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I think the safest thing to do is remove the reference to authoring practices and call it good. I’ll do that. We can look again in 1. Skip to content. Star New issue. Jump to bottom. Copy link. The second statement is false. There is not and has never been an example in Authoring Practices.

All reactions. This idiom is used a lot in installers, which is where it immediately pops out at me from, but I could imagine faceted and advanced search interfaces, especially for catalogs and archiving systems using this quite a bit if there was support. Has anyone ever used this – are there any use cases? Details warning: expands 10, lines!

Member Author. Mr Dowling presented these forecasts at the opening yester- day of a three-day ADB work- shop on Asia’s economic out- look. Economists from the three institutions said the current turbulence in world financial markets will not jeopardise the continuing growth in Asian economies. Mr Dowling cited particularly the Asian econo- mies’ strong savings and investment rates that have been instrumental in achieving steady growth records. Thai business chief named as foreign William Barnes reports on fears of conflict of interest Thailand’s new foreign minister, whose appointment was confirmed yesterday as part of a cabinet over- haul, is an unelected businessman whose corporate involvements are prompting criticism that he Is vulnerable to conflicts of interest Mr Thaksin Shinawatra, aged 45, is one of the country’s wealthiest and most dynamic businessmen.

His tele- communications empire has thrived on his ability to win government con- tracts and franchises, and is expand- ing rapidly in Thailand and the region.

He has been appointed because Mr Ghamlong Srinmang, founder of the Palang Dharma Buddhist force party, has risked seeing his political creation break apart by replacing all of his party’s 11 ministers in an attempt to boost its popularity.

The five coalition parties are permitted to fill their cabinet allocations largely as they see fit. Mr Vichit Surapongchai, former president of Bangkok Bank, picks up the important transport and commu- nications portfolio; this has caused less comment because he is seen as a professional business manager brought in to deal with a specialist field.

Mr Chamlong himself takes up for- mal political office – as a deputy prime minister – for the first time since he was swept into power as a corruption-fighting governor of Bang- kok in the 1 s. There are fears Mr Chuan Leekpai, prime minister, will have to use all his diplomatic skills to prevent the unpredictable Mr Chamlong driving the five-party coalition Into crisis as he tries to score political points over this government’s final two years of its term. Mr Thaksin has resigned as chair- man of his Shinawatra group in favour of his wife.

But the spirit of the law is that you don’t minister want a person to hold high position in order to benefit from it This is a problem that could explode at any time,” said Prof Likhit Dhiravegindra of Thammasat University’s political science faculty.

Mr Thaksin’s predecessor as foreign minister, the former intelligence chief Mr Prasong Soonsiri, is furious and vengeful after being dumped by his party leader for a fresh face. Diplomats, however, say that Mr Prasong foreign policy was often obscure if not muddled, and argue that Mr Thaksin has an opportunity to sharpen up Thailand’s handling of foreign affairs. A Singapore suits golf amateurs to a tee. Air India, the international carrier, has been allowed to resume its services to Dubai and Doha, while Emirates Dubai’s airline.

Gulf Air and Kuwait Airways have also resumed their Indian services after nearly a month. But Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and other members of the United Arab Emirates, as well as Pakistan, Bangladesh and some Russian and central Asian countries, have yet to resume flights to India lift the ban on flights. The Indian government expressed relief when a team of WHO experts indicated no evidence existed that plague had been transmitted in Bom- bay, Calcutta.

Madras or Delhi, and these cities could be con- sidered plague-free. But the UN organisation has recommended continued precautions while travelling to Surat in Gujarat and Beed in Maharashtra.

The government has con- finned only 55 plague deaths, but health organisations hope authorities will beed it as a warning to improve India’s inadequate health system.

Worst hit by the plague panic are exports of fresh food. Officials admit that exports of perishables have fallen sharply, though no figures are yet available. The Indian Commerce minis- try is optimistic that trade with the Middle East will return to normal with the restored air and sea links.

Travel experts estimate can- cellations of up to 40 per cent of tourism arrivals this year, the plague scare having coin- cided with the peak tourist sea- son. See what else drives others here. The Golf Asia convention wasn’t the only successful one that showcased Singapore as Asia’s leading meeting destination. Each month there are new exhibitions, new conferences and new meetings where you can exchange the latest on your industry or products.

Not to mention a whole new world of entertainment in the city where the best of the East and West come together. Convention City Singapore. The obvious course to take. United Kingdom. Where the world comes together. Telephone: Sovereign Forex Ltd. The average Syr- ian seems to believe this trip is about the most significant thing that could happen just now,” a western diplomat in Damascus said.

Diplomats say the Syrians hope Mr Clinton may come bearing some Israeli conces- sion on. Mr Clinton hac indicated nei- ther is likely. IBs implicit message in visiting Mr Assad seems to be that such prizes as removal from the terrorist list and further improvements in DS-Syrian relations can come, but only once the peace with Israel is sealed. The trip will also wn rigrihw what the tireless Middle East shuttling ctf Mr Warren Chris- topher, US secretary of state, has made plain: that the US win act as guarantor for any Syrian deal with Israel.

MCI said it bad signed a con- tractual agreement with Pa telco, a -private company implementing an exclusive year telecommunications con- cession for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, to provide international telephone net- work capacity.

Both American companies are insistent their agreements will give them exclusive rights to the Palestinian telecoms market. Patelco would run and oper- ate the telecommunications system in all Palestinian areas, Mr Kodacovi said, and MCI would provide the network capacity to irnk the Palestinian areas with the rest of the world. The agreements were negoti- ated without public bidding or monitoring by international consultants.

The confusion between the rival accords reflects a scram- ble for contracts among senior PLO officials, and underlines concerns voiced by the US and international donors about the need for more transparency in awarding commercial con- tracts. The principal shareholder In Patelco is International Tech- nologies Integration, a small American telecom consultancy owned by a Lebanese engineer, which has- Joint ventures with MCI in Lebanon, Syria and Kuwait According to a contract seen by the Financial Tunes, TO last October won a year conces- sion signed by Mr Arafat exclu- sively to build, operate and exploit the domestic and inter- national communications net- work in the West Bank and Gaza.

Mr Maher El Kurd. Mr Cees Stejjger. A senior western diplomat said Mr Ron Brown, US com- merce secretary, bad written to Mr Arafat expressing his con- cern over the award of the tele- cams contract, and asking Mr Arafat to institute a process of open public bidding. Mr Pierre Rizk, a Paris- based businessman who has been a key negotiator of the ITI deal, insisted this week that the rivalry between the two US companies was now over and that the inter- national telephone business would go exclusively to MCL Mr Riak ttonjgff any financial interest in any of the compa- nies involved.

Patelco b«d now bought the transmission equipment, exist- ing switches, cables, carriers and network remodes from B fwk Bezek refused to com- ment Mr Rizk confirmed there had been US pressure on the Pales- tinian Authority about the award of the contract but said it was a private business mat- ter which should not concern Washington as the deal involved no foreign aid.

It comes flinid ground-breaking gestures from Syria suggesting the climate for these talks is warming. Mr al-Sharaa recently gave an unprece- dented interview to Israeli tele- vision. Possibly, Mr Httntrm may be able to announce plans for Assad: regional stature eventual direct falks between Mr al-Sharaa anti Mr Shimon Poes, his Israeli counterpart, a direct encounter long sought by the Israelis.

Otherwise, the substance of Israeh-Syrian negotiations will continue under US auspices and through further US shut- tles in and out of Damascus.

Egyptian officials and some diplomats in the region believe these talks may be only months away from a basic agreed deaL Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak has spoken of a deal by Christmas. In a rare display of Palestinian pdliticaZ unity, Mr Yassir Arafat’s Palestine Libera- tion Organisation called a strike jointly with the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, closing schools and businesses to moum yesterday’s signing ceremony.

Israeli troops fired tear gas and bullets to disperse Palestinians stone- throwers in the West Rank city of Nablus. King Hussein, whose country includes 2m-3m Palestinians, once The controversy is the latest sign of a long history of tension between King Hussein and Yassir Arafat c halle ng ed Mr Arafat for leadership of the Palestinian cause; the PLO believes the king has not yet given up his ambition to influence the West Bank.

Under UN resolutions, Arab East Jerusa- lem, including the old city, is defined as occupied territory seized for Israel in Palestinians want Jerusalem as their future capital.

They accuse Israel and Jor- dan of trying to de-politicise the fate of Jerusalem and believe King Hussein has become a willing partner erf Israel to main- tain its occupation.

For decades. Palestinians have accorded Jerusalem a special symbolic reverence. In spray-canned graffiti across the Gaza Strip the Dome is often depicted, symbolis- ing the long-held Palestinian dream of a return to their cherished homeland.

A Record of Success in Capital Markets. Our successful euro-guilder issue for National Bank of Hungary was the first for an Eastern European borrower for five years. And in the secondary market, we hold a strong position in Dutch stocks, guilder bonds, private placements and guilder derivatives.

For information, fax Although Mr Eggar said he could not confirm the inclusion of legislation in the Queen’s Speech to parliament next month, the positive tone of his remarks left little room for doubt that he believes the cabi- net will support the tabling of the bill. Independent gas suppliers have predicted that prices could fall by 10 per cent as a result of deregulation.

Ms Clare Spottlswoode. British Gas said it is likely to raise its prices, including standing charges, by about the rate of inflation at the turn of the year. The Chamber of Coal Trad- ers, representing 2. It says this is because the department pays gas bills for claimants of state benefits who are in arrears. The chamber says it is not possible for claimants who use solid fnei to get the same help, ft alleges that the market is distorted as a result The second complaint arises from a system of pricing under which householders pay the same amount for gas supplies throughout Britain.

The chamber says this Is possible because of British Gas’s near monopoly position and also distorts competition. British Gas is already plan- ning to change the system.

The chamber is also con- cerned about the pricing for- mula used by Ofgas, the gas Industry regulator. A second pilot involving 2m peo- ple. Mr Eggar said he hoped to’ encourage small suppliers as well as large into the market, suggesting for example that coal-bed methane gas could be provided to individual villages. The report was also welcomed by campaign- ers for cleaner air and a reduction in asthma.

After some notorious battles over new road schemes, the report’s emphasis on. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds pointed out that sites of special scientific interest were directly at risk from the gove rnme nt’s road programme, and wildlife was suffering from polluting emissions.

But they will not be all on the road at the same time. Business cars now account for 70 per cent of the UK new- car market and their sales are entirely responsible for the current market recovery. Any significant shrinkage of the business car market could have adverse implications for Britain as a car manufacturing base, the industry says.

Ford results, Page 17 By Philip Stephens and David Owen at Westminster The government of the Repub- lic of Ireland has told its Brit- ish counterpart privately that it is willing to amend the most sensitive element of Its consti- tutional claim to Northern Ireland.

The amendments have been tabled as part of the intense negotiations on a framework document to provide the basis for a political settlement for the province. Mr Albert Reynolds, the Irish prime minister, has signalled that he is ready to submit to a referendum changes to the less controversial article 3 of the constitution, which also refers to the jurisdiction claimed by the republic.

But it is understood the two possible revisions so far suggested by Dublin do not meet the central unionist demands that Northern Ireland must be recognised as outside the “national territory” and chat they no longer be defined as members of the “Irish nation”. During the debate, ministers may be. Plans were unveiled that would allow increasing numbers to trade without being liable down to their last collar stud. The number of Names actively underwriting has Men from a peak of 32, in to fewer than 18, this year.

Mr Peter Middleton, Lloyd’s chief executive, said yesterday that most Lloyd’s Names may well convert In the next few years – though the higher returns offered by unlimited liability would continue to attract a minority.

They will be considered by Lloyd’s on November 4. That would not isolate them completely from past exposures but offer some protection. If many Names transfer to limited liability, the pro- cess could become unstoppable. Trust that was earned the hard way. Qualifications that also allow- us to maintain, overhaul and modify the fleets of every carrier using equipment from Airbus Industries or Boeing that touches down in South Africa.

We are also contracted to do ail maintenance and modifications on several airlines, many of which would probably surprise vou You may consider it strange that an airline which prides Itself on inflight service devote an advertisement solely to operational technicalities.

But look at it this way. Princes Holdings, which operates cable networks in Cork and Limerick in the repubfic and a microwave broadcast service in the west of Ireland. UIH is also likely to be involved m the Northern Ireland bid. The TeleWest consortium win be challenged by a consor- tium that includes Ulster Television, the Independent televi- sion company for Northern Ireland.

The company is believed! The purchase could transform the holiday industry, bringing sharper marketing to a sector that has traditionally been poorly organised. First oil from new field BP and Shell said yesterday that they had produced the first oil from the Atlantic west of Shetland, a group of irianria to the north of Scotland.

In a six-week extended test of their new Foinaven field, the well flowed at up to 20, barrels a day with an average flow of barrels. In addition to being the first ofi. Foin- aven and its neighbouring Schiehallkm field are among the biggest new oil and gas discoveries in UK waters. Rachel NickeH, aged. The file an the case at Scotland Yard was closed last month after the collapse of a murder case brought against Mr Cohn Stagg. An undercover policewoman sent Mr Stagg letters and a tape in an attempt to encourage him’ to reveal sexual fantasies.

Nissan Motor bad denied that such an agreement. Subject to final detailed negotiations today, the deal will be announced in Stuttgart tomorrow. London dockland railway to be sold By Charted ibartetielar, V V tato«l until then. Decemberl99l sector operator in before has modernised the railways being sold completely seven signal li ng , taprov ed relia bility years later and built a new extension to Announcing plans for priva- the east In the past 12 months tfeatfonafthe 15 -mile railway, the number of passengeishas Mr John Gummer, environ- risen by 40 per cent to 45, a ment secretary, said yesterday toy.

A By John Authors Sir John Banham, chairman of the commission created by the government four years ago to review the structure of munici- pal adminis t rati on , yesterday announced the nhaijiiwimAn t of plans to abolish six county councils. District councils have lobbied hard for the end of the two-tier structure through abo- lition of county councils.

The districts would then become unitary authorities with all the powers. Of the 17 counties for which proposals have been announced so for, 10 will keep the two-tier system – at least in part Proposals for all the other Rn gtfah will be given to the government by the end of the year. Mr Frank Dobson, local government Spokesman for the opposition Labour party, said: “The pres- ent position is yet another monument to government incompetence.

Turmoil and trouble, all for nothing – a use- less distraction. Kant’ ;. In Buckinghamshire and with both county councils being abolished and most of the lower-tier district councils Bedfordshire, Sir John recoin- being given unitary status on mended more radical change, their current boundaries.

It does not want the mixed fleet of Chi- nooks and Westland EH1Q1 air- craft which was originally pro- posed. Tins is the latest of a series of military procurement decisions which pits off-the- shelf US products against European-developed alterna- tives. The RAF will argue for the Chinook when the Elbn order for up to 40 support helicopters goes to the Ministry of Defence equipment committee next week. However, the army, also represented on the committee, is thought to favour a mixed fleet of helicopters to give ver- satility.

Westland is negotiating to sell the anti-submarine war- fare version of the EH to several Gulf states. Taiwan power bid decision in January Nn clear Electric, the state-owned generating com- pany, expects to receive a deci- sion by the end of January on its joint bid to build a power station In Taiwan, David Green writes.

The bid, based on the design of the proposed Sizewell C plant In eastern England, has been made in conjunction with Westtogfconse of the US, which collaborated over the design of SizeweU B. The companies are being given nntU mid December to decide whether to revise their joint bid and are now carrying out a reassessment of costs. Executives are also answer- ing technical and commercial questions posed by Tai Power, the Taiwanese generating com- pany.

I88MW by March. I in ness flourish in the Ruhr. But don’t just take our Europe for quality of life. With high standards word for it, have a look at the study. Or even of living, excellent health care, a clean environ- better — why not come and see for yourself? Scientists have tried for years to fathom the mysteries of the many viruses that cause the cold.

There have been several false dawns. The discovery in of the structure of the rhi- novirus – of which there are at least out of about cold viruses – was heralded as the breakthrough that might pro- duce a vaccine. Some research- ers said at the time, however, that its very complexity meant a vaccine was probably impos- sible. Yet, it was a breakthrough.

It meant scientists could begin to think about designing a drug that might stop the virus. Nearly 10 years on. Drugs are becoming more sophisticated, but none prevents infection. In March this year. The RVP enzyme helps the virus to do its work as it enters the body through the nose, eyes or mouth , producing the symptoms associated with colds. Agouron believes the discov- ery will enable it to design a drug, atom by atom, that will lock into the enzyme and inhibit or stop rhinovirus repli- cation.

It sounds familiar, but there are some differences. If it can design a drug to fit the RVP enzyme, it could reach half of all colds.

Second, Agouron, in common with several other pharmaceu- tical companies, is working with computerised drug design. Computing tools can provide important leads in the search for the right atom to create a molecule that locks on to a virus. X Mars Drugs go through years of clinical tri- als before they are allowed on to the market, whether for pre- scription or over-the-counter sale. Initially, Agouron plans to develop agents for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmo- nary disease, such as emphy- sema and chronic bronchitis.

Agouron is not alone in the race to design a drug to kill the cold. Also in the picture are Japan Tobacco, the main contributor of fluids for Agouron’s anti-vi- ral research, and Syntex, a US subsidiary of Roche of Switzer- land, which is also contribut- ing. Any other company, Agouron acknowledges, could establish the enzyme structure and design a prophylactic drug.

Yet all researchers are aim- ing at an extremely difficult target, says David Tyrell, a virologist who ran the common colds research unit at Salis- bury in the UK for 26 years until its closure in He points to the early optimism about interferon in the mids. When the engineers at Jaguar designed the new XJ Series, they wanted to create a luxury car that was built like a fortress.

Six energy absorbing crush tubes which collapse progressively on impact were built into the front and rear of the car. Energy absorbing blocks were built into the doors and a steel bulkhead placed between the fuel tank and the passenger compartment. And for added protection, high strength steel impact bars were welded into the sides of the car. Driver and passenger airbags, incorporating electro-mechanical crash sensors were installed as standard, together with an inertia switch which isolates the fuel tank in the event of a collision.

We couldn’t think of a better advertisement. For details or to arrange a test drive, contact your local Jaguar dealer. As the world waits for a cure, the OTC coughs and colds industry is constantly upgrading and refining its products.

The trend in the industry Is to improve what Is already available. Most cough and cold remedies contain an analgesic, such as paracetamol or aspirin, plus one or more active ingre- dients to control specific symp- toms. These include deconges- tants such as ephedrine and pseudoephedrine and sedative antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine and pro- methazine.

The industry has sought to target specific symptoms, to improve tastes and delivery systems, to speed up and pro- long treatment effectiveness, and to produce better and safer packaging. The industry has also pro- duced new mixes with drugs coming off prescription and on to the OTC market. Two years ago, the antihistamine Tavist, developed by Sandoz of Swit- zerland, switched from pre- scription to OTC and is now an ingredient in the company’s cough and cold remedies.

Boehringer Ingelheim. DM45m of which is prescription-based. Crookes Healthcare, the UK division of Boots Healthcare International, launched ibupro- fen, the analgesic, anti-pyretic lowers temperature and anti- inflammatory drug onto the OTC market in as Nuro- fen.

The product’s other active ingredient Is the decongestant pseudoephedrine. It is aimed at elderly or arthritic people and house- holds without young children. The company says more Lemsip products, with known pharmaceutical agents, are being developed. None of the leading pharma- ceuticals companies is betting on a cure, but all are reshap- ing.

The drug discovery series will resume next summer. The technology, which involves the use of ultra-violet light in headlamps, was developed under the Prometheus research programme and could be ready by the end of this decade. About With a view to reducing the toil, and solving another of the problems bedevilling Europe’s roads – traffic congestion – 90 cars and trucks fitted with an assortment of pioneering technologies were pnt through their paces at a Paris conference last week.

They were demonstrating the fruits of Prometheus, the first pan-European collaborative research project, which involves 13 vehicle manufacturers and some of their key component suppliers, plus electronics and defence equipment producers, research in stitut es and universities.

At an unlit test track near Paris last week, the Saab showed only a hint of UV light from two small lamps at bumper level. But for the driver, the UV transformed the view. White lines and road signs treated with UV-responsive paint shone out from hundreds of yards ahead.

Apart from safety, there is another dimension to the programme. At stake are vast rewards for those whose technologies become the industry standard in areas such as vision enhancement, automatic collision avoidance, and data interchange between vehicles and roadside equipment for purposes such as route finding and automatic tolling.

The UV system fails into the first category. Jaguar, glass manufacturer Pilkington and GEC Marconi Avionics have taken a different approach, adapting military technology. A near-infra-red camera and filtered headlamps allow the driver to see into pitch-black countryside.

Infra-red, unlike UV, can also cut through fog. The driver can override the system. Lucas, and Oxford and Southampton universities, has joined Jaguar to develop a vision system using a video camera and radar sensors to scan the road ahead and predict collision risk. BMW, Matra, Renault and Jaguar have also developed systems which help the driver stay In lane using a camera which recognises lane markings.

Collectively, the Prometheus technology stands to change driving and safety standards beyond recognition in the next two decades – if motorists are prepared to pay extra for safety features.

Whalen is such a motor industry institution – he has twice been president of the Society of Motor Manufactur- ers and Traders and is cur- rently its deputy president – that it tends to be forgotten that he cut his career teeth not on motor cars but in the coal industry.

He worked in indus- trial relations for the National Coal. Board for seven years before joining first motor com- ponents group AC Deico. Snce then it has been profit- able for all but one of the past ten years, with, its UK market share jumping from just over 1 per cent to the current 8 per cent.

Car production over the same period rose from 20, a year to a peak Now that Eurotunnel has raised the bulk of its capital, the group is consolidating its financial side under Graham Corbett, the chief financial offi- cer.

Peter Ratzer, 55, currently director of corporate finance , is becoming a senior financial adviser before t aking early retirement towards the middle of and Patrick Fulhaber. Grant, who was corporate finance manag er, will also take over responsibility for the bank and investor relations department in his new role. Fraser was also a main board director of Ocean, the freight, environ- mental and marine services group which has continued to disappoint the City.

John Allan, who became chief exe c utive of the group last month, said yesterday that he would be taking a per- sonal role in McGregor Cory as executive chairman. GEC-Marconi avionics employs about 9, people at sites in Rochester. Edinburgh and Basildon. The Chamber, one of the country’s largest with 3, member companies between the Scottish bonders and North Yorkshire, hmwi into being on January 3 – the result of a merger of three chambers. Caldwell, Your business maybe fighting fit but is it fighting fraudP m If you suspect fraud is at work in your business , minimise your losses by acting now.

Power in Europe – will examine how electricity utilities around the world are responding to a more competitive environment. Name of card holder — — Exp. Loudon SW12 8 PH.

The Lebanese Company for the. Spreading out ewerjifr million sqbare meters. A marina Will he constructed at each end of the sea-defense structures.

THe structures form part of. BPA International, the OS- based body responsible for auditing the circulations of more than 1, magazines, mostly in the OS, is increasingly moving into Europe, and the UK in particular.

The organisation already serves 67 magazines in the OK but has now set up a European sales and marketing office, much to the irritation of the official British audit body the Andit Bureau of Circulations. BPA says it provides detailed 1 Information on who a magazine goes to in terms of job title, something that is not part of the standard ABC andit John Beadell, chief executive of the ABC, says his procedures are among the most stringent in the world, certainly comparable to those of the BPA and that more detailed information was introduced with the ABC Profile in Organisations such as the Periodical Publishers Associa- tion believe advertisers, agen- cies and publishers want a sin- gle currency for comparing magazine circulation in the UK and it should be the ABC.

He fears the next stage In the competition will mean players having to boy both sets of data – thereby doubling the cost Raymond Snoddy A new advertising campaign is launched and, as a result, sales surge. Barely is life that simple, as this year’s winning entries for the UK’s Advertising Effectiveness Awards, unveiled on Tuesday, demonstrate.

The awards, unlike the thousands of other trophies the advertising industry loves to bestow on itself each year, are not for creative excel- lence, artistic merit brilliance of execution or originality of concept Instead, the biennial awards, organised by the Institute of Practi- tioners in Advertising, are given for case histories, often laden with dry statistics, which succeed in demon- strating how an advertising cam- paign has contributed to a product or service’s commercial success.

When BMW GB was established in to take over from the previ- ous distributor, it set objectives of m aintainin g high profit marg ins while trebling sales by from 13, new cars a year to 40, These objectives have been achieved and BMW in Britain has outperformed the market, thanks partly, argues Broadbent.

The essence of the advertising has been a consistent tone of voice, with the car as the master of each ad.

It is difficult to imagine an ything further from the BMW world than. The case study of Boddingtons’ advertising, by Guy Murphy at agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, won the category for products or services which are new, or have no significant history of advertising. When Whitbread bought the Bod- dingtons brewery in Manchester in It was faced with the task of transforming the bitter into a national brand without alienating its existing regional drinkers.

Exploiting Its attribute of being creamy-looking when poured, BBH focused on the product, rather than the user – a more common tactic in the advertising of bitter brands. The agency also avoided the traps of regional stereotyping. The out- side back covers of magazines, in particular, were used to build up awareness. The brand, which includes Canned Boddingtons.

This value emerges as 6. The cream of Manchester win have to wait until the end of the millennium to see if it has achieved classic advertising status. A pull-out with all the award win- ning case studies was published with yesterday’s FT. Yet despite the fact that men are forced to run their domestic affairs as never before, images of smiling, something British housewives still dominate advertising for grocery products.

Men living alone represent 11 per cent of UK households, and even within the family the conventional role of woman as housewife is being eroded. While women continue to do most of the household tasks, men. Men shop for an avenge of two and a half hours a week, against an average of four tor women. The Henley survey suggests that 38 per cent of men claim to have personally selected more than half of the items they had bought from supermarkets.

Twenty six per cent of men claim actually to enjoy shopping and a stereotype-defying 46 per cent say that cooking is a real pleasure. When men shop they are more likely to buy brands and spend on average 5 per cent more than their female counterparts – on the face of it a manufacturer’s dream.

Donald Kerr, planning director at the advertising agency J. He attributes this partly to attitudes created by the recession, which have left a culture of caution among Britain’s marketing community. Such suggestions are dismissed by Jerry Wright, marketing director at Lever Brothers, a company with a large portfolio of grocery brands.

Even so Lever Brothers has not tried to develop a niche. When men shop they spend on average 5 per cent more than their female counterparts male-oriented grocery brand and the company has not even carried out any specific research into this opportunity. A sign perhaps that advertisers must increasingly reflect life as it is, rather than recreating the kind of scenes that were looking dated even in the s.

New or Improved pharmaceuticals are important to everyone’s well-being. But it is of special relevance here in Argentina. Argentinean law does not protect medical patents, so the market Is flooded with hundreds of me-too products. Despite this tough competition, we have doubled our sales during the last two years. Akzo Nobel is one of the world’s leading companies in selected areas of chemicals, coatings, health care products and fibers. More than 75, people, active in 50 countries around the world, make up the Akzo Nobel workforce.

For more Information, write or calf; Akzo Nobel nv. Box , SB Arnhem, the Netherlands. Telephone 3 1 85 66 22 Organon’s unparalleled world-wide quality control, know-how and innovation persuade more and more Argentinean doctors to choose our side.

Which proves again that It pays off to create the right chemistry. Wodehouse and the wilder scenic fancies of Fragonard. For non-Britons, it was clear. Idiocy plus idyll equals the public school So naturally we turn to The Browning Version for realism. AH these chaps are British, so we should be safe. But wait Teh minutes into this tale of Andrew Crocker- Harris and the heartless, unpensioned retirement forced on him by his school end we are hankering for the docu- mentary exactitudes of Res- nais.

An hour hi – after we learn that the hero’s wife Greta Scacchi is canoodling with the American chemistry teacher Matthew Modine , who been hired on an exchange basis with Hollywood, and that Greta will never show Albert as much love as does the one grateful pupD who gives him the eponymous Aeschylus translation as a parting gift – and we fed that some serious surrealism is setting in.

AH these odd Caribbean com- plexions. For this is a Para- mount-prod need film and no American the studio’s think- ing probably goes will believe that public schools are actually filled with pole, spotty people who look as if they spent their formative years in a badger t unnel.

In all senses. The only actor to stem the tide of implausibllity la Albert Fin- ney, bravely reaching out for moments of truth and uoezag- gerated poignancy from his toby-jug frame. The rest of the film wxon- gheadecQy updated from Ratti- gan’s period-perfect original is made for the age of synthe- sised, fast-food foreign culture tasting.

Goodbye, Mr French Fries. In the late 17th century, the film hazards, the Shot Ears tribe fought the Long Ears after the UBa’ had spent many years forcing the SEs to build those rock figures topped with weird visages. Palms were fel- led to provide scaffolding and rolling tracks. Food ran out Natives got restiess. Things came to a head dur- ing the annual Bxr dman race, in which Noro Jasotn Scott Lee, Long Ears vied with Make Esal Morales, Short Ears to be the first man to swrm back from the neighbour- ing island and shin up the sheer efiffa wi t h an wnhrnfcen egg strapped to his forehead.

Knee-deep in the ridiculous, Rapa Nui also keeps clawing its way to the sublime. I wish I had tape-recorded the press show reaction. We all began by giggling into our handouts. By the dose you could hear a pin drop.

By the close the plot has become so surreal that It is worthy of Werner Herzog. It crowns a movie whose visual spectacle – it was actually shot an Easter Island. And even those are not so pained as to have stopped 80 critics tnnhfng to the edges of their seats as the Birdman race entered its majestic delirium of seas, rocks, sharks and chfb.

Rusty Cundieff – should be despatched to Rapa Nui imme- diately. It would be punish- ment for giving us 88 of rapper phooey: a dismal spoof documentary in the 9pir rial Tap tradition in which Cundieff and pals, as the hand NWH Niggaz With Hats , strum chords and crack jokes with all the elan of street busk- ers in Hell Major League n is worse. Charlie Sheen. Tom Berenger and the rest are back for fun and games in the world of baseball Since this sport is more obscure to British audi- ences even than the Great Frjxtfcr island Birdman Handi- cap, we are completely at sea even when we are on dry laud.

In such a week you will wel- come alternative choices. But can one have too much choice? The 38th London Film Festival begins next Thursday and once more offers a powerful argu- ment for owning several sets of eyes and ears and an ability to sit in three cinemas at once. There are almost feature films this year, but I have run out of ideas for being rude about the LFFs size.

If London wants its main movie event to be an wyHarlminating qhfl rea let it. Here are my Top Nine. Louis Malle’s Uncle Vanya On 42nd Street: eavesdropping on a heart-stopping readtogfre- hearsal by a Broadway stage company. Mika Kaunsmaki’s Tigrero: inspired docu mock- u? Venice Golden lion- winning puzzle picture, witty and erotic, about abstracted lives in semi-abstract settings. Book now while seats and stamina last. On the one band, this Edin- burgh schoolteacher enjoying her prime in the s, is an icon as camp and transparent and quotewartby as E.

What are those futures but pro- jections of the lives she herself might have led? Between these two extremes. Her girls love her, and two of her male colleagues are In love with her. She herself talks repeatedly of the impor- tance of love. Yet love is what she has placed on the altar of teaching.

And it is in her pre- diction that Jenny will be a great lover, a DJL Lawrence heroine, that she most obvi- ously tries to make her stu- dents live her life by proxy.

Indeed, her only true predic- tion is that Sandy will be a spy. Sandy, the cleverest gbi in the class, becomes the Judas among the Brodie girls, because she sees that Miss Bro- die has been betraying them. The play which Jay Presson Allen made of the book catches many of them, though it goes overboard at first on the Bro- die clicMs and campery.

The role of the heroine was a vehicle in the s for Vanessa Redgrave onstage and Maggie Smith on film ; and in the s Geraldine McEwan starred in an excel- lent TV version.

I t was time for a new Miss Jean Brodie, and it was possible that Patricia Hodge might be good in the role. She has the bite, the ele- gance, the element of frigidity. Bodge has her moments, especially when speaking or behaving quietly; but moments do not make a role.

The most persuasive perfor- mance is given tor David Yel- land as Teddy Lloyd, the mar- ried art master whom she loved and who Loves her, though Strachan has let Yet l and be too dour.

Jackie Morrison as Sandy gives a very fair account of a tricky role. In the first of Ravel’s Miroirs – Noctuelles – she enjoyed caressing the most velvety sonorities, and in the second – Oiseaux tristes – she captured a vivid sense of tropical torpor.

Une barque sur l’ocfian and Alborada del Gradoso brought out her sense of San and flam- boyance before the quiescent, dusky tolling of the final piece, la vallfie des cloches. That was all to the good – after aR, Schumann told his pianist wife Clara she must forget she was a performer when playing foe pieces – but if the title of Glftekes genog implies no extremes of feeling, MacGregor left it seeming rather ordinary. On the other hand, her free- dom with the pulse in Kind im Bmarhlirmniem made the pro- cess of dropping true to He, but unnecessarily elaborate.

Which led neatly to MacGre- gor’s more demanding final choice, the imposing Sonata which Bartok wrote in The rugged fistfuls of notes an d stamping rhythms In the first movement recall the mean, but not so lean. First Piano Concerto of the same vintage.

The slow middle movement is spare and grim, while the finale becomes a frenzied dervish dance. Out of range of the firing line, the LSO had clearly decided its own interests were best served by keeping its head down. Alone of the London orchestras, it had not been required to present itself as a competitor for funds, to effect judged a winner before battle commenced.

The LSO is certainly enter- ing its 90th birthday season in fine fettle. Unlike its London rivals, It is sot in debt, has a secure home, and Is in a posi- tion to plan for its future with confidence.

On Tuesday it presented a gala concert to benefit the LSO Millennium Fund such hubris, when the other Loudon orches- tras will be glad to survive as for as the millennium at all! Tuesday’s concert – an all- Brahms programme under Georg Solti – was not the best evidence to support that claim, but at least the playing was strong and vital Ironically, the main competi- tion recently in Brahms’ First Symphony was at the Proms with the Dresden StaatskapeUe under Cohn Davis, the ISO’s own music director elect, who performed the music with the utmost refinement In his LSO appearances over the past few years Davis has started to instil some of that well-bred finesse, hut Solti clearly prefers the LSO as it used to be.

His Brahms was a high-octane drive down the symphonic fast lane, arteries pumping with tension, foot down on the volume control It is astonishing that Solti in his 80s still has this kind of energy. As the last movement powered towards its conclu- sion, he was bounding from side to side of the podium, arms jerking violently through foe air as thrm gh whipping the final chords info place.

There was limited scope for the autumnal Brahms to show his face, either here or in the Violin Concerto. Itzhak Perl- man’s view of the solo part as an outpouring of lyricism, unfailingly sweet to tone and generous with portamentos, really presupposes a different kind of performance.

Tues: Arturo Sandoval jazz concert. The opera season opens on Nbv 26 with a new production of Rossini’s H. Directed by Anthony Page. Sat Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducts Phffiiarrnonta Orchestra in the first concert of a Beethoven symphony series the others are Oct 31, Nov 7, 10, Sure Joe Loss Big Band.

Mon: Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra plays popular classics. Nov 5: Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. Mom Francisco Aralza song recital. Tudor and Lander. Nov 5, 8, 9, Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon. Dec Repertory also Includes Tosca, Carmen, Jenufe. New York and Parte. Tuesday: Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland. Chi- cago, Wa s hington. Wednesday: France, Ger- many, Scancfinawfa.

Corporate HQs are monuments to the chief executive’s ego. Scott’s is up for sale. So is much of the rest of the company. Earlier this month Mr Dunlap sold its coated papermaking business for Sl.

Still to go are its woodlands and pulp mills, bringing the grand total, he hopes, to S3ba. He believes this is a record: IBM may have sacked more in absolute numbers, but their proportion was a mere 13 per cent. He is particularly proud of the fact that 71 per cent of Scott’s headquarters staff have gone, including nine of its strong executive com- mittee.

In six months, he has turned it round. The proof lies in the only criterion he cares about: the share price has risen more than 60 per cent. Mr Dunlap started out as a military man. An ex-paratrooper with a parade- ground voice, he had his first taste of management running a nuclear missile site near Wash- ington in the early s. But each is in his own way an outsider and nowhere is this more evident than in their shared contempt for cor- porate America.

I take the simple view that the shareholders run the company. They take all the risk. Show me the company which pays the shareholders back if things go wrong, and Til show you the company that can afford to ignore them. Its shareholders would have been better off captured by terrorists. Back in the Goldsmith days, that would have been a god- send. You could have bought the world’s biggest tissue com- pany for nothing.

Every corpo- ration has a culture, hi a cor- poration which is not doing well, you must eradicate the culture. The problem about turn- rounds. They succumb to criticism. If you want to be liked, get a dog: In business, get respect. Mr Dun- lap shrewdly recognises that he has an image problem on this. He is indelibly associated with the corporate raiders of the s, of whom the stan- dard criticism was that they could cut costs, but they could not build.

He is quick to reject the charge. It was never as true as people said, he claims. Sir James and he invested far more than people gave them credit for. Besides, he observes, much of the paper industry is more concerned with tonnages than with twa icing money. And he said. HI come back to you. In a move calculated to cause a flutter in corporate America, he has decreed that all non- executive directors will be paid exclusively in company stock.

The shareholders, he insists again, are all that matter. If you do your job and pay your taxes, the rest takes care of itself. The principles vary between the platitudinous, the meaningless and the wrong-headed.

But there are some good individual proposals, which needed to be rescued from the surrounding material with a greater exer- cise of charity and imagination t han the commission members were willing to extend to their own intellectual opponents.

It is, however, unnecessarily difficult to carry out the neces- sary extraction. The Executive Summary is not that at all, but a party political pamphlet. There is no index. The book Is both insular and partisan. Exam- ples from other countries are brought in for debating pur- poses.

But there is little recog- nition that the problems it describes affect most western countries, irrespective of the party in power. To take one example, the British government is casti- gated for the low proportion of the population at work; but no mention is made of the fact that the proportion is lower still in most other European countries, whose degree of labour market regulation the commission so much envies.

Above all. This is a great wasted oppor- tunity. For the potential value of a group like the Borne com- mission Is that it can put for- ward proposals which do not commit its political sponsors. Tackling the poverty and unemployment traps is an expensive operation, if benefits are not to be cut or more harshly administered.

But there are more and less cost- effective ways of doing so. Hardly a model to appeal to a modernised Labour party. Why did not the philosopher member. The labels, however, will not be persuasive to those with enough economic logic to know that investment is itself a cost, not a benefit, best seen as by-product of entrepreneurial search for new products, pro- cesses and customers.

There is a hi ghl y misleading chart sup- posedly linkin g the growth of output per worker to the share of net investment in GDP. We are not told of the period over which the relationship is sup- posed to apply. The only source we are given is the New York Review of Books, without even an author.

The chart fails to include the former commu- nist countries which had the highest investment ratios of ail and – as we now know – the worst economic performance. But the commission’s own fig- ures show that it is an extremely ineffective way of dealing with poverty, which varies so much with family ctr- There is much casuistry to avoid using words like selectivity and means testing cumstances. Its main weapon is a number of studies purport- ing to show that minimum wages in some industries and countries do not destroy jobs, relying on the reader’s igno- rance of other studies showing the opposite.

If It applies to the latter, it will only increase the shift to part-time jobs. If it is to apply to any work done by anyone, then it means that a house- holder who cannot afford to pay that rate for a few hours’ work by a jobbing carpenter win have to resort to do-it-her- self – even though this makes both sides worse off and is in contravention of one human being’s right to make a con- tract with another so long as there arc no large adverse spillover effects.

The most radical single idea is the Pension Guarantee. This, thankfully, abandons the Labour commitment to waste- ful across-the-board increases in state pensions. Instead there are to be more generous and more humane top-up arrange- ments than at present for pen- sioners with little or no other income. There is, of course, much casuistry to avoid using words like selectivity and means testing. Less happily, mandatory second pension schemes seem to be advocated – which is too near compul- sory saving for a liberal.

Many detailed but important low cost improvements are put forward which might make Familv Credit more effective in topping up the incomes of fam- ilies with low earnings from employment. Another good idea, canvassed rather than firmly proposed, is that of merging Family credit with Income Support for the unem- ployed. The Borrie commission is also more favourable than the government to low cost propos- als to allow the unemployed some modest earnings from casual work without losing benefit.

This was originally meant to happen when individual taxa- tion was introduced, but one rather important married cou- ple vetoed the idea. The allow- ance is now being partially phased out by Kenneth Clarke. But unlike the cha tied lor. Children are more at risk from poverty than childless couples or older single people; and they did not ask to be bom. That does not mean sharing the Borrie enthusiasm for channelling everything saved into across-the-board increases in Child Benefit – still less Into nursery education whicli looks like vying with industrial training as the fad of the hour.

I would prefer some of it to be channelled into income- related benefits. Most of all. I was pleased to sec the incorpora- tion.


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