon.
Hearn and O’Connor, the two latter also having been Identified with the defunct concern, are accused of the latten offense. The Crown prose- cutor In these Is Mr.
Robertson, while Mr. Frank Hlgglns Is defending. There are a number of other trials to be heard, some of which are of such a character that the evidence Is Ukely to be voluminous. Some of these follow: Deakln, tjjeft; WJnsby. The per- sonnel of the Grand Jury is as follows: Messrs. Thomas Blck. Thomas Cueaek, James Fortnan. Robert James Hurst, H. Litchfield, Percy Ross Little. Henry Moss, A. Maynard, T. George V. Walsh, A. Wolfenden and E. September New members wishing to Join will be cordially welcomed.
Francis O. Strong, of local reputation. October T, at t p. Frledlamle will officiate. Seats can be reaerved by application to Mr. She Mavaa a mothar, one aiater and a brothar to «iK«um Itar loaa. Before a large crowd, more than ever representative of Victoria’s social elite, the Victoria Exhibition horse show was brought to a pleasant conclusion last evening.
McRae’s Perfect Dream in a strong class. Other out- standing features were the saddle con- test, tn which Mr. Andrew Laidlaw’s Rosalind, an old favorite here, was rid- den by the owner’s daughter, Mrs. Gor- don, and toolt the blue, and the hunters, which brought another well-known local animal — Mr.
Henderson’s Warwick Lily — to the front. In the high Jump, unfortunately, there was practically no competition. Tolmie maae two presentations during the evening. McRae, of Vancouver, received It personallx-. The other, whicli was thp. Farrell, of Portland. In his preliminary remarks Dr. Tolmie thanked those who liad helped make the Horse Show a success by their patronage, and similarly acknowledged the generous support accorded by the public, which had made the Exhibition greater than any of Its predecessors.
Darby, of thie Brit- ish Peace Society, will speak at the iT. Special music and a hearty welcome to all men. Meeting to be held In the schoolroom. Dress at parade, undress uniform. A cordial Invitation has been extended to all those interested In the work of the Guild to be present.
September 29, at p. The club has taken the schoolroom over, and dresslng-rooma and a stage will be laid out for use in reliearsal. Osborne, the well-known blind Socialist. After the service a meeting will be held.
October 1, when a full ac- count of the work of the Reat Room will be presented, it having bean Juat a year in operation. Clay, p. Archdeacon Scrlven, will give addresses, and Mrs. Codd and tlra.
Oscar MacMIcklng have kindly pmmlaad to sing. The meeting will open at S p. Jo»eph”i Hospital, to Mr. Boyton-Coffey, of Wrlft Current, Sas- katchewan, a daughter. Fraser, a daughter. John W. Born at Victoria. The funeral wtu ‘ take place frem. Interment In Rom Bay Ceme tery. Jfth, l»OT. For ua the treasure that we leva. If you were, you undoubtedly saw the spotless oven in the Made-in-Victoria Building, where Wliitc-a-Clovcr ‘The new loaf, was exhibited.
Hundreds tested this su- perior bread and almost all are now regular customers. It is not possible to produce better, sweeter, more evenly textured bread than this. It is always fresh and costs– no more than ordinary bread. Try It, Just Once. Ask Your. Does the temptation justify the deed? Emphatically— Y-E-S. Youllbe aatkfied too. Just try them. Mafwrtka, 2 for 25e.
Ktimmam, B. This could be cut into three lots or would make one good homesite. They contain plenty of tine beef, and constitute an ideal canine food. I’er 7-lb. I’er 7-Ib. Are how under new management, at Douglas Street, Balmoral Block.
Captain Diamonds lenm rtnally won from Mptalii Campbcll’. While the marg;n of I’. The winners, had one man more l,hi! Count out these tw 5 factors In their run-Kettlng, and. It can be reall;;o. It was just a sntjn- isurablC’ afternoon’s sporl. In will” n, Willie the Australians, of course, predominated in hoUi bfiUltifi: and bowllngr.
Grant, of Vk- toilft, Rave a Kond exhibition, helnp; re- tired by a sidend’d catch by Gownrd ifter reaohinK Cody, was dis- mls. Med for 56, and Captain Diamond was not out with Bl. Kor CtinipbCll’s team.
Coward batterji nicely for 20 runs, and C. In the mornins at 11 o’clock, the twenty-tw-o CoJts resumed their pnnie which w’Ps. Hudson, a mldeet. The latter re- ceived a R-reat ovation on deiiarting for the clubhouse, and well did he de. He elves every promise of develop- Ihr Into B Hr. Captain Diamond and Cnmubell. Milne; c jnd b’ Campbell! Hudson, c llardsley. Gardiner, c Diamond, b Campbell 8 K. Hay ward, c Arnott. Fletcher, c Colling, b Diamond..
Hudson, c Down, b Diamond Howland, c Down, b Campbell. W, U’alllnRton. Hilton, not out 1 Kxtras ” Total for H wickets isj M. Finlayson, C. Ilohiiisen and A. Forrester iiirl not hat. I lamond 22 f Campbell 21 3 n. R2 flu Capt. Grey, c York, b Soarki?. Colllnff, c ‘and b Macartney W. Cody, retired. Oampb«U’a Taam H. York, c Grey, b Collln. Arnott, c Carr. Bennett, run out 9 S. Macartney, c Carr.