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Wait while the upgrade process kicks off – your computer will be restarted several times throughout this process. The amount of time the upgrade takes will vary between systems. But in our experience, it only takes 5 to 10 minutes. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Home Windows 10 Pro – How to download, install and activate. Windows 10 Pro: How to download, install and activate Option 1: Performing a clean installation Please proceed with this when you are currently using an older Windows version than Windows 10 or a PC without an operating system 1.
If you are looking for solutions for other computer problems, you can visit the official website of MiniTool Software. AlWindows 10 is a great OS used by many people these years.
Before you download Windows 10 64 or 32 bit OS for your PC, you can firstly check the minimum requirements for installing Windows 10 below. Related tutorial to help you find out your computer specs: How to check PC full specs Windows If you buy a new computer that comes with an original Windows 10 installation disc , you can also install Windows 10 OS from the installation disc.
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