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Sign up for free Log in. That leaves Frances lllford. Liberal; Allan McKinnon. P r o g r c s sive Conservative and Peter James. Historically, Victoria has supported the Conservatives. McKinnon, the incumbent Conservative has, based on precedents, the odds on his side. Arc the voters really fed up with both old-style parties? Does the NDP offer, them a sound’ alternative? And how will the provincial NDP record affect his chances of winning?
In Groos topped the polls with Groos was elected with 13, votes. Martin Luther King Sr. Martin Luther King Jr. Her son was killed six years ago by a sniper in Memphis. James Earl Ray is now serving a life sentence tor the crime. A Beirut newspaper said Palestinian guerrillas would urge renewal of the Arab oil Israel ddes not end attacks into Lebanon.
It is designed to halt an unprecedented 31 per cent rate of inflation since January and a Alabama Gov. The FBI said Tuesday it. King and church deacon Edward Boykin. Marcus Wayne Windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi. But in toasts at a U. The U. The coffin was windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi on its bier and mourners from the official party kissed his face or touched his head as they passed by.
President Maria Estela Isabel i Peron. Doctors reported a case of fainting windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi hysteria most involving women – every five or 10 mihutes. Though her husband had soughPho bring unity to the Continued on Page « When in a tie for a pie grizzlies gobble faster Syrian battlefield command the day October war. Stale posts dicing the DrioBer-«aV. Agffioh Said ‘the war university, pleaded”‘ inn So far no injuries have been Peres did http://replace.me/16593.txt say whether any of the Russians were killed.
Avraham Agman. William Windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi bonds no handicap Shore angler hooks spring A William Head prisoner has taken the lead in the spring chinook category of the King Fisherman Contest with a pounder he caught off the prison docks at the old quarantine station.
Michael Smokey Lewieky was spin-casting with pound-test nylon line and a four-lndl polar bear Buzz Bombr when he hooked into the hefty chinook Friday. Page 28 to guide it towards the float for netting. William Head prisoners do a lot of fishing from the rocky waterfront around the prison and they often enter fish in the King Fishermwi Contest.
Lewicky will be in line for the King Fisherman trophy for the heaviest chinook of the five-montha-long contest and also for a Prince Cfest for a non-subscriber with the biggest chinook in June. Taking источник статьи pounder from shore on pdhnd-test-line certainly can be classed as a quality catch. Prison officials said that should he retain his здесь he will be able to attend the King Fisherman banquet in December to receive his awards.
Gunter Koch, who held the lead with a Lewicky got to enjoy a good meal from windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi salmon when he was free on weekend pass at the home of his sponsors, Mr. Harold Dan- brook of Casa Landa Motel. He took the fislh to them, brined and marinated it and then emoked it for a нажмите чтобы увидеть больше feast on Sunday.
When he saw’ it was a bear, he beat it the hell out of there. Not long ago a survey crew stumbled on a grizzly which stopped feeding on a moose carcass just long enough to tree the surveyors.
And then he was whisked away in his helicopter to yet another rally In yet another British Columbia outpost. Anybody who would mention it must be a cad. I-muke-no- promise platform is out the window.
Trudeau has provided precious little leadership. His real name, as it turned out. This, naturally, brings up the question, how many more are on the voters’ list and will cast ballots, without the right to so do? It would seem the present system of enumeration is full of holes and the whole thing should be jjevamped to keep the illegal ones off the rolls.
The Herald quoted a friend of Chenault as saying that Dr. King Sr. The newspaper quoted the friend, who did not wish to be identified, as saying there are five members of The Troop living in Dayton and others in Cincinnati, Youngstown, and Columbus, Ohio.
The guided-mlssile cruiser Chicago, two destroyers and an oiler entered the ocean. King windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi. The line, stretched past the crypt where Dr.
King was playing when she was killed. The body was attired download 10 1903 file a pale pink dress. Christine Farris, only survivor of the three King children, greeted the friends and neighbors and many strangers who came to pay the respects of this grieving community.
The funeral will be held today with services conducted by a longtime family friend, Rev. Sandy Ray. Knowledge of the English language is essential. Please quite competition number: ” in all correspondence.
He might even shout out: that Canada is better off than windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi nations in the inflation spiral and it will all sound pretty convincing. But there are no less than seven major nations running at a slower rate of inflation lhan Canada.
But Mr. And the rest of Canada? Only four per cent cremations. Person to Person. Tlionteson, M. Dear Dr. Windows 10 1703 download iso italy news18 hindi After having some corns removed. Profes-” sionals of any branch should know better.
Thosteson: A man being interviewed on TV! Is this true? I have quite a deep crease in my left ear lobe. How in the world”could an oncoming heart attack change f the shape of the ears? In other words, pay no attention to balderdash which is no less pklently ridiculous because it happened to have been mouthed by somebody on TV.
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Full text of “The Daily Colonist ()”
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