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In a warehouse shipment scenario winrows using the Get Shipment Lines function on a sales invoice, the prepayment amount for the second line is not deducted correctly. Windows 10 archived at Wayback Machine. Retrieved July 25, Changing between architectures e.❿


Windows 10 1703 download iso italys largest city


The Registration No. The Projected value in the Fixed Asset report does not count the tax depreciation correctly in the Czech version. The value in the Import Total field is incorrect if you create a credit memo of type Difference and have values that are not taxable in the Spanish version. When you use Mexican electronic invoicing, the VAT amount and percentage is not displayed in the.

The validation of an electronic sales credit memo in the EHF 3. The Available to Promise functionality is providing the earliest shipment date based on the existing special orders.

The starting and ending date-time in the Production Order header table does not reflect the current user’s time zone. Instead, it displays the time relevant for the time zone it was created in. The Lot No. An overflow error is displayed in the table when the length of the Last Modified By field is 20, but the User ID field that is filled into this field can have a length of 50 in the Swiss version. Incorrect amounts are displayed when you post the purchase or sales invoices with the advanced letters linked in the Czech version.

Change the options of the Non-Taxable Income field type of the withholding tax card in the Italian version. The Reconcile Vendor Ledger Entries function does not work as expected when you apply a manually created line in the Dutch version. If the bank account, country or region code, and the vendor bank account region code are the same, the Exp.

Pre-Mapping Gen. Account No. Blanket purchase order lines default to the item standard cost rather than using the last direct cost or the vendor-specific direct cost from the Vendor Prices table. The Available for Transfer Quantity field is incorrect on the Order Planning page when a previous line partially uses the available quantity. Current value is ‘0’. The invoice discount amount on sales orders is incorrect if you create a sales order from a blanket sales order.

The quantity is not selected for the quick entry when you press the ENTER button in the sales orders. The Create Movement action in the Movement Worksheet does not check item availability which results in movement with an unavailable quantity.

The Archive Sales Order field is not created correctly. Results from the pick process are inconsistent when the Unit of Measure is not based on Unit of Measure for sales orders. Non-global dimensions do not display in the cash document unless the page is refreshed in the Czech version. The statistics in the sales invoices is incorrect after you choose the Link Advance Letter button in the Czech version. The depreciation calculation for accounting is incorrect for tax with monthly posting in the Czech version.

Entries are totaled by the blank External Document No. Puede aparecer solo un bloque o ambos, pero al menos debe aparecer uno” error message is displayed if you send a non-taxable credit memo type replacement to the SII system in the Spanish version.

The and tags are incorrectly reported in the. XML file of a purchase invoice that is made for an intracommunity vendor but is paid for a non-intracommunity vendor when you use the SII functionality in the Spanish version. The Transport Method Code field is not mandatory in the Intrastat journal when you export the service in the Italian version.

When row No. XML file. Package Data does not exists. When you partially apply multiple invoices to a credit memo, the print check displays incorrect lines.

Product Posting Group table. An outbound entry is not assigned the latest valuation date of the associated inbound item ledger entries in a backdated transfer scenario, which causes an inbound entry having a later valuation date than the posting date.

Only the first expired lot is suggested on the Whse. Pick page when you have a pick according to the FEFO option after the lot was reclassified from the shipment bin and units with the same lot have been received.

A performance problem is displayed when you run the Calculate Whse. Adjustment function within the item journal because it runs through every warehouse entry for an item or adjustment bin every time when it looks for adjustments.

The warehouse employee with no location setup manages to update the Qty. The reconcile vendor ledger entries functionality does not work as expected in the Dutch version. If you use the remittance suggestion and the credit memos also get suggested, but they cannot be processed in the Norwegian version.

Comments are not added to the production order when it is created through the Carry Out Action Msg. This is because quantities on the posted document line are already fully or partially applied” warning message is missing for a tracked item upon returning a second time. Depreciation tax is calculated incorrectly if you set up different accounting periods in the Czech version.

The free sales invoice with the VAT chargeable in the. XML file does not export the correct base amount of the reversed line in the Italian version. An electronic invoice for a split payment invoice exports an incorrect amount in the Imposta tag in the Italian version.

Running the Calculate Regenerative Plan function corrupts the Quantity to Handle field in the Reservation Entries table when a transfer order with the Lot Tracking is partially picked for a warehouse shipment. The due date on the Planning Worksheet page changes when you make an order from an existing blanket sales order.

The component with Qty. Order Component list when you refresh the production order. The Unit Price field is revalidated against the sales price agreement when the quantity is changed on the sales credit memo line, overruling the original price that customers paid. The manually entered warranty date isn’t considered when the serial tracked service item is automatically created from a sales order.

The Customer – Order Summary report has incorrect results if you have lines with dimension and lines without dimension. The Create Movement function does not create a movement for the quantity specified in the Movement worksheet when the FEFO option is enabled.

Deferrals are not considered correctly when Auto Acc. Groups are used in a sales or purchase document in the Finnish version. The Calc. The payment tolerance discount is not taken into consideration when you run the Suggest Vendor Payment action from bank payment to send in the Finnish version.

Error message displays if you try to post a payment slip that is missing a mandatory dimension in the French version. If you get more than one posted shipment in a Sale invoice, the E-invoicing. XML file is not accepted due to the shipment description reported in the Italian version. The liquidation status of the E-invoicing. The tax calculations on the subpage of a sales order are incorrect when the Tax Liable flag is unticked in the Mexican version.

A second deposit header for the Same Gen. Journal Batch is allowed when it is created from a saved filtered View in the North American version. An error message displays in the Inventory Valuation report when you run the report for an item by the Location and Variant code where the item has Variant codes but more than one item ledger is posted with a blank Variant code in the North American version.

The tax calculations on the subpage of a sales order are incorrect when the Tax Liable flag is unticked in the North American version. If you import a CAMT file with the currency code, the currency factor from the file is not used in the Norwegian version. When you import a remittance after exporting in several batches leads to not matching bank ledger entries compared to the bank statements in the Norwegian version. The deferral posting with a proportional deduction VAT is incorrect in the general journals in the Norwegian version.

The item receipt posting with 5 serial numbers creates one warehouse entry only with the last serial posted in the Russian version. Groups are used in a sales or purchase document in the Swedish version. In case the Box No. The Item Disc. Group is not validated when you use a template to create an item from a non-stock item. The country code is not populated on the Job Planning Line page and not transferred to a job journal when you create a line from the Planning Line page.

It cannot be zero or empty” error message displays if you use the Posting Preview function in a sales order with items to assemble. Template Line. The Description text is not aligned with the customer language code when you run the Get Return Receipt Lines function in a sales credit memo. If you want to enter numbers manually, please activate Manual Nos. Series S-ORD-1″ error message displays when you create a sales order.

The Delegate button does not display on the Approval Entries page when you use a customer license. ABC is not available on inventory or it has already been reserved for another document. The bank account of a vendor does not exist. The Identification fields and values are Vendor No. The VAT Control report calculates the amount for simplified tax document limit according to the external document number regardless of the VAT registration number in the Czech version.

Error message displays when you modify the quantity of a sales order if a prepayment is inserted in the Czech version. Inventory order after deleting an empty bin in the DACH version. El XML no cumple el esquema. Falta informar campo obligatorio. Identification fields and values” error message displays and the app stops working if you navigate on the payment slip dimensions in the French version.

The amounts in the sales invoices in foreign currency should be exported in the E-invoicing. XML file in local currency in the Italian version. The amounts of the sales invoice reported in the. XML file are not correct when the invoice discount is calculated in combination with the line discount in the Italian version.

The tax representative for a customer must be used when you generate an electronic invoice in the Italian version. If you export a credit memo the applied sales invoice information in the. XML file should be exported in the Italian version. The ProgressivoInvio tag in an electronic invoice must have 10 characters in the Italian version.

XML file is not correct in the Italian version. The self-billing sales invoices must be sent through an. XML file even if the sales document is not created in the Italian version. If you use the Export Payment File function in a payment journal, the file does not validate against the schema in the Norwegian version. If the External Document Number field is not used the exported file does not contain the InstrId tag in the Norwegian version. When you add the name node in the Add Line Item function in the E-Invoice Export Common codeunit, the length is cut to 15 characters in the Norwegian version.

Filtering by the Corr. Totaling dimension value in financial report columns does not work in the Russian version. A purchase order receipt is posted without an error when the inventory posting group is not defined for location.

It is necessary to specify who will pay the fees when the customer pays the vendor invoices with SEPA in the Swiss version. The creation of bills is with zero amount and incorrect document status and document situation in the Spanish version. The entries that are displayed in the Analysis table by the Dimension matrix run by the Accounting Period calendar are not correct in the British version.

Discount field is missing after unapplying when you use the Adjust for Payment Discount and Payment Tolerance options. After some field names have been changed on a page, the same fields are displayed with the unchanged names on another page. The Carry Out Action Message function for multiple drop shipment sales orders does not create all the purchase orders.

The Able to Make Parent and Able to Make Top Item fields are 0 when you enter a negative value in the Quantity per field and there is available quantity to make at the component level.

Merge fields are not updated when you resend interaction log entries with the Update Merge Fields option. You must adjust the existing item tracking and then reenter the new quantity” error message when you change a Lot No. The Customer Enterprise No.

The following error occurred: Attempted to divide by zero” error message if you try to run the Vendor-Overdue Payments report in the Spanish version. If the sales invoice line has a quantity greater than 0 but the unit price is equal to 0,00, the line is not exported as the DettaglioRighe tag in the Italian version. Cannot change the Tax Area Code field on lines in sales credit memos and sales return orders, which is a problem for customers working in multiple tax areas in the North American version.

It is not possible to export a negative value in box 5 VAT to pay or to claim in the British version. A user would be incorrectly assigned the Business Manager profile if the company name is changed for their listed user groups in the User card.

When a payment is applied to 10 invoices and the payment is for more than the invoices, the check ledger entries are made for the invoiced amount and not the total payment. In the case of drop shipments, when a sales order is posted through a purchase order, the dimensions check will be ignored. The salesperson is not correctly updated in some circumstances if you change the Customer No.

The Reason code is not validated in Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal when you run the Calculate Inventory function and the default value is set on the batch. The Available Qty. To Pick field on the Pick Worksheet page displays an available quantity when the bin content is on a QC bin type code and unavailable to pick. Identification fields and values: Entry No. A couple of issues are found in the recently released functionality for Intrastat in the Belgian version.

The Partner ID field is not reported in the Intrastat journal if the Intrastat line refers to a service shipment in the Belgian version. Incorrect sales credit memos are automatically posted in the payment discount tolerance period in the Czech version. The Adv. Payment Selection-Sales field doesn’t work correctly in the Send Document function in the Czech version. It is not possible anymore to view the. Non-taxable operations are included in the Sales and Purchase Invoice Book reports in the Spanish version.

Group code in the Finnish version. The Customer Detail Trial Balance report does not display the right figures if the starting date of the date filter is not the beginning of the month in the French version. The content of the TipoDato Tag must not be greater than ten characters in the E-invoicing. XML file in the Italian version.

The applied amount LCY of the Vendor Bill List report is not correctly reported if the payment amount is split and applied to the different installments of the same purchase invoices in the Italian version. When the total of invoice is 0, even if you have lines, the Datibeniservisi tag is not created in the E-invoicing. XML file is not the same amount that is calculated and posted in the system in the Italian version.

If the invoice contains special characters that are exported in the E-invoicing. XML file, the file is rejected in the Italian version. The quantity reported in the E-invoicing. XML file is rounded to the second decimal place and the file is rejected in some cases in the Italian version. If the company issues self-billing invoices to the company itself, the TipoDocumento tag reported in the file must be TD20 in the Italian version.

If you calculate the invoice discount on a service invoice, the invoice discount data is not exported in the E-invoicing. The Importo tag in the line of the Scontomaggiornazione tag in the E-invoicing. XML file needs to be removed when the line discount or the invoice discount plus line discount is used in the Italian version. XML file is not created in the Italian version. Blank lines are printed in the report when no applied records exist in the North American version.

Error message is displayed in the Document No. Inconsistency message in the Calc. Group code in the Swedish version.

An overflow error is displayed on the Data Exchange Mapping page due to a problem with the CreateName function. The Document Date field is incorrect in a VAT entry created from a payment with a payment discount and the Adjust for Payment Discount feature is enabled. We use the Box No. The Appl. No output item ledger entry is created when all operations are in the routing state. Then a next operation number in the last operation that triggers the output entry is not recognized.

The total quantity on the Reserve page is not consistent with an item tracking defined for a production component. The Table Relation or Search function for the Description field on purchase documents is not consistent.

You cannot deploy contact insights manifest file in the latest cumulative update of Dynamics NAV Discounts are considered correctly or incorrectly in a prepayment invoice depending on the stage in which the prepayment percentage is added to a sales order.

Rate field displays confusing results in the Swiss version. The captions of the adjust exchange rates batch on the request page are not accurate in the Swiss version. If you suggest lines from a payment order with the Find Payment Discount option cleared, the system suggests the line with the amount after the discount in the Czech version. Drop shipments and advance letters in the report do not delete the sales order number from the sales advance letter in the Czech version.

The captions of the adjust exchange rates batch on the request page are not accurate in the DACH version. Falta informar campo obligatorio: DesgloseFactura. The Intrastat file format for sales is not correct if sale invoices are included and posted as Europe 3-Party Trade in the Italian version. The RiferimentoNormativo tag is not compiled even if the Natura tag reports a value in the E-invoicing. If the sales invoice is issued without VAT, a stamp should be added and this information must be reported in the E-invoicing.

If you cancel a description line in a sales invoice that originated from an order, when you try to export the E-invoicing. XML file an error is displayed in the Italian version. If you insert a discount amount on a sales invoice, the E-invoicing.

Lines process when Red Storno is set to Yes in the Russian version. There is additional work for manifest and a test automation for the Making Tax Digital App in the British version.

Please retry the activity. Transfer difference to account does not work if an applied document is not specified on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page. It is not possible to filter by global dimensions for the reported entries in the Aged Account Receivable report. The Global Dimension function displays different values than department code columns on the Item Ledger Entry page when you post this entry through using backflushing consumption.

The Sales Return is incorrectly posted without a fixed application and the Exact Cost Reversing field is set to be true on the Sales and Receivables Setup page. Delay in released or planned production orders for the processing of 10, skus with multi-BOM levels; takes more than 60 minutes to get completed. The Payment Method code is not filled on the Purchase Credit Memo page when the credit memo is created manually. The manual Inv. Discount Amount field that is introduced in the document disappears after you update the currency exchange rate.

The Bin specified for the adjustment Bin in the Location card is deleted. A warehouse item journal is then created and registered with no adjustment, thus nothing pulls into the Calc. Warehouse Adjustment field from an item journal and causes an inventory and warehouse imbalance. The Test report on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page shows incorrect warnings if you post a payment that is linked to an advance letter in the Czech version.

Error in the Post Refund and Close Adv. Letter fields if the exchange rate is very low in the Czech version. Consistent error when you post and invoice a purchase order after you change the Relational Exch. It is not possible to add lines to a payment slip after the file has been canceled in the French version.

You cannot drill down to column with the formula of total type on the Acc. Schedule Overview page in the Russian version. It is not possible to indicate that a record has been canceled on the Credit Transfer Register page in the British version.

Notification emails for document approval are using the Display Target function from the wrong record in the Notification Setup table. Overflow during conversion from System. Int64 to System. Int32 with GetClientFileProperties when the file size is too big. The decimal sign in the Balance field is negative in the My Vendors tile on the Bookkeeper Role Center, but in the vendor list, the decimal sign is positive. The External Doc. The status of an order will be changed from Pending Prepayment to Released when the prepayment invoice is paid and the job queue is used to check for payments.

The Budgeted Amount column gets an incorrect format if you export the Analysis by Dimensions page to Excel and the Digit Grouping symbol is blank in the regional settings. Performance issues when you close the item tracking lines from the Purchase Order page where reservation entries already exist. The index is ignored on the SQL server, which causes a performance issue during adjusts cost with transfers.

It is possible to set a dimension code with a dimension value code from a totally different dimension code on the Job Default Dimensions page. Order Line contains a value X that cannot be found in the related table Bin ” error message when you refresh a production order with the Make-to-Order option and Components at Location.

The reserved quantity is not validated when you carry out a purchase order from the Planning Worksheet page and the item is set to Reserve Always. The quantity suggested on the action line from the Planning Worksheet page is not increasing the projected inventory up to the maximum inventory level when the reordering policy is Maximum Quantity.

When the Unit of Measure field is changed on a production order line, the manufacturing overhead causes incorrect indirect cost. Identification fields and values: No. It is possible to change the Type field on the contact card from Company to Person even if a business relation exists. When you create a new contact from customers, the type of the new contact defaults to Company instead of Person.

The Related Information action container does not have any actions on the Purchase Invoice page. The quantity to assign is deleted when you invoice a purchase order through a separate purchase invoice document. If you register a reminder with an interest posting for multiple invoices in different reminder levels, the interest is incorrectly calculated in the second reminder.

The freight amount on the Sales Order Shipment page gets incorrectly overwritten when multiple shipments are posted. It is impossible to create a new customer when the contact number already exists as a customer number. Performance issue when you load the Items page after choosing to select an existing item in sales or purchase documents.

The Customer – Balance to Date report and Vendor – Balance to Date report do not display the correct sum for an invoice that is closed on a later date. When posting a purchase order and finding an existing vendor ledger entry with the same external document number, a message refers to an existing document of type Purchase Order instead of an existing document of type Purchase Invoice in the Czech version. The Vendor Shipment No.

The original advance invoice number is not printed in the Sales – Advance Credit Memo report in the Czech version. The extended text and standard text added on a sale invoice are not exported in the E-Invoice xml file in the Italian version.

If you apply an invoice in a foreign currency with a payment in the local currency, the entry stays open if the exchange rate is very high in the Russian version. The journal batch requires that the Bal. If you run the Acc. KPI WS Dimensions page with an account schedule which contains a comparison period date formula in a local language, the values are incorrect. If you use the Update Existing Document function on the Acc.

Schedule Overview page, the format of all Excel sheets gets reset. When you use the Copy Document functionality for a sales order with Assemble-to-Order items on it, the dimensions are not replicated to the assembly order header and lines.

An assembly output does not update the Last Direct Cost field in the item card, but a production output does. The change may affect the exchange rate used on the price calculation of the purchase lines” error message when you change the posting date on an invoice. The Posting Description field on the Purchase Documents page only displays the document type and not the document number. Incorrect calculation of a depreciation when the depreciation is interrupted before the depreciation starts in the Czech version.

If you set up non-deductible VAT for an account and you post an invoice with deferrals, the amounts posted are incorrect in the Italian version. You can pay and print multiple checks for a same invoice multiple times by using different payment journal batches. LCY field is empty after the posting. For a disposed fixed asset, the FA depreciation book is displayed multiple times when it is sorted by the Book Value field. On the Fixed Asset – Details report, the name of the report is not printed and the report header is missing if the report is printed per asset.

Date filter in R creates an expectation of establishing inventory quantity and the As of Date field retrospectively which is not supported.

The Expected Quantity field on the Planning Components page is not updated when you change the Quantity field on the Planning Worksheet page. VAT cannot be more than” error message when you try to post a purchase invoice for a prepayment purchase order. The client generates a warning that the Qty. If you open the Customer or Vendor List page, the filter is automatically set to the current fiscal and the Balance LCY field displays incorrect totals.

The Table relation or search function for the Description field in sales and purchase documents is not consistent and partially incorrect. Letter reports does not use the advance base exchange rate difference in the calculations in the Czech version. The Acc. Balance at Date options in the Spanish version. The total amount of invoices corrected in the Payment Practices Reporting report is not used correctly in the French version.

If you create an Intrastat service file and the service tariff number is set with five or six characters, the file always must report as six characters and add zero at the end of the code in the Italian version. If you insert a social security non-taxable amount before posting a purchase invoice, the system does not deduct the correct social security amount from the payment line of the vendor bill list in the Italian version.

Unexpected item ledger entry record in a specific scenario when you apply an invoice to prepayment in the Russian version. The Total Reverse Charge VAT caption in the Sales Invoice report is an amount instead of the correct caption, and it is not printed in bold letters in the British version. When a purchase order is approved, a second approval is required when you try to post the warehouse receipt.

Attachments cannot be opened when you use Email logging in combination with Exchange Server When you import vendors through RapidStart, a contact number is created for the vendor but no other fields such as the Name field.

If you reorder the general journal lines, there are several scenarios where the test report gets a warning message. The Payment Disc. Tolerance field is not considered on the Posting Preview page when the Posting Preview page is called from the Apply page. Tolerance option. The Payment Discount field is 0 after you delete the document date and re-enter the document date on the Sales Order page.

The External doc no. The Job Cost FactBox on the Job Details page is running extremely slowly when the system has many job ledger entries and job planning lines.

Order Line page are not based on the starting date-time on the Production Order header. The shipping method code in a purchase order comes with the pay-to vendor where it should be from the buy-from vendor. Duplicate DEU captions in table fields can cause an unexpected error when you release a sales order if you have a workflow enabled. The invoice discount is on a posted sales invoice incorrectly after partial invoicing of a sales order. Item charge line with a negative quantity in credit memo creates value entry with negative sign in the Sales Amount Actual and Valued Quantity fields for item using item tracking code.

Final invoiced sales amount does not match the prepayment invoice when sales taxes are included in the North American version. Put-Aways are being created for incorrect lot numbers when you create them from a posted warehouse receipt, after two posted warehouse receipt exist for a same item with 2 different lot numbers with inverse quantities that are already put away. X, Serial No. It must be B” error message when you post a warehouse shipment with the Item Tracking option.

The Annual Listing report must disregard the Minimum Amount field in case of a negative sales amount in the Belgian version. No check to change currency code on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page after applying in the Czech version.

EET – extension information processing when an entry is sent for verification in the Czech version. Setup table has not value masked in the Czech version. The posted sales credit memo is not among suggested lines for the VAT Control report in the Czech version. An error message related to the Last used options and filters feature when you print the Statement report two times in a non-English language in the German version.

If you post a sales credit memo with reverse charge VAT that corrects an invoice in SII, the ImporteTotal node is getting the total invoice amount incorrectly if both Invoice and credit memo documents share the same document number in the Spanish version. The Payment Amount and Total Amount fields in the Payment Practices report layout are incorrect if you apply several invoices to a same payment in the French version.

The Customer and Vendor Detail Balance report is incorrect if you have entries with the correction of remaining amount entry type in the French version. Payment period is not working as expected in the Payment Practices Reporting report in the French version. If you run the Calc. Settlement posting does not update the tax ledger entries with the offsetting settlement entries in the Tax Entries table in the North American version.

The Source Type filter and the Source No. You cannot access records that are outside that filter” error message when you filter on interaction logs. The Vendor – Balance to Date report and the Customer – Balance to Date report do not print the open entries if the amount is 0. Item unit of measure records can be deleted when you define the same unit of measure as the put-away unit of measure on the Item card.

If you use the Copy Job functionality, the dimension values in the job task lines are copied incorrectly. Regenerative Plan function on the Planning Worksheet page does not show the action line for an item that will show in next planning run.

When you change the work center on the Prod. Order Routing Line page, allocated capacity and other relevant fields are not updated accordingly for the parallel routing. Order Line page. Identification fields and values: Item Entry No. It cannot be zero or empty” error message when you post a purchase invoice in the APAC version. Value: ” error message when you run the Intrastat – Form report in the Belgian version. The Annual Listing report must disregard the Minimum Amount field in case of a negative total sales amount in the Belgian version.

The Account Type and Account No. An item is shown in the Calculate Inventory report from the Phys. The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amounts for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors in the Spanish version.

The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amounts for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors and EU Service is involved in the Spanish version. If you print the Customer Trail Balance report for a period where there are no postings, the report does not show values in the French version.

If the date periods are not set up as full months, the Keep Comparison Period Scope function on the Account Schedules page is not working as expected in the British version.

Deferrals are not considered correctly when the Auto Acc. Group field is used in a purchase document in the Swedish version. Task scheduler processes too slow when there are nonrecurring job queue entries with the same job queue category code, and the process gets stuck.

The workflow notifications always take the Notification Method setup on the Notification Setup page from the requestor but not from the approver.

Error when you rename a user with a customer license with data in the Workflow Step Instance Archive table. Duplicate vendor remittances are being emailed when more than one payment line exists for a vendor.

Currency precedence on the Payment Journal page should be in line with any change done balance account number on the General Journal page. Clearing the account schedules in the General Ledger setup and then running the reports generates duplicate account schedules and column layouts. If the default column layout is changed on the Balance Sheet Account Schedule page, it is not printed from the Balance Sheet request page.

The Payment Discount Tolerance warning is displayed where it should not be displayed when you enter the Applies-to Doc. Dimension values are changed after you type over shortcut dimension and tab off the Quantity field of the next line.

When a Bal. Poor performance when you print the Reminders report with the company logo enabled from the setup. Discount function. If you delete a payment on the Payment Journal page after you exported the payment, the deleted payment is not suggested if you use the Suggest Vender Payment report. Assembly order is not reserved when you copy a document with a sales line for a given assembly-to-order type item and an assembly order is created. The cost adjustment process does not respect the Inventory Value Zero field when setup on an assembly output item.

Missing validations with time sheets and job integration: a time sheet can be created, submitted and approved, but the job journal line can be edited for Job No. These changes should be prevented. Cost Shares page does not recognize sub-production BOMs that display incorrect quantity per parent. The Runtime field in capacity ledger entry is not updated correctly if there is a unit of measure conversion of output quantity. The Planning action does not suggest to cancel an existing supply which makes the projected inventory to exceed the overflow level.

The Create Oportunity action on the Contact List page is incorrect. It should be Create Opportunity. Carry out does not create all purchase lines when action lines have different purchasing codes for drop shipments.

It cannot be zero or empty” error message when you try to reserve an assembly component from a purchase line. Bin code is not properly set in the Assembly Header table when you have the assembly-to-order option set and an assembly order is created through the Copy Document function from the Sales Order page. A change in the statistics for a prepayment sales order can destroy the audit trail for the whole process. The system produces an imbalance between Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry tables in a scenario with service orders and warehouse shipments.

If you set up non-deductible VAT for an account and you post an invoice with deferrals, the amounts posted are incorrect in the Belgian version. The information of which invoice was paid is missing when you use the Export Payment to File function with some vendor bank payment types in the Swiss version. Incorrect application of payment to multiple advance letters on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page that use variable symbol in the Czech version.

If the Bank Account No. The Doc. Letter Link. Card page in the Czech version. No validation is present in the user setup lines during the User Checks action in the Czech version.

Line description is deleted for the sales advance letters when you use the Unlink Current Line action in the Czech version. If item charge has an assignment during receive or shipment, then shipped orders cannot be invoiced in the Czech version.

The Document Status field should change from Rejected to Honored if you pay completely a rejected invoice that is included in a bill group through a journal in the Spanish version.

The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amount for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors in the Spanish version. El ML no cumple el esquema. Falta informar campo obligatorio: Pago” error message if you try to post a VAT cash payment for a VAT cash invoice that involves cartera and bills in the Spanish version. The amount text appears incorrect in the Check report when you use the application language English in the French version.

The number of invoices is missing in the report for the payment deadlines in the French version. Error message when you use the Related Entry No. The discount or the increase amount reported in the PA invoice should be always reported as unit amount in the Italian version. Bank account ledger entries still show applied after a bank reconciliation has been deleted in the North American version. Global dimension is deleted from the Proposal Line table when you look up the dimensions for the proposal in the Dutch version.

If the user specifies a common country code, such as GR for Greece, the ICP declaration cannot be processed successfully in the Dutch version. Payment Tolerance must not be larger than Remaining Amount in Cust. Ledger Entry Entry No. If you use the Text-to-Account Mapping function on the General Journal page, the mapping does not work when the text is at the beginning of the Description field and it is not a part of another word.

The Lot Accumulation Period field does not seem to be respected when the Maximum Order Quantity field is set on an item. Duplicate entries are generated for the same meeting when you create to-dos from a contact card.

A purchase order that is partially invoiced in a purchase invoice document is not displayed in the Partially Invoiced tile in the Role Center. The Delivery Codeunit Caption field in the Electronic Document Format table uses an incorrect table relation to calculate. The shipping agent service code is not transferred from a warehouse shipment to a transfer order.

The Quote Variant field is not restored when the sales quote is restored from the archive in the Swiss version. The unrealized VAT payer check takes refunds to customers into account when it should only work for vendor payments in the Czech version.

Identification fields and values” error message if you try to post a service order with reverse charge VAT and multiple lines selected in the Czech version. Partial payments should be sent through the SII individually when they are posted in the Spanish version. Problem with deferrals in the Account – Official Acc.

Book report in the Spanish version. SII format changes v1. The withholding tax amount that is calculated in a purchase invoice sometimes need to be changed and the modified amount should be proposed on a payment in the Italian version. The DatiFattura communication is not correct if you export a document that is posted with multiple lines and each line reports different VAT product posting groups in the Italian version.

Heading are missing when you print or preview a test report from a job journal line in the British version. The “Confirm posting outside the fiscal year. Owner ownerid is always the integration account rather than the sales person on posted invoices that are synced from Dynamics NAV to Dynamics for Sales.

Add the TypeHelper check for the. If you post a payment only through the Payment Reconciliation Journal page, the balance last statement amount is incorrect.

Direct Debit files that are created with the Belgium local functionality cannot be successfully created. The item tracking is missing on the Purchase Invoice page when you create a purchase invoice through an intercompany. The quantity in the As of Date column is rounded to two decimals when the increases and decreases quantities are recognized with 5 decimals in the Inventory Valuation report. The Sales Amount Expected field in the Value Entry report does not reflect the invoice discount but only the sales line discount.

Existing requisition worksheet lines are deleted when planning lines are sent to the requisition worksheet. It has consumption or capacity posted with no output” error message when you finish a production order for a family where one item does not have posting.

Capacity costs are equally split between produced items in family production orders instead of per items. The navigate pane in the Dynamics NAV version 9. The Total Excl. Vat field in a sales or purchase document does not equal the Line Amount Excl. VAT field when you enter a high quantity and a high line discount in a sales or purchase document. The Description field is validated in an item cross-reference when the cross-reference is created from an item vendor catalog.

The Location Code field is changed on the Requisition Worksheet page when you change the vendor that has a special order option. An error message is updated to a more meaningful text when a receipt is tried to be undone twice. Only one posted sales invoice is created in PDF files when you send multiple invoices by using the Send function. Field is not visible on the Sales Order page when the Visible property is defined from a Boolean variable. The Last Posting No.

The Standard Sales — Quote report generates an extra blank page in the end when you select the Print to Word function. A Lot tracked sales item ledger entry is not applied to a non-lot tracked purchase item ledger entry in a drop shipment scenario.

An overflow error message appears when you run the Suggest Vendor Payment batch for a vendor with a long name in the Swiss version.

The Reference No. Incorrect application of payment to multiple advance letters on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page by using variable symbols in the Czech version. Incorrect grouping of VAT entries in the VAT Control report if you post several purchase invoices by using a same external document number but different original document VAT dates in the Czech version. The document number is not increased if you export a payment to a file before you post it in the Spanish version.

If you look up the Corrective Invoice No. The invoice discount is not taken into account in the Declaration report in the Spanish version. The corrections on the same period are not included correctly for purchase operations in the Make Declaration Disk report in the Spanish version.

Memo Header does not exist. Identification fields and values” error message if you include corrections for posted Service Cr. Memos in the same period in the Make Declaration report in the Spanish version. If you insert the Country Of Origin Code field of the Intrastat journal and a country that is not set as EU country, the Intrastat Checklist report does not show it in the Finland version.

Reporting on payment deadlines for customer and vendor invoices in the French version. If you set a contact as a vendor tax representive, the system gets errors message when you try to export the Dati Fattura file in the Italian version. The and optional tags in the DatiFattura communication file are incorrect in the Italian version.

Detailed customer and vendor ledger entries can have a different posting date than the general ledger entries from the same transaction in the Dutch version. Multiple recurring job queue entries stuck in process if they have a same job queue category code and they are processing at the same time. Task scheduler causes a heavy locking and deadlocks in the application that makes it impossible to port job queue scheduling from Dynamics NAV If you set a filter on the Customer List page, the displayed balance due LCY amount is not correct and the displayed customer ledger entries are not filtered by the due date.

The system sets a same Transaction No. Service contract is created from a service contract quote when you discard the creation in the Make Contract function. The Report Settings function does not work if a report is started by using the Report Selections function. The Item Application Worksheet page may prevent an application of entries but it will allow for closing the page, but then the item cannot be processed on transactions because the Application Wksh.

User ID field doesn’t clear upon close of the page. Cost is incorrect when you undo a purchase receipt and an item is set with an average costing method.

Ending date-time on the Planning Worksheet page is not updated from the ending date-time column of last operation on the Planning Routing page. Plan report on the Requisition Worksheet page with respect planning parameters for the Supply Triggered Safety Stock option. The Cost Amount Expected field in the output item ledger entry is assigned the value of last operation received from subcontractor purchase order when it should be based upon the Prod.

Order line Unit Cost field. Capacity value entry that represents subcontracting has incorrect Cost Amount Actual value when the Unit of Measure Code value is different. Distribution of item charge in a foreign currency to several receipts provides lower accuracy than in previous versions.

When using different reports settings for the same report the request page of the report is not shown correctly. When you copy a document from an archived document, the VAT clause code is not copied from the original document and it remains blank. The system produces imbalance between the Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry tables with service orders and warehouse shipments. Warehouse entry is not created when you post a service order shipment where one service line is created for a bin mandatory location and there is another service line where a warehouse shipment exists.

X is already on inventory” error message when you post a phys. Falta informar la contraparte. If you run the Preview Posting function for a released EU purchase invoice and the invoice discount is calculated, the system gets an error message in the Italian version. The reason code K has been added among the existing reason codes of the Certificazione Unica in the Italian version.

If you create an intrastat service file and the service tariff number is set with five characters, the file always report service tariff number as six characters adding zero at the beginning of the code in the Italian version.

The dependency between currency dates and payment discount dates should be removed in the Get Proposal Entries function for telebanking in the Dutch version. Where-Used function does not work for local fields and local tables in the Dutch version.

The depreciation cannot be calculated after the FA Movement Act is posted at the last next to last day of the month in the Russian version. If you use the Direct Debit Collection functionality, the Applies-to Entry description is set to the order number.

The country or region code on the Sales Header page is not validated when an IC partner purchase order is created with the Intercompany functionality. RunModal is not allowed in write transactions” error message when you complete a line action for a document with item cross references on the IC Inbox Transactions page.

When an external document number is added to a general journal record and posted, the General Ledger Entries page does not show the value. When you post purchase invoices with deferrals, you cannot reconcile the VAT against general ledger entries. When you post purchase invoices with deferrals, you cannot reconcile VAT against general ledger entries. Last entry is automatically selected on the List page when no previous selection has been made.

It’s expected to have the topmost, most recent entry selected. The quantity on the Posted Sales Shipment page is not updated when you post a shipment and invoice for a sales order with the Qty.

To assembly To Order column validated. The country or region code in a job journal is taken from the customer account instead of the job. It must be B” error message when you post output with the backward option and the component has item tracking defined. BOM line or Routing line specified for the parent item. Instead, the license status of the system’s current installation of Windows is migrated, and a “Digital license” known as “Digital entitlement” in version or earlier is generated during the activation process, which is bound to the hardware information collected during the process.

If Windows 10 is reinstalled cleanly and there have not been any significant hardware changes since installation such as a motherboard change , the online activation process will automatically recognize the system’s digital entitlement if no product key is entered during installations. However, unique product keys are still distributed within retail copies of Windows As with previous non-volume-licensed variants of Windows, significant hardware changes will invalidate the digital entitlement, and require Windows to be re-activated.

Unlike previous versions of Windows, Windows Update does not allow the selective installation of updates, and all updates including patches, feature updates, and driver software are downloaded and installed automatically. Users can only choose whether their system will reboot automatically to install updates when the system is inactive, or be notified to schedule a reboot.

Version allows wired Ethernet networks to be designated as metered, but Windows may still download certain updates while connected to a metered network.

In version , by installing the August security update and later versions, driver and non-security updates pushed via Windows Update that are considered optional are no longer automatically downloaded and installed in their devices. Updates can cause compatibility or other problems; a Microsoft troubleshooter program allows bad updates to be uninstalled. Under the Windows end-user license agreement , users consent to the automatic installation of all updates, features and drivers provided by the service, and implicitly consent “without any additional notice” to the possibility of features being modified or removed.

Windows Update can also use a peer-to-peer system for distributing updates; by default, users’ bandwidth is used to distribute previously downloaded updates to other users, in combination with Microsoft servers. Users can instead choose to only use peer-to-peer updates within their local area network.

The original release of Windows 10 receives mainstream support for five years after its original release, followed by five years of extended support, but this is subject to conditions.

Microsoft stated that these devices would no longer receive feature updates, but would still receive security updates through January The following table collects current status of the aforementioned updating and support of different branches of Windows Windows 10 is often described by Microsoft as being a “service”, as it receives regular “feature updates” that contain new features and other updates and fixes.

For example, version was released in September the ninth month of This was changed with the 20H2 release where “MM” represents the half of the year in which the update was released, for example H1 for the first half and H2 for the second half.

Before version , the pace at which feature updates are received by devices was dependent on which release channel was used. Each build of Windows 10 is supported for 18 months after its original release.

Once a stable build is certified by Microsoft and its partners as being suitable for broad deployment, the build is then released on the “Semi-Annual Channel” formerly “Current Branch for Business”, or “CBB” , which is supported by the Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows The Windows Insider branches receive unstable builds as they are released; it is divided into two channels, “Dev” which receives new builds immediately after their release , and “Beta” whose releases are slightly delayed from their “Dev” release.

For this reason, it excludes Cortana, Microsoft Store, and all bundled Universal Windows Platform apps including but not limited to Microsoft Edge, hence these builds ship only with Internet Explorer as browser.

In July , Microsoft announced changes in the terminology for Windows branches as part of its effort to unify the update cadence with that of Office ProPlus and Windows Server In February , Microsoft announced changes again in delivering updates in beginning of release of version : a single SAC will be released and SAC-T will be retired, and users are no longer able to switch to different channels.

Instead, these updates can be deferred from 30 to 90 days, or depending how the device was configured to deferred the updates. Feature updates prior to version were distributed solely as an in-place upgrade installation, requiring the download of a complete operating system package approximately 3.

Unlike previous builds, version was designed primarily as an update rollup version of , which focused primarily on minor feature additions and enhancements.

For upgrades to from , a new delivery method was used where its changes were delivered as part of the monthly cumulative update, but were left in a dormant state until the update “enablement” patch is installed. The full upgrade process was still used for those using builds prior to In May , Microsoft unveiled Fluent Design System previously codenamed “Project Neon” , a revamp of Microsoft Design Language 2 that will include guidelines for the designs and interactions used within software designed for all Windows 10 devices and platforms.

The new design language will include the more prominent use of motion, depth, and translucency effects. Microsoft stated that the implementation of this design language would be performed over time, and it had already started to implement elements of it in Creators Update and Fall Creators Update.

On December 7, , Microsoft announced that, as part of a partnership with Qualcomm, it planned to introduce support for running Win32 software on ARM architecture with a bit x86 processor emulator, in Terry Myerson stated that this move would enable the production of Qualcomm Snapdragon -based Windows devices with cellular connectivity and improved power efficiency over Intel-compatible devices, and still capable of running the majority of existing Windows software unlike the previous Windows RT , which was restricted to Windows Store apps.

Microsoft is initially targeting this project towards laptops. In August , Microsoft began testing changes to its handling of the user interface on convertible devices—downplaying the existing “Tablet Mode” option in favor of presenting the normal desktop with optimizations for touch when a keyboard is not present, such as increasing the space between taskbar buttons and displaying the virtual keyboard when text fields are selected.

In April , the ability to run Linux applications using a graphical user interface , such as Audacity , directly in Windows, was introduced as a preview. The basic hardware requirements to install Windows 10 were initially the same as those for Windows 8 and Windows 8. As of the May update, the minimum disk space requirement has been increased to 32 GB. In addition, on new installations, Windows permanently reserves up to 7 GB of disk space in order to ensure proper installation of future feature updates.

The bit variants require a CPU that supports certain instructions. Some pre-built devices may be described as “certified” by Microsoft. Unlike Windows 8, OEMs are no longer required to make Secure Boot settings user-configurable, meaning that devices may optionally be locked to run only Microsoft-signed operating systems. Windows 10 version and later do not support Intel Clover Trail system-on-chips, per Microsoft’s stated policy of only providing updates for devices during their OEM support period.

Starting with Windows 10 version , Microsoft will require new OEM devices to use bit processors, and will therefore cease the distribution of x86 bit variants of Windows 10 via OEM channels.

The bit variants of Windows 10 will remain available via non-OEM channels, and Microsoft will continue to “[provide] feature and security updates on these devices”. The maximum amount of RAM that Windows 10 can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture.

Windows 10 supports up to two physical processors. Windows 10 received generally positive reviews, with most reviewers considering it superior to its predecessor Windows 8. The Edge browser was praised for its performance, although it was not in a feature-complete state at launch. While considering them a “great idea in principle”, concerns were shown for Microsoft’s focus on the universal app ecosystem:. It’s by no means certain that developers are going to flock to Windows 10 from iOS and Android simply because they can convert their apps easily.

It may well become a no-brainer for them, but at the moment a conscious decision is still required. Engadget was similarly positive, noting that the upgrade process was painless and that Windows 10’s user interface had balanced aspects of Windows 8 with those of previous versions with a more mature aesthetic. Cortana’s always-on voice detection was considered to be its “true strength”, also citing its query capabilities and personalization features, but noting that it was not as pre-emptive as Google Now.

Windows 10’s stock applications were praised for being improved over their Windows 8 counterparts, and for supporting windowed modes. The Xbox app was also praised for its Xbox One streaming functionality, although recommending its use over a wired network because of inconsistent quality over Wi-Fi. In conclusion, it was argued that “Windows 10 delivers the most refined desktop experience ever from Microsoft, and yet it’s so much more than that. It’s also a decent tablet OS, and it’s ready for a world filled with hybrid devices.

And, barring another baffling screwup, it looks like a significant step forward for mobile. Heck, it makes the Xbox One a more useful machine. On the other hand Ars Technica panned the new Tablet mode interface for removing the charms and app switching, making the Start button harder to use by requiring users to reach for the button on the bottom-left rather than at the center of the screen when swiping with a thumb, and for making application switching less instantaneous through the use of Task View.

Microsoft Edge was praised for being “tremendously promising”, and “a much better browser than Internet Explorer ever was”, but criticized it for its lack of functionality on-launch. In conclusion, contrasting Windows 8 as being a “reliable” platform albeit consisting of unfinished concepts, Windows 10 was considered “the best Windows yet”, and was praised for having a better overall concept in its ability to be “comfortable and effective” across a wide array of form factors, but that it was buggier than previous versions of Windows were on-launch.

Critics have noted that Windows 10 heavily emphasizes freemium services, and contains various advertising facilities. Some outlets have considered these to be a hidden “cost” of the free upgrade offer. Due to the high system requirements of its Windows 10’s successor Windows 11 , some critics have cited Windows 10 being better than its successor and have warned not to switch to Windows 11 given its high system requirement despite very limited new features compared to Windows Up to August , Windows 10 usage was increasing, with it then plateauing , [] while eventually in , it became more popular than Windows 7 [] [] though Windows 7 was still more used in some countries in Asia and Africa in As of March [update] , the operating system is running on over a billion devices, reaching the goal set by Microsoft two years after the initial deadline.

Twenty-four hours after it was released, Microsoft announced that over 14 million devices were running Windows According to StatCounter, Windows 10 overtook Windows 8. For one week in late November , Windows 10 overtook first rank from Windows 7 in the United States, before losing it again.

In mid-January , Windows 10 had a slightly higher global market share than Windows 7, [] with it noticeably more popular on weekends, [] while popularity varies widely by region, e.

Windows 10 was then still behind in Africa [] and far ahead in some other regions e. Windows 10 Home is permanently set to download all updates automatically, including cumulative updates, security patches, and drivers, and users cannot individually select updates to install or not. Concerns were raised that because of these changes, users would be unable to skip the automatic installation of updates that are faulty or cause issues with certain system configurations—although build upgrades will also be subject to public beta testing via Windows Insider program.

An example of such a situation occurred prior to the general release of the operating system, when an Nvidia graphics card driver that was automatically pushed to Windows 10 users via Windows Update caused issues that prevented the use of certain functions, or prevented their system from booting at all. Criticism was also directed towards Microsoft’s decision to no longer provide specific details on the contents of cumulative updates for Windows Some users reported that during the installation of the November upgrade, some applications particularly utility programs such as CPU-Z and Speccy were automatically uninstalled during the upgrade process, and some default programs were reset to Microsoft-specified defaults such as Photos app, and Microsoft Edge for PDF viewing , both without warning.

Further issues were discovered upon the launch of the Anniversary Update “Redstone” , including a bug that caused some devices to freeze but addressed by cumulative update KB, released on August 31, , [] [] and that fundamental changes to how Windows handles webcams had caused many to stop working. A Gartner analyst felt that Windows 10 Pro was becoming increasingly inappropriate for use in enterprise environments because of support policy changes by Microsoft, including consumer-oriented upgrade lifecycle length, and only offering extended support for individual builds to Enterprise and Education editions of Windows Critics have acknowledged that Microsoft’s update and testing practices had been affecting the overall quality of Windows In particular, it was pointed out that Microsoft’s internal testing departments had been prominently affected by a major round of layoffs undertaken by the company in Microsoft relies primarily on user testing and bug reports via the Windows Insider program which may not always be of sufficient quality to identify a bug , as well as correspondence with OEMs and other stakeholders.

In the wake of the known folder redirection data loss bug in the version , it was pointed out that bug reports describing the issue had been present on the Feedback Hub app for several months prior to the public release.

Following the incident, Microsoft updated Feedback Hub so that users may specify the severity of a particular bug report. When announcing the resumption of ‘s rollout, Microsoft stated that it planned to be more transparent in its handling of update quality in the future, through a series of blog posts that will detail its testing process and the planned development of a “dashboard” that will indicate the rollout progress of future updates.

Microsoft was criticized for the tactics that it used to promote its free upgrade campaign for Windows 10, including adware -like behaviors, [] using deceptive user interfaces to coax users into installing the operating system, [] [] [] [] downloading installation files without user consent, [] [] and making it difficult for users to suppress the advertising and notifications if they did not wish to upgrade to In September , it was reported that Microsoft was triggering automatic downloads of Windows 10 installation files on all compatible Windows 7 or 8.

Microsoft officially confirmed the change, claiming it was “an industry practice that reduces the time for installation and ensures device readiness. Other critics argued that Microsoft should not have triggered any downloading of Windows 10 installation files without user consent. In October , Windows 10 began to appear as an “Optional” update on the Windows Update interface, but pre-selected for installation on some systems. A Microsoft spokesperson said that this was a mistake, and that the download would no longer be pre-selected by default.

In March , some users also alleged that their Windows 7 and 8. It was concluded that these users may have unknowingly clicked the “Accept” prompt without full knowledge that this would begin the upgrade. On January 21, , Microsoft was sued in small claims court by a user whose computer had attempted to upgrade to Windows 10 without her consent shortly after the release of the operating system. The upgrade failed, and her computer was left in a broken state thereafter, which disrupted the ability to run her travel agency.

However, in May , Microsoft dropped the appeal and chose to pay the damages. Shortly after the suit was reported on by the Seattle Times , Microsoft confirmed it was updating the GWX software once again to add more explicit options for opting out of a free Windows 10 upgrade; [] [] [] the final notification was a full-screen pop-up window notifying users of the impending end of the free upgrade offer, and contained “Remind me later”, “Do not notify me again” and “Notify me three more times” as options.

In March , Microsoft announced that it would display notifications informing users on Windows 7 devices of the upcoming end of extended support for the platform, and direct users to a website urging them to upgrade to Windows 10 or purchase new hardware.

This dialog will be similar to the previous Windows 10 upgrade prompts, but will not explicitly mention Windows Privacy advocates and other critics have expressed concern regarding Windows 10’s privacy policies and its collection and use of customer data.

Users can opt out from most of this data collection, [] [] but telemetry data for error reporting and usage is also sent to Microsoft, and this cannot be disabled on non-Enterprise editions of Windows Rock Paper Shotgun writer Alec Meer argued that Microsoft’s intent for this data collection lacked transparency, stating that “there is no world in which 45 pages of policy documents and opt-out settings split across 13 different settings screens and an external website constitutes ‘real transparency’.

The Russian government had passed a federal law requiring all online services to store the data of Russian users on servers within the country by September or be blocked. But Microsoft is held to a different standard than other companies”.

The Microsoft Services agreement reads that the company’s online services may automatically “download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.

In September , Microsoft hid the option to create a local account during a fresh installation if a PC is connected to the internet. This move was criticized by users who did not want to use an online Microsoft account. In late-July , Windows Defender began to classify modifications of the hosts file that block Microsoft telemetry servers as being a severe security risk.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 20 December This article is about the operating system for personal computers. For the related now discontinued operating system for mobile devices, see Windows 10 Mobile. For the series of operating systems produced from to , see Windows 9x. Closed-source source-available through the Shared Source Initiative Some components free and open-source [1] [2] [3] [4].

List of languages. For the Windows versions produced from to , see Windows 9x. For the Windows version following Windows 8, see Windows 8. Main article: Features new to Windows See also: List of features removed in Windows Main article: List of typefaces included with Microsoft Windows. Main article: Windows 10 editions.

See also: Windows Insider. Main article: Windows 10 version history. Main article: Criticism of Windows This section duplicates the scope of other articles , specifically Criticism of Windows Please discuss this issue on the talk page and edit it to conform with Wikipedia’s Manual of Style by replacing the section with a link and a summary of the repeated material or by spinning off the repeated text into an article in its own right.

June Windows PC market share of Windows statistics Windows Business and economics portal. Retrieved August 31, Microsoft Support. Windows Insider Blog.

November 10, Retrieved June 13, NET Core 3. NET Foundation. June 5, Ars Technica. December 5, Microsoft Update Catalog. October 16, Archived from the original on October 23, Windows Evaluations.

Retrieved November 27, Retrieved June 27, June 1, Retrieved June 1, CBS Interactive. Retrieved May 14, Retrieved September 10, PC World. March 16, StatCounter Global Stats. Retrieved June 15, Retrieved April 1, Retrieved December 10, Retrieved July 30, January 6, Retrieved May 2, Houston Chronicle. Hearst Corporation. Archived from the original on July 22, The Verge. Vox Media. Retrieved May 26, Retrieved April 22, Retrieved April 7, Retrieved September 30, The Start menu is coming back to Windows”.

Archived from the original on February 3, Retrieved March 31, The Slate Group. Seattle Times. Seattle Times Network. Archived from the original on September 30, Retrieved November 5, Ziff Davis. February 2, September 30, The Guardian. Thomson Reuters. Business Insider. January 21, Retrieved January 24, PC Magazine. Ziff Davis Media. Conde Nast. Purch Inc. Archived from the original on March 2, Retrieved June 16, Archived from the original on April 9, Retrieved July 25, Retrieved July 17, Retrieved July 23, The New York Times.

July 13, Tom’s Guide. Retrieved August 12, Retrieved April 3, Retrieved May 16, Windows Blog. Retrieved March 9, Retrieved February 7, December 7, Retrieved December 8, Windows Experience Blog.

PC Pro. July 29, April 23, Retrieved July 16, March 20, Microsoft says Hello to palm-vein biometrics”. Retrieved February 10, March 17, Retrieved March 17, Retrieved July 18, Microsoft Docs. Retrieved October 30, Windows Developer Blog.

June 17, Retrieved January 2, This means you can now use WSL for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science scenarios more easily when big data sets are involved. Scott Hanselman’s Blog. Windows PowerShell Blog. Archived from the original on April 2, Retrieved March 20, Retrieved January 23, Retrieved April 29, Retrieved March 25, June 15, Retrieved August 26, Retrieved January 9, Retrieved October 21, Retrieved October 22, Retrieved May 17, May 21, Retrieved May 22, August 11, Retrieved September 12, Archived from the original on August 11, Retrieved January 21, Xbox Blog.

February 13, Retrieved March 18, Retrieved February 14, Xbox Wire. May 14, Retrieved May 15, Archived from the original on December 1, Retrieved April 2, Retrieved November 15, MKV and. FLAC files all on its own”. PC Games Hardware in German. May 5, Retrieved April 11, DirectX Developer Blog.

Archived from the original on October 4, Retrieved October 3, October 3, March 21, Retrieved June 20, PC Perspective. Archived from the original on September 5, Retrieved August 22, May 13, Retrieved May 13, Retrieved February 3, May 2, February 3, Retrieved March 11, April 21, Retrieved April 23, Retrieved March 8, Retrieved October 1, October June 21, Retrieved June 22, Conde Nast Digital. June 22, Retrieved June 23, Retrieved June 21, Purch, Inc.

Retrieved July 27, July 15, Retrieved July 15, Retrieved August 4, November 30, Redmond Magazine. Retrieved August 6, Retrieved July 31, Supersite for Windows. Archived from the original on August 1, March 18, May 19, Retrieved May 21, Retrieved July 14, Retrieved May 18, Windows Help.

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Overview of Released Application Hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 – Windows 10 1703 download iso italys largest city


You must adjust the existing item tracking and then reenter the new quantity” error message when you change a Lot No.

The Customer Enterprise No. The following error occurred: Attempted to divide by zero” error message if you try to run the Vendor-Overdue Payments report in the Spanish version. If the sales invoice line has a quantity greater than 0 but the unit price is equal to 0,00, the line is not exported as the DettaglioRighe tag in the Italian version.

Cannot change the Tax Area Code field on lines in sales credit memos and sales return orders, which is a problem for customers working in multiple tax areas in the North American version. It is not possible to export a negative value in box 5 VAT to pay or to claim in the British version. A user would be incorrectly assigned the Business Manager profile if the company name is changed for their listed user groups in the User card.

When a payment is applied to 10 invoices and the payment is for more than the invoices, the check ledger entries are made for the invoiced amount and not the total payment. In the case of drop shipments, when a sales order is posted through a purchase order, the dimensions check will be ignored. The salesperson is not correctly updated in some circumstances if you change the Customer No. The Reason code is not validated in Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal when you run the Calculate Inventory function and the default value is set on the batch.

The Available Qty. To Pick field on the Pick Worksheet page displays an available quantity when the bin content is on a QC bin type code and unavailable to pick.

Identification fields and values: Entry No. A couple of issues are found in the recently released functionality for Intrastat in the Belgian version. The Partner ID field is not reported in the Intrastat journal if the Intrastat line refers to a service shipment in the Belgian version.

Incorrect sales credit memos are automatically posted in the payment discount tolerance period in the Czech version. The Adv. Payment Selection-Sales field doesn’t work correctly in the Send Document function in the Czech version.

It is not possible anymore to view the. Non-taxable operations are included in the Sales and Purchase Invoice Book reports in the Spanish version. Group code in the Finnish version. The Customer Detail Trial Balance report does not display the right figures if the starting date of the date filter is not the beginning of the month in the French version.

The content of the TipoDato Tag must not be greater than ten characters in the E-invoicing. XML file in the Italian version. The applied amount LCY of the Vendor Bill List report is not correctly reported if the payment amount is split and applied to the different installments of the same purchase invoices in the Italian version.

When the total of invoice is 0, even if you have lines, the Datibeniservisi tag is not created in the E-invoicing. XML file is not the same amount that is calculated and posted in the system in the Italian version. If the invoice contains special characters that are exported in the E-invoicing. XML file, the file is rejected in the Italian version. The quantity reported in the E-invoicing. XML file is rounded to the second decimal place and the file is rejected in some cases in the Italian version.

If the company issues self-billing invoices to the company itself, the TipoDocumento tag reported in the file must be TD20 in the Italian version. If you calculate the invoice discount on a service invoice, the invoice discount data is not exported in the E-invoicing. The Importo tag in the line of the Scontomaggiornazione tag in the E-invoicing.

XML file needs to be removed when the line discount or the invoice discount plus line discount is used in the Italian version. XML file is not created in the Italian version. Blank lines are printed in the report when no applied records exist in the North American version.

Error message is displayed in the Document No. Inconsistency message in the Calc. Group code in the Swedish version. An overflow error is displayed on the Data Exchange Mapping page due to a problem with the CreateName function. The Document Date field is incorrect in a VAT entry created from a payment with a payment discount and the Adjust for Payment Discount feature is enabled.

We use the Box No. The Appl. No output item ledger entry is created when all operations are in the routing state. Then a next operation number in the last operation that triggers the output entry is not recognized. The total quantity on the Reserve page is not consistent with an item tracking defined for a production component.

The Table Relation or Search function for the Description field on purchase documents is not consistent. You cannot deploy contact insights manifest file in the latest cumulative update of Dynamics NAV Discounts are considered correctly or incorrectly in a prepayment invoice depending on the stage in which the prepayment percentage is added to a sales order.

Rate field displays confusing results in the Swiss version. The captions of the adjust exchange rates batch on the request page are not accurate in the Swiss version. If you suggest lines from a payment order with the Find Payment Discount option cleared, the system suggests the line with the amount after the discount in the Czech version.

Drop shipments and advance letters in the report do not delete the sales order number from the sales advance letter in the Czech version. The captions of the adjust exchange rates batch on the request page are not accurate in the DACH version. Falta informar campo obligatorio: DesgloseFactura. The Intrastat file format for sales is not correct if sale invoices are included and posted as Europe 3-Party Trade in the Italian version.

The RiferimentoNormativo tag is not compiled even if the Natura tag reports a value in the E-invoicing. If the sales invoice is issued without VAT, a stamp should be added and this information must be reported in the E-invoicing.

If you cancel a description line in a sales invoice that originated from an order, when you try to export the E-invoicing. XML file an error is displayed in the Italian version. If you insert a discount amount on a sales invoice, the E-invoicing. Lines process when Red Storno is set to Yes in the Russian version. There is additional work for manifest and a test automation for the Making Tax Digital App in the British version.

Please retry the activity. Transfer difference to account does not work if an applied document is not specified on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page. It is not possible to filter by global dimensions for the reported entries in the Aged Account Receivable report.

The Global Dimension function displays different values than department code columns on the Item Ledger Entry page when you post this entry through using backflushing consumption.

The Sales Return is incorrectly posted without a fixed application and the Exact Cost Reversing field is set to be true on the Sales and Receivables Setup page. Delay in released or planned production orders for the processing of 10, skus with multi-BOM levels; takes more than 60 minutes to get completed. The Payment Method code is not filled on the Purchase Credit Memo page when the credit memo is created manually. The manual Inv. Discount Amount field that is introduced in the document disappears after you update the currency exchange rate.

The Bin specified for the adjustment Bin in the Location card is deleted. A warehouse item journal is then created and registered with no adjustment, thus nothing pulls into the Calc.

Warehouse Adjustment field from an item journal and causes an inventory and warehouse imbalance. The Test report on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page shows incorrect warnings if you post a payment that is linked to an advance letter in the Czech version.

Error in the Post Refund and Close Adv. Letter fields if the exchange rate is very low in the Czech version. Consistent error when you post and invoice a purchase order after you change the Relational Exch. It is not possible to add lines to a payment slip after the file has been canceled in the French version.

You cannot drill down to column with the formula of total type on the Acc. Schedule Overview page in the Russian version. It is not possible to indicate that a record has been canceled on the Credit Transfer Register page in the British version.

Notification emails for document approval are using the Display Target function from the wrong record in the Notification Setup table.

Overflow during conversion from System. Int64 to System. Int32 with GetClientFileProperties when the file size is too big. The decimal sign in the Balance field is negative in the My Vendors tile on the Bookkeeper Role Center, but in the vendor list, the decimal sign is positive. The External Doc. The status of an order will be changed from Pending Prepayment to Released when the prepayment invoice is paid and the job queue is used to check for payments. The Budgeted Amount column gets an incorrect format if you export the Analysis by Dimensions page to Excel and the Digit Grouping symbol is blank in the regional settings.

Performance issues when you close the item tracking lines from the Purchase Order page where reservation entries already exist. The index is ignored on the SQL server, which causes a performance issue during adjusts cost with transfers. It is possible to set a dimension code with a dimension value code from a totally different dimension code on the Job Default Dimensions page.

Order Line contains a value X that cannot be found in the related table Bin ” error message when you refresh a production order with the Make-to-Order option and Components at Location. The reserved quantity is not validated when you carry out a purchase order from the Planning Worksheet page and the item is set to Reserve Always. The quantity suggested on the action line from the Planning Worksheet page is not increasing the projected inventory up to the maximum inventory level when the reordering policy is Maximum Quantity.

When the Unit of Measure field is changed on a production order line, the manufacturing overhead causes incorrect indirect cost. Identification fields and values: No. It is possible to change the Type field on the contact card from Company to Person even if a business relation exists. When you create a new contact from customers, the type of the new contact defaults to Company instead of Person.

The Related Information action container does not have any actions on the Purchase Invoice page. The quantity to assign is deleted when you invoice a purchase order through a separate purchase invoice document. If you register a reminder with an interest posting for multiple invoices in different reminder levels, the interest is incorrectly calculated in the second reminder.

The freight amount on the Sales Order Shipment page gets incorrectly overwritten when multiple shipments are posted. It is impossible to create a new customer when the contact number already exists as a customer number. Performance issue when you load the Items page after choosing to select an existing item in sales or purchase documents. The Customer – Balance to Date report and Vendor – Balance to Date report do not display the correct sum for an invoice that is closed on a later date.

When posting a purchase order and finding an existing vendor ledger entry with the same external document number, a message refers to an existing document of type Purchase Order instead of an existing document of type Purchase Invoice in the Czech version. The Vendor Shipment No. The original advance invoice number is not printed in the Sales – Advance Credit Memo report in the Czech version. The extended text and standard text added on a sale invoice are not exported in the E-Invoice xml file in the Italian version.

If you apply an invoice in a foreign currency with a payment in the local currency, the entry stays open if the exchange rate is very high in the Russian version. The journal batch requires that the Bal. If you run the Acc. KPI WS Dimensions page with an account schedule which contains a comparison period date formula in a local language, the values are incorrect. If you use the Update Existing Document function on the Acc. Schedule Overview page, the format of all Excel sheets gets reset.

When you use the Copy Document functionality for a sales order with Assemble-to-Order items on it, the dimensions are not replicated to the assembly order header and lines. An assembly output does not update the Last Direct Cost field in the item card, but a production output does. The change may affect the exchange rate used on the price calculation of the purchase lines” error message when you change the posting date on an invoice.

The Posting Description field on the Purchase Documents page only displays the document type and not the document number. Incorrect calculation of a depreciation when the depreciation is interrupted before the depreciation starts in the Czech version. If you set up non-deductible VAT for an account and you post an invoice with deferrals, the amounts posted are incorrect in the Italian version.

You can pay and print multiple checks for a same invoice multiple times by using different payment journal batches. LCY field is empty after the posting. For a disposed fixed asset, the FA depreciation book is displayed multiple times when it is sorted by the Book Value field. On the Fixed Asset – Details report, the name of the report is not printed and the report header is missing if the report is printed per asset.

Date filter in R creates an expectation of establishing inventory quantity and the As of Date field retrospectively which is not supported. The Expected Quantity field on the Planning Components page is not updated when you change the Quantity field on the Planning Worksheet page.

VAT cannot be more than” error message when you try to post a purchase invoice for a prepayment purchase order. The client generates a warning that the Qty. If you open the Customer or Vendor List page, the filter is automatically set to the current fiscal and the Balance LCY field displays incorrect totals. The Table relation or search function for the Description field in sales and purchase documents is not consistent and partially incorrect. Letter reports does not use the advance base exchange rate difference in the calculations in the Czech version.

The Acc. Balance at Date options in the Spanish version. The total amount of invoices corrected in the Payment Practices Reporting report is not used correctly in the French version.

If you create an Intrastat service file and the service tariff number is set with five or six characters, the file always must report as six characters and add zero at the end of the code in the Italian version. If you insert a social security non-taxable amount before posting a purchase invoice, the system does not deduct the correct social security amount from the payment line of the vendor bill list in the Italian version.

Unexpected item ledger entry record in a specific scenario when you apply an invoice to prepayment in the Russian version. The Total Reverse Charge VAT caption in the Sales Invoice report is an amount instead of the correct caption, and it is not printed in bold letters in the British version.

When a purchase order is approved, a second approval is required when you try to post the warehouse receipt. Attachments cannot be opened when you use Email logging in combination with Exchange Server When you import vendors through RapidStart, a contact number is created for the vendor but no other fields such as the Name field. If you reorder the general journal lines, there are several scenarios where the test report gets a warning message.

The Payment Disc. Tolerance field is not considered on the Posting Preview page when the Posting Preview page is called from the Apply page. Tolerance option. The Payment Discount field is 0 after you delete the document date and re-enter the document date on the Sales Order page. The External doc no. The Job Cost FactBox on the Job Details page is running extremely slowly when the system has many job ledger entries and job planning lines.

Order Line page are not based on the starting date-time on the Production Order header. The shipping method code in a purchase order comes with the pay-to vendor where it should be from the buy-from vendor. Duplicate DEU captions in table fields can cause an unexpected error when you release a sales order if you have a workflow enabled. The invoice discount is on a posted sales invoice incorrectly after partial invoicing of a sales order. Item charge line with a negative quantity in credit memo creates value entry with negative sign in the Sales Amount Actual and Valued Quantity fields for item using item tracking code.

Final invoiced sales amount does not match the prepayment invoice when sales taxes are included in the North American version. Put-Aways are being created for incorrect lot numbers when you create them from a posted warehouse receipt, after two posted warehouse receipt exist for a same item with 2 different lot numbers with inverse quantities that are already put away.

X, Serial No. It must be B” error message when you post a warehouse shipment with the Item Tracking option. The Annual Listing report must disregard the Minimum Amount field in case of a negative sales amount in the Belgian version. No check to change currency code on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page after applying in the Czech version.

EET – extension information processing when an entry is sent for verification in the Czech version. Setup table has not value masked in the Czech version. The posted sales credit memo is not among suggested lines for the VAT Control report in the Czech version. An error message related to the Last used options and filters feature when you print the Statement report two times in a non-English language in the German version.

If you post a sales credit memo with reverse charge VAT that corrects an invoice in SII, the ImporteTotal node is getting the total invoice amount incorrectly if both Invoice and credit memo documents share the same document number in the Spanish version. The Payment Amount and Total Amount fields in the Payment Practices report layout are incorrect if you apply several invoices to a same payment in the French version.

The Customer and Vendor Detail Balance report is incorrect if you have entries with the correction of remaining amount entry type in the French version. Payment period is not working as expected in the Payment Practices Reporting report in the French version. If you run the Calc. Settlement posting does not update the tax ledger entries with the offsetting settlement entries in the Tax Entries table in the North American version.

The Source Type filter and the Source No. You cannot access records that are outside that filter” error message when you filter on interaction logs. The Vendor – Balance to Date report and the Customer – Balance to Date report do not print the open entries if the amount is 0.

Item unit of measure records can be deleted when you define the same unit of measure as the put-away unit of measure on the Item card.

If you use the Copy Job functionality, the dimension values in the job task lines are copied incorrectly. Regenerative Plan function on the Planning Worksheet page does not show the action line for an item that will show in next planning run. When you change the work center on the Prod. Order Routing Line page, allocated capacity and other relevant fields are not updated accordingly for the parallel routing. Order Line page. Identification fields and values: Item Entry No.

It cannot be zero or empty” error message when you post a purchase invoice in the APAC version. Value: ” error message when you run the Intrastat – Form report in the Belgian version. The Annual Listing report must disregard the Minimum Amount field in case of a negative total sales amount in the Belgian version. The Account Type and Account No. An item is shown in the Calculate Inventory report from the Phys. The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amounts for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors in the Spanish version.

The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amounts for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors and EU Service is involved in the Spanish version.

If you print the Customer Trail Balance report for a period where there are no postings, the report does not show values in the French version. If the date periods are not set up as full months, the Keep Comparison Period Scope function on the Account Schedules page is not working as expected in the British version.

Deferrals are not considered correctly when the Auto Acc. Group field is used in a purchase document in the Swedish version. Task scheduler processes too slow when there are nonrecurring job queue entries with the same job queue category code, and the process gets stuck.

The workflow notifications always take the Notification Method setup on the Notification Setup page from the requestor but not from the approver. Error when you rename a user with a customer license with data in the Workflow Step Instance Archive table. Duplicate vendor remittances are being emailed when more than one payment line exists for a vendor.

Currency precedence on the Payment Journal page should be in line with any change done balance account number on the General Journal page. Clearing the account schedules in the General Ledger setup and then running the reports generates duplicate account schedules and column layouts. If the default column layout is changed on the Balance Sheet Account Schedule page, it is not printed from the Balance Sheet request page. The Payment Discount Tolerance warning is displayed where it should not be displayed when you enter the Applies-to Doc.

Dimension values are changed after you type over shortcut dimension and tab off the Quantity field of the next line. When a Bal. Poor performance when you print the Reminders report with the company logo enabled from the setup.

Discount function. If you delete a payment on the Payment Journal page after you exported the payment, the deleted payment is not suggested if you use the Suggest Vender Payment report. Assembly order is not reserved when you copy a document with a sales line for a given assembly-to-order type item and an assembly order is created.

The cost adjustment process does not respect the Inventory Value Zero field when setup on an assembly output item. Missing validations with time sheets and job integration: a time sheet can be created, submitted and approved, but the job journal line can be edited for Job No. These changes should be prevented. Cost Shares page does not recognize sub-production BOMs that display incorrect quantity per parent. The Runtime field in capacity ledger entry is not updated correctly if there is a unit of measure conversion of output quantity.

The Planning action does not suggest to cancel an existing supply which makes the projected inventory to exceed the overflow level. The Create Oportunity action on the Contact List page is incorrect. It should be Create Opportunity. Carry out does not create all purchase lines when action lines have different purchasing codes for drop shipments.

It cannot be zero or empty” error message when you try to reserve an assembly component from a purchase line. Bin code is not properly set in the Assembly Header table when you have the assembly-to-order option set and an assembly order is created through the Copy Document function from the Sales Order page.

A change in the statistics for a prepayment sales order can destroy the audit trail for the whole process. The system produces an imbalance between Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry tables in a scenario with service orders and warehouse shipments. If you set up non-deductible VAT for an account and you post an invoice with deferrals, the amounts posted are incorrect in the Belgian version. The information of which invoice was paid is missing when you use the Export Payment to File function with some vendor bank payment types in the Swiss version.

Incorrect application of payment to multiple advance letters on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page that use variable symbol in the Czech version. If the Bank Account No. The Doc. Letter Link. Card page in the Czech version. No validation is present in the user setup lines during the User Checks action in the Czech version.

Line description is deleted for the sales advance letters when you use the Unlink Current Line action in the Czech version. If item charge has an assignment during receive or shipment, then shipped orders cannot be invoiced in the Czech version. The Document Status field should change from Rejected to Honored if you pay completely a rejected invoice that is included in a bill group through a journal in the Spanish version.

The Make Declaration Disk report includes lines with zero amount for customers and vendors if you include partial corrections for other customers or vendors in the Spanish version. El ML no cumple el esquema. Falta informar campo obligatorio: Pago” error message if you try to post a VAT cash payment for a VAT cash invoice that involves cartera and bills in the Spanish version.

The amount text appears incorrect in the Check report when you use the application language English in the French version. The number of invoices is missing in the report for the payment deadlines in the French version. Error message when you use the Related Entry No. The discount or the increase amount reported in the PA invoice should be always reported as unit amount in the Italian version. Bank account ledger entries still show applied after a bank reconciliation has been deleted in the North American version.

Global dimension is deleted from the Proposal Line table when you look up the dimensions for the proposal in the Dutch version. If the user specifies a common country code, such as GR for Greece, the ICP declaration cannot be processed successfully in the Dutch version. Payment Tolerance must not be larger than Remaining Amount in Cust. Ledger Entry Entry No. If you use the Text-to-Account Mapping function on the General Journal page, the mapping does not work when the text is at the beginning of the Description field and it is not a part of another word.

The Lot Accumulation Period field does not seem to be respected when the Maximum Order Quantity field is set on an item. Duplicate entries are generated for the same meeting when you create to-dos from a contact card. A purchase order that is partially invoiced in a purchase invoice document is not displayed in the Partially Invoiced tile in the Role Center. The Delivery Codeunit Caption field in the Electronic Document Format table uses an incorrect table relation to calculate.

The shipping agent service code is not transferred from a warehouse shipment to a transfer order. The Quote Variant field is not restored when the sales quote is restored from the archive in the Swiss version. The unrealized VAT payer check takes refunds to customers into account when it should only work for vendor payments in the Czech version. Identification fields and values” error message if you try to post a service order with reverse charge VAT and multiple lines selected in the Czech version.

Partial payments should be sent through the SII individually when they are posted in the Spanish version. Problem with deferrals in the Account – Official Acc. Book report in the Spanish version. SII format changes v1. The withholding tax amount that is calculated in a purchase invoice sometimes need to be changed and the modified amount should be proposed on a payment in the Italian version. The DatiFattura communication is not correct if you export a document that is posted with multiple lines and each line reports different VAT product posting groups in the Italian version.

Heading are missing when you print or preview a test report from a job journal line in the British version. The “Confirm posting outside the fiscal year. Owner ownerid is always the integration account rather than the sales person on posted invoices that are synced from Dynamics NAV to Dynamics for Sales.

Add the TypeHelper check for the. If you post a payment only through the Payment Reconciliation Journal page, the balance last statement amount is incorrect. Direct Debit files that are created with the Belgium local functionality cannot be successfully created. The item tracking is missing on the Purchase Invoice page when you create a purchase invoice through an intercompany. The quantity in the As of Date column is rounded to two decimals when the increases and decreases quantities are recognized with 5 decimals in the Inventory Valuation report.

The Sales Amount Expected field in the Value Entry report does not reflect the invoice discount but only the sales line discount. Existing requisition worksheet lines are deleted when planning lines are sent to the requisition worksheet. It has consumption or capacity posted with no output” error message when you finish a production order for a family where one item does not have posting.

Capacity costs are equally split between produced items in family production orders instead of per items. The navigate pane in the Dynamics NAV version 9. The Total Excl. Vat field in a sales or purchase document does not equal the Line Amount Excl. VAT field when you enter a high quantity and a high line discount in a sales or purchase document.

The Description field is validated in an item cross-reference when the cross-reference is created from an item vendor catalog. The Location Code field is changed on the Requisition Worksheet page when you change the vendor that has a special order option. An error message is updated to a more meaningful text when a receipt is tried to be undone twice. Only one posted sales invoice is created in PDF files when you send multiple invoices by using the Send function.

Field is not visible on the Sales Order page when the Visible property is defined from a Boolean variable. The Last Posting No. The Standard Sales — Quote report generates an extra blank page in the end when you select the Print to Word function. A Lot tracked sales item ledger entry is not applied to a non-lot tracked purchase item ledger entry in a drop shipment scenario.

An overflow error message appears when you run the Suggest Vendor Payment batch for a vendor with a long name in the Swiss version. The Reference No. Incorrect application of payment to multiple advance letters on the Payment Reconciliation Journal page by using variable symbols in the Czech version. Incorrect grouping of VAT entries in the VAT Control report if you post several purchase invoices by using a same external document number but different original document VAT dates in the Czech version.

The document number is not increased if you export a payment to a file before you post it in the Spanish version. If you look up the Corrective Invoice No. The invoice discount is not taken into account in the Declaration report in the Spanish version. The corrections on the same period are not included correctly for purchase operations in the Make Declaration Disk report in the Spanish version.

Memo Header does not exist. Identification fields and values” error message if you include corrections for posted Service Cr. Memos in the same period in the Make Declaration report in the Spanish version. If you insert the Country Of Origin Code field of the Intrastat journal and a country that is not set as EU country, the Intrastat Checklist report does not show it in the Finland version.

Reporting on payment deadlines for customer and vendor invoices in the French version. If you set a contact as a vendor tax representive, the system gets errors message when you try to export the Dati Fattura file in the Italian version. The and optional tags in the DatiFattura communication file are incorrect in the Italian version. Detailed customer and vendor ledger entries can have a different posting date than the general ledger entries from the same transaction in the Dutch version.

Multiple recurring job queue entries stuck in process if they have a same job queue category code and they are processing at the same time.

Task scheduler causes a heavy locking and deadlocks in the application that makes it impossible to port job queue scheduling from Dynamics NAV If you set a filter on the Customer List page, the displayed balance due LCY amount is not correct and the displayed customer ledger entries are not filtered by the due date.

The system sets a same Transaction No. Service contract is created from a service contract quote when you discard the creation in the Make Contract function. The Report Settings function does not work if a report is started by using the Report Selections function. The Item Application Worksheet page may prevent an application of entries but it will allow for closing the page, but then the item cannot be processed on transactions because the Application Wksh.

User ID field doesn’t clear upon close of the page. Cost is incorrect when you undo a purchase receipt and an item is set with an average costing method. Ending date-time on the Planning Worksheet page is not updated from the ending date-time column of last operation on the Planning Routing page. Plan report on the Requisition Worksheet page with respect planning parameters for the Supply Triggered Safety Stock option. The Cost Amount Expected field in the output item ledger entry is assigned the value of last operation received from subcontractor purchase order when it should be based upon the Prod.

Order line Unit Cost field. Capacity value entry that represents subcontracting has incorrect Cost Amount Actual value when the Unit of Measure Code value is different.

Distribution of item charge in a foreign currency to several receipts provides lower accuracy than in previous versions. When using different reports settings for the same report the request page of the report is not shown correctly. When you copy a document from an archived document, the VAT clause code is not copied from the original document and it remains blank. The system produces imbalance between the Item Ledger Entry and Warehouse Entry tables with service orders and warehouse shipments.

Warehouse entry is not created when you post a service order shipment where one service line is created for a bin mandatory location and there is another service line where a warehouse shipment exists.

X is already on inventory” error message when you post a phys. Falta informar la contraparte. If you run the Preview Posting function for a released EU purchase invoice and the invoice discount is calculated, the system gets an error message in the Italian version.

The reason code K has been added among the existing reason codes of the Certificazione Unica in the Italian version. If you create an intrastat service file and the service tariff number is set with five characters, the file always report service tariff number as six characters adding zero at the beginning of the code in the Italian version.

The dependency between currency dates and payment discount dates should be removed in the Get Proposal Entries function for telebanking in the Dutch version. Where-Used function does not work for local fields and local tables in the Dutch version.

The depreciation cannot be calculated after the FA Movement Act is posted at the last next to last day of the month in the Russian version. If you use the Direct Debit Collection functionality, the Applies-to Entry description is set to the order number. The country or region code on the Sales Header page is not validated when an IC partner purchase order is created with the Intercompany functionality.

RunModal is not allowed in write transactions” error message when you complete a line action for a document with item cross references on the IC Inbox Transactions page. When an external document number is added to a general journal record and posted, the General Ledger Entries page does not show the value. When you post purchase invoices with deferrals, you cannot reconcile the VAT against general ledger entries. When you post purchase invoices with deferrals, you cannot reconcile VAT against general ledger entries.

Last entry is automatically selected on the List page when no previous selection has been made. It’s expected to have the topmost, most recent entry selected. The quantity on the Posted Sales Shipment page is not updated when you post a shipment and invoice for a sales order with the Qty.

To assembly To Order column validated. The country or region code in a job journal is taken from the customer account instead of the job. It must be B” error message when you post output with the backward option and the component has item tracking defined. BOM line or Routing line specified for the parent item. Create interaction causes an error if the index is outside the bounds of the collection of InLineShapes. Purchase lines that contain a job do not set the dimension values according to the dimension priorities.

When you post a purchase return receipt and purchase credit in the same posting process, a line with a negative quantity is recorded with a positive quantity invoiced in the posted purchase return receipt document. When you post a purchase return receipt and purchase credit in the same posting process, a line with negative quantity is recorded with a positive quantity invoiced in the posted purchase return receipt document.

The record should first be reread from the database” error message when you post a purchase receipt. When you manually set the invoice discount in an order document, the calculation is based on the order subtotal instead of lines allowed for invoice discounts. VAT difference is displayed in the Sales – Quote report if you have a negative line and a positive line on the Sales Quote page. An existing line for a service charge is deleted unexpectedly when you open the Sales Order page.

Purchase header is updated for a related drop shipment when a sales order is posted for a non-drop shipment related sales line and another sales line exists with drop shipment but quantity to ship is zero. Warehouse stock can be moved through the Whse. Journal page when this stock is already assigned to an existing pick and the item has item tracking defined.

The sorting method on the Warehouse Pick page is not used when you use the Bin or Shelf sorting methods and the Bin Mandatory options is not specified for the location. Inventory pick does not follow first-expiring lot when the FEFO option is enabled and the source document is reserved without item tracking specified. When you create a warehouse internal put away for an item that is lot tracked and has a variant assigned, you cannot choose the lot because the variant code is not accessible in the warehouse item tracking lines.

The Show Row No. VAT field is used with the payment discount in a sales order created from a sales quote in the Spanish version. The amounts reported in the Periodic VAT settlement comm. Form reports or include commas in amount over one thousand, which causes year-end tax filing reports to be rejected in the North American version. Rejected lines on the Waiting Journal page do not display correctly in the Remittance Payment Order Status report in the Norwegian version.

The payment return file dimensions are not copied from the Waiting Journal page to the Payment Journal page during imports in the Norwegian version. Caption formatting in the Sales Shipment report cause overlapping and misplaced fields in the Norwegian version. Errors in the import from the Excel Data Migration tool result in mostly blank records being created.

If you change the Description field on the Reverse Transaction Entries page, the change is ignored when you use the Reverse and Post function. Several fields on the Customer Statistic FactBox page are not calculated when a date filter is set. Inventory Journal page. Template Line already exists. Items of type service may be purchased for jobs but then the update job item cost will update the actual invoiced cost amount to zero because the service item cost resides in the cost amount Non-Inventoriable instead of cost amount Actual.

Pick document does not contain all components when a production order is created through planning and this is a make-to-order production. When you post a purchase receipt and purchase invoice in same posting process, a line with negative quantity will be recorded with a positive quantity that is invoiced in a posted purchase receipt document. VAT field is zero. The Sell-to Customer No. When you post a purchase return receipt and a purchase credit in the same posting process, a line with negative quantity will be recorded with a positive quantity invoiced in the posted purchase return receipt document.

When you post a purchase return receipt and a purchase credit in a same posting process, a line with negative quantity will be recorded with a positive quantity invoiced in the posted purchase return receipt document. Dynamics NAV and Dynamics allows a customer to be deleted even if it’s on a saved document like a sales invoice.

An unnecessary entry is created in the Reservation Entry table when you change the quantity in the sales invoice for an item with Item tracking and post it.

Put-away creation does not consider maximum quantity that is defined in the bin content when the quantity in the bin content is already above its maximum capacity. Quantity outstanding is calculated before quantity base when the quantity is validated in a warehouse receipt. Consumption posting loops through the existing assigned item tracking when these are not posted. Differences in the application behavior in a general journal and in the cash documents in the Czech version.

Translation issue in the tooltip of the Blanket Order No. If you post a purchase document with a Buy-from Vendor no. The FechaRegContable field is incorrect for purchase documents if the posting date is different than the system date in the Spanish version.

If you insert a new purchase invoice for a withholding tax vendor from a purchase invoices list, the system does not insert the withholding tax code or the Soc. The foreign vendor purchase invoices must be linked to the related custom invoices even if the country is not set a black listed country in the Italian version.

The un-deductible part of purchase invoices and credit memo base amount should be included in the of the period VAT settlement communication in the Italian version.

If you add the Tax Representative No. Partial payments lead to incorrect calculations on the Payment Practice report in the British version. Filter fields in the Russian version. Synchronizing a contact with Dynamics for Sales pulls over account records to Dynamics NAV that circumvent integration table filters. If a suggested payment is modified in a payment journal and it is not in the Apply Vendor Entries window, the posting is allowed and the remaining amount is incorrect.

Vendor prepayment journals do not show payment discount tolerance amounts correctly if payment discount tolerance and payment tolerance are used for a vendor payment. Document reports are printed inconsistently when you select a language that is not within the client languages. An availability warning is not shown when you change the shipment date for an assembly item to an earlier date when the item is not available. The expiration date is not validated on item tracking lines when you are using both lot and serial numbers, and the posting is for a lot that has already been received.

An availability warning is not displayed when you change the due date on an assembly line to an earlier date when the item is not available.

The default location for a vendor is not validated on the purchase header when you create a purchase order for the same vendor. Removing the order address code on a purchase order does not refresh the order address on the vendor card. The email address on the Order Address Code page is not used by the Send function on a purchase order.

The status in the Approval FactBox remains Approved although a new approval request for the document is sent and the status should be Open. The values in the Total field in sales documents do not always reflect the totals of the lines that are displayed in the document. It cannot be zero or empty” error message when you create a sales quote. When you post a sales invoice with a foreign currency, the VAT base amount displayed on the sales invoice can be different from the amount in the related general ledger entries.

The Sales Return Orders page is missing columns that are available on the Sales Orders page, such as Status, Amount, and columns for shipping information.

The quantity to receive is incorrect on the Warehouse Receipt page when you create it from a transfer order and a partial receipt was created earlier. Put-away creation does not consider the bin’s maximum quantity when the bin content is already above its maximum.

X, then all associated lines where type is Item must use the same location” error message when you create a warehouse shipment. When you post a purchase invoice with more than one line, the Base Before Pmt. The summary is always printed on a new page even if there is enough space to print on the last page with customer details in the Swiss version. Identification fields and values: VAT Bus. Information is not readable in the Purchase – Credit Memo report because two field values are placed in the same position in the DACH version.

The amount of deductible VAT Cuota deducible is calculated incorrectly with positive and negative lines in purchase invoices in the Spanish version. If the base amount of the purchase invoice exceeds the social security bracket, the social security contribution base of the vendor is not calculated correctly in the Italian version.

If you set a tax representative on the Company Information page and you release the DatiFattura VAT report, then the system checks incorrect fields in the Italian version. If you insert a sale or purchase document, the payment lines are not created in the Italian version. The document number of sale and purchase documents must be reported in an alphanumeric format in the Italian version.

The sales tax rounding is different on the sales order than in the sales order statistics in the North American version. When you request stamps for the Mexican version, it causes an error on the prepayment invoice for a sales order in the North American version. When you request stamps for the Mexican version, it causes an error on the payment applied to a sales credit memo and sales invoice in the North American version.

The CBG Posting — Test report shows too many lines for applied entries and amounts do not always show decimals in the Dutch version. Structured payments are grouped by mistake in the domestic remittance payment file in the Norwegian version. The Trade Settlement report does not show any lines if all amounts are zero for the given period in the Norwegian version. Not all workflow step instances are completed when you use notifications on the Vendor Approval Workflow page.

The Bank Acc. When you use a workflow that requires approval on the increase of the unit price of an item, the change of the item price cannot be approved. Unexpectedly a payment shows a remaining amount after you apply an invoice and a credit memo through a payment journal. When you delete the value in the Applies-to-ID field manually, other fields such as the Amount to Apply field is not validated.

When you enter 17th and 18th lines on the General Journal page, the Description value is unexpectedly changed. The “Connection to remote session could not be established” error message is shown on an attempt to verify the VAT Registration No. Amounts are incorrect if a column layout contains 2 columns with the same comparison period formula, just in different languages.

The “Connection to remote session could not be established” error message is shown when you try to verify the VAT registration number of a customer or a vendor. The Total line in the Item Age Composition – Value Report shows same value as line before instead of totaling the whole report. The blank description from the cross reference number populates the Description field on the planning worksheet instead of considering available description in the Item table.

The “There are multiple expiration dates registered for lot X” error message is shown when you post a sales shipment. The “An attempt was made to change an old version of a Job record If you replan a firm planned production order after you add a make to order subassembly unexpectedly, it generates a new firm planned production order instead of adding the line to the existing firm planned production order.

Resend of activities throws an error “Word was unable to open the data source” when you select to update merge fields. The “There is no Item Application Entry within the filter If you create a new sales quote for a contact, it is not possible to populate the Ship-to Address field and the Shipment Method field.

The “Attempted to divide by zero” error message is shown when the Suggest Item Charge Assignment function is selected with the Equal option that has the Qty. The Customer Card page can incur performance issues that are caused by calculations for the Statistics page.

The “The record is not open. Page Edit – Sales Order If you change the Contact Name field on the Sales Order page, the Ship-to Address field is changed to the Custom Address option if you validate a sales line. An incorrect item is selected when you enter a Sales Line if there are multiple items that start with a same character.

The “If you want to set a filter to field Location Code, it must be” error message is shown when you run the Calculate Bin Replenishment report through the Job Queue option. A bet bin content batch job does not respect the Posting No. Series field that is assigned to a used journal batch in the item reclass journal. Incorrect row number 11 is negative in the VAT Statement, and then the xml file is created wrong. The negative amount is not considered at all in the XML file in the Austrian version.

The length of the string is 25, but it must be less than or equal to 20 characters if you use the Export Payment Lines function on the EB Payment Journal page in the Belgium version.

If you enter the IBAN number with spaces on the Vendor bank page and export a payment file, the space characters do not get removed in the Swiss version. The Currency Code field on the Payment Rec. Journal page is not filled when you work with the Advance Letter functionality in the Czech version. It does not transfer the bank statement currency code from a bank statement line to the currency code from a payment reconciliation journal in the Czech version. It is possible to post a credit although the customer is blocked with the All type in the Czech version.

The Copy Document function throws an error when you copy posted purchase invoice lines with the prepayment line in the Czech version. Issue with saving values when you post or correct postponed VAT for posted sales credit memo on the Request Form page in the Czech version.

If you post a sales or purchase document for EU customer or vendor, the IDType is set to 06 and the ID is set to the customer or vendor number in the Spanish version. Invoice type F1 and F2 is missing in the sales and purchase credit memos in the Spanish version. If you post a purchase invoice with unrealized VAT and the Cash Regimen option is set to yes, all amounts are zero when you export to the SII interface in the Spanish version. The FechaRegContable field in the initial upload of purchase invoices is not filled correctly in the Spanish Version.

Further issues were discovered upon the launch of the Anniversary Update “Redstone” , including a bug that caused some devices to freeze but addressed by cumulative update KB, released on August 31, , [] [] and that fundamental changes to how Windows handles webcams had caused many to stop working. A Gartner analyst felt that Windows 10 Pro was becoming increasingly inappropriate for use in enterprise environments because of support policy changes by Microsoft, including consumer-oriented upgrade lifecycle length, and only offering extended support for individual builds to Enterprise and Education editions of Windows Critics have acknowledged that Microsoft’s update and testing practices had been affecting the overall quality of Windows In particular, it was pointed out that Microsoft’s internal testing departments had been prominently affected by a major round of layoffs undertaken by the company in Microsoft relies primarily on user testing and bug reports via the Windows Insider program which may not always be of sufficient quality to identify a bug , as well as correspondence with OEMs and other stakeholders.

In the wake of the known folder redirection data loss bug in the version , it was pointed out that bug reports describing the issue had been present on the Feedback Hub app for several months prior to the public release. Following the incident, Microsoft updated Feedback Hub so that users may specify the severity of a particular bug report. When announcing the resumption of ‘s rollout, Microsoft stated that it planned to be more transparent in its handling of update quality in the future, through a series of blog posts that will detail its testing process and the planned development of a “dashboard” that will indicate the rollout progress of future updates.

Microsoft was criticized for the tactics that it used to promote its free upgrade campaign for Windows 10, including adware -like behaviors, [] using deceptive user interfaces to coax users into installing the operating system, [] [] [] [] downloading installation files without user consent, [] [] and making it difficult for users to suppress the advertising and notifications if they did not wish to upgrade to In September , it was reported that Microsoft was triggering automatic downloads of Windows 10 installation files on all compatible Windows 7 or 8.

Microsoft officially confirmed the change, claiming it was “an industry practice that reduces the time for installation and ensures device readiness. Other critics argued that Microsoft should not have triggered any downloading of Windows 10 installation files without user consent.

In October , Windows 10 began to appear as an “Optional” update on the Windows Update interface, but pre-selected for installation on some systems.

A Microsoft spokesperson said that this was a mistake, and that the download would no longer be pre-selected by default. In March , some users also alleged that their Windows 7 and 8. It was concluded that these users may have unknowingly clicked the “Accept” prompt without full knowledge that this would begin the upgrade.

On January 21, , Microsoft was sued in small claims court by a user whose computer had attempted to upgrade to Windows 10 without her consent shortly after the release of the operating system.

The upgrade failed, and her computer was left in a broken state thereafter, which disrupted the ability to run her travel agency. However, in May , Microsoft dropped the appeal and chose to pay the damages. Shortly after the suit was reported on by the Seattle Times , Microsoft confirmed it was updating the GWX software once again to add more explicit options for opting out of a free Windows 10 upgrade; [] [] [] the final notification was a full-screen pop-up window notifying users of the impending end of the free upgrade offer, and contained “Remind me later”, “Do not notify me again” and “Notify me three more times” as options.

In March , Microsoft announced that it would display notifications informing users on Windows 7 devices of the upcoming end of extended support for the platform, and direct users to a website urging them to upgrade to Windows 10 or purchase new hardware. This dialog will be similar to the previous Windows 10 upgrade prompts, but will not explicitly mention Windows Privacy advocates and other critics have expressed concern regarding Windows 10’s privacy policies and its collection and use of customer data.

Users can opt out from most of this data collection, [] [] but telemetry data for error reporting and usage is also sent to Microsoft, and this cannot be disabled on non-Enterprise editions of Windows Rock Paper Shotgun writer Alec Meer argued that Microsoft’s intent for this data collection lacked transparency, stating that “there is no world in which 45 pages of policy documents and opt-out settings split across 13 different settings screens and an external website constitutes ‘real transparency’.

The Russian government had passed a federal law requiring all online services to store the data of Russian users on servers within the country by September or be blocked. But Microsoft is held to a different standard than other companies”. The Microsoft Services agreement reads that the company’s online services may automatically “download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.

In September , Microsoft hid the option to create a local account during a fresh installation if a PC is connected to the internet. This move was criticized by users who did not want to use an online Microsoft account.

In late-July , Windows Defender began to classify modifications of the hosts file that block Microsoft telemetry servers as being a severe security risk. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 20 December This article is about the operating system for personal computers. For the related now discontinued operating system for mobile devices, see Windows 10 Mobile.

For the series of operating systems produced from to , see Windows 9x. Closed-source source-available through the Shared Source Initiative Some components free and open-source [1] [2] [3] [4]. List of languages. For the Windows versions produced from to , see Windows 9x. For the Windows version following Windows 8, see Windows 8. Main article: Features new to Windows See also: List of features removed in Windows Main article: List of typefaces included with Microsoft Windows.

Main article: Windows 10 editions. See also: Windows Insider. Main article: Windows 10 version history. Main article: Criticism of Windows This section duplicates the scope of other articles , specifically Criticism of Windows Please discuss this issue on the talk page and edit it to conform with Wikipedia’s Manual of Style by replacing the section with a link and a summary of the repeated material or by spinning off the repeated text into an article in its own right.

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