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Still rumours obviously but Laura and her team have gotten versoin lot right in the last couple months I bought Splatoon a few months ago because although initally I wasn’t interested in it for its multiplayer and online nature, there was a significant sale and got it for about 15 euros. Who are Aaron Clancy продолжение здесь James Bonsall?❿
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Typically only covers the biggest news story of the day. Each episode consists of the professional narration of that day’s trending news story with subjects ranging from the reveal of a cool new anime series to a release date announcement for a major video game title or movie.
High-quality guests ranging from video game developers and voice actors to journalists from rival geek culture publications. What We Don’t Like The hosts can occasionally lose focus and go off on a tangent. However, they always find their way back to the news. Hosted by a group of experienced video game journalists who know how to separate speculation from fact, “Kinda Funny Games” offers a reliable and entertaining source of video game news that covers Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and the industry as a whole.
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New title from Yacht Games? I don’t want Splatoon as a pack in Mario Kart 8 Plus? I think the only reason more people didn’t buy Splatoon is because the Wii U itself was a disaster. I certainly would have bought it if I had any desire to own a Wii U. Since I will be getting a Switch, this is one game I’ll definitely consider. I just hope Nintendo has something in store for the fall and the holidays next year. So sell it. Isn’t it funny how when one single person says Breath of the Wild won’t be a launch title, every other person “coincidentally” decides to release these rumors saying the same thing straight afterwards?
That’s a common pattern in rumors, and it’s a good strategy to make it sound more real. Still, if Zelda isn’t a launch title, the Switch won’t do too good at launch. Have they not learned from the 3DS launch? Splatoon Switch as Wii Sport would be a smart idea, give it away for free with the system….. It’ll probably be digital, possibly already pre-installed.
I’ve asked for Jan 13th off work. I’ll be happy if this rumour is true. I’m ok with them waiting until January for the date and price, make a big hands on event out of it, but game news should be out there. There are zero AAA titles I have purchased the last 8 years or so without knowing about them 6 months in advance.
January is only 2 months before March. And Zelda should be shown a lot more by now, regardless of the release date, it was due out last year, they should have plenty to show us without ruining any surprises. OK, serious question for anybody in the know – should Nintendo be worried that Skyrim remastered overshadows Zelda? That new version looks great, and it has a 5 year history of being great.
If Skyrim is at launch and Zelda months later, will Zelda seem lame by comparison? Especially for Nintendo only people who really have never played those type of open world games before? I’m certainly not an expert on the matter, but I doubt it. Skyrim is old news to a lot of gamers.
Maybe not so much to Nintendo gamers, but I don’t think it’ll be a big deal. After all, Nintendo is trying to draw in more people outside of their fanbase, and most gamers that aren’t a fan of Nintendo have either played Skyrim already or just aren’t interested. Might not appeal to Wii U owners, but there are only 13 million of us, better off appealing to the rest of the gaming world.
I would love to buy the Switch with Splatoon already installed. I’m not always a big fan of ports, but Splatoon is a game I really enjoy. A game I would really like to see on the Switch and one of the games I already know I will get for my Switch if I can. I meant for long time Nintendo gamers. So all of these Nintendo employees have been working for years to give these people their first taste of a new genre, a huge open world adventure, but now they are going to get Skyrim first.
That doesn’t seem right, to the people making it or playing it. Of course 1 big difference is Skyrim is first person, another reason I haven’t played it as I hate that viewpoint. Don’t think too many Nintendo only gamers have had a lot of experience with those either.
I wonder if that will work for them? Hopefully it isn’t to lineair!! If this rumour is true, it will be a superb 1,2,3, knockout punch from Nintendo. And that’s just three of the games we know that may or may not be there at launch, never mind what games are in the launch window like Mario Kart 8 Remastered or even a Smash Bros Wii U Remastered, which is looking more and more likely given we’ve yet to hear anything about the last three DLC characters amiibo’s.
Overall, the Switch is looking to take the gaming world by storm, and if this rumour proves true, it most certainly will. My bet is that these are true. I think packing Splatoon in with the system would a good idea and having a Mario game and quality 3rd party game at launch would be a step in the right direction. I wonder how well Skyrim will do since it’s been out for years and the remake will be out for months on the other two systems.
I believe that description within that sentence, after ‘where the action is 3D, They’re saying that the new Mario is different to that description, and won’t be as linear. Ahh, more rumours, they drive me insane as they give me false optimism too often If this is real, I’d freak out! In a good way. I personally have played many open world games, but I’m pumped for BoTW. I suppose I can’t speak for every gamer out there, but I see no reason why people wouldn’t buy it if they like Skyrim.
Besides, this is just my opinion, but I’ve always found the Zelda games to have more life and vibrancy than any of The Elder Scrolls games. Combine that with open world, and Nintendo has my money. Don’t get me wrong, I love Skyrim, but the Zelda games have always seemed to be more “alive” than Skyrim.
That’s all great but there must be proper battle stages or else the switch will fail Oh and a full on Mario chase title I like that Mario and Skyrim will be there at launch, but not happy Zelda won’t be, and think that will hurt launch sales.
As for Splatoon being a pack in game at launch: no thanks. Splatoon is a good game, but having the Switch packed in with a updated Wii U game won’t get ppl to buy the system. Should have the system packed in with the new Mario game instead.
So far, I’m losing interest in getting the Switch at launch, and I’m leaning towards getting it later in the year, if these rumours are true. That’s a little off putting because, Zelda is out so Mario has to be true, I can see splatoon being a not being pack- in but it would be really awful if skyrim isn’t on the Switch since we seen the game in the trailer. I’m not sure about that. Uninformed consumers could look at it and think “oh, a port of a wiiu game, a game I already bought twice, and another mario game.
But packing in Splatoon will undoubtably help sell the console. I don’t know if my wallet will be able to handle buying the Switch and so many good launch titles at once.
Splatoon is probably the only first party game I didn’t buy on Wii u. I didn’t like the demo. I think a great pack-in will be essential for this system to take off. Splatoon is a good choice because it’s a solid game almost nobody played. Obviously these are just rumors, but I’m not so sure about the other games in this lineup. Skyrim probably isn’t going to move units. It’s a AAA game and, remake or not, that market goes for the “sexy” consoles i.
Co-op Mario also has me a bit worried. Sure it’s fun, but aside from NSMB Wii co-op Mario has also been responsible for chasing away the once-a-generation “prestige” Mario game that Nintendo previously could hang their hang on for solid sales. If it’s like Galaxy, then they’ll be okay. But, again, I can’t see this catching fire with the crowd they seem to want to entice with it. I hope you are right! Well, created by Bandai Namco but published by Nintendo. I feel this is a big mistake by Nintendo if true.
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