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Autodesk autocad 2014 manual pdf free download

Guide on how to use commands in AutoCAD with AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts for example press the L line command command on your keyboard and enter there is the basic command but below is the massive list of commands more thane commands. Work faster and more efficiently by using the AutoCAD shortcuts below.
Table Of Contents. Basic commands in Autocad like Line command, circle command, rectangle command, are basic commands and are available in pdf of AutoCAD commands. It was the first cad software running on personal computers.
Before AutoCAD most cad programs were not popular and most of the work was done on a drawing board. It is related to software that can improve the designing process related to different fields.
Often it is involved in making designs of infrastructure, technology, automobiles, and much more. With the help of AutoCAD, design anything or everything. It is prudent to seek AutoCAD assignment help from experts to get a more immeasurable understanding of the subject. Autocad Commands in pdf. Here is the guide on how to use commands in AutoCAD with AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts for example pres the L line command command on your keyboard and enter there is the basic command but below is the massive list of commands more thane commands.
Autocad commands in PDF. DYNMODE Command By default, the value of this system variable is set to -3 which keeps it off you change this system variable to 3 to make dynamic input active. Dynamic input allows you to add information dynamically on the cursor tooltip. You can also toggle between different isoplanes using the F5 function key. More about making an isometric drawing using this tool here: How to make isometric drawing in AutoCAD. The default value of this system variable is OFF which keeps the line weight display off you can change its value to ON to keep line weight visible in the drawing area.
You change the value of this system variable to 1 to make transparency visible or 0 if you want to make it invisible. When the value of this system variable is set to 2, an overlapping icon and a menu containing a list of overlapping objects appear and you can select the required object from this list.
If you set the value of this system variable to 1, only the overlap icon appears not the menu. You can turn this off by changing the value of this system variable to 0. Press it again to reset the default AutoCAD interface. You can use this palette to modify most of the properties of the object too. You can also use the PR command to open the property palette.
If for some reason your command line is hidden from the drawing area, then use this keyboard shortcut to bring it back.
You can use this keyboard shortcut to make blocks quickly without going through the creative block window. You can press this shortcut key multiple times to undo many actions. It reports the number of each instance of block used in the drawing along with its name. To count the block, it should be visible in the drawing area. When you. To modify the type of point created by this command you can use the PTYPE command and choose the desired point type from the Point Style window.
You can use Line, Polyline, or Spline as the object type for making this freehand sketch. To cancel the repetition of the command, press the ESC key. CAL command Using this subcommand, you can perform calculations directly on the AutoCAD command line even when you are in the middle of a command. BURST command Explodes the block containing attributes retaining the attribute setting and its layer definition.
This is especially helpful if you want to retain the text of the attribute after exploding the block. SP command Using this command, you can check the spelling of selected text and correct the spellings from Check the Spelling window.
You can use this command to even write text aligned to a circle. More about this command can be found in this related article. OOPS command This command can be used to restore the last deleted object in your drawing. After deleting an object if you made many other changes in the drawing and realized that you might need to restore the deleted object then simply type OOPS and press enter. See the animated image shown below for reference. At each point of division, a point geometry will be added to the 2D curve.
RENAME command If you need to rename any named object like layer, block or line type simply use this command to rename it. It is helpful if you want to break a curve at the point of intersection with an additional curve or if you want to create a gap by breaking a part of the geometry.
TIME command Using this command, you can find a lot of information about your drawing like the date when the drawing was created and the total editing time consumed on the drawing. For example, you can use quick selection to make a selection set containing all circles of the drawing with the radius of a particular value.
DI command It can be used to find the distance between two points in the drawing. LIST command Using this command, you can find lots of properties of an object like the layer they are on, area, length or radius, perimeter or circumference, and a lot more.
To use this command simply type LIST on the command line then press enter and select the object from the drawing area about which you want to know and press enter again. DIM command This command was introduced in AutoCAD version and it can be used to make most of the dimensions like Linear, aligned, radius, diameter, and baseline.
When the scale of these text entities is changed the base point will remain fixed. BASE command Using this command, you can change the base point of a drawing without changing its origin. This is especially helpful in the situation where you want to insert the drawing into another as an Xref.
By default, AutoCAD takes origin as the base point which can be modified using this command without changing the origin. UNITS command Using this command, you can set the drawing units and other settings like the precision of linear and angular dimensions and default rotation angle. ML command Using this command, you can make a multiline geometry that contains multiple parallel lines. You can also fit the block in the table cell and also justify its location automatically with the INSERT dialogue box.
I have made a simple table by importing blocks of the design center as shown in the image below. To know more about finding the area in AutoCAD drawings refer to this related article. In image A below the text is oriented at different angles and in some of the situations, the text is not properly readable. This boundary can be used to find the area of the enclosed region or for many other applications.
Select the starting and endpoints of the breakline then click at any point on the line to specify the location of breakline or directly press enter to place it exactly at the center of the line. AutoCAD will prompt you with the save dialogue box before closing all unsaved drawings and it will take you to the start screen after closing all of the drawings. The default value of this system variable is 1 which allows the dialog box to open. When you, however, change the value of this system variable to 0 the command will run on the command line and the dialog box will not open.
More about drawing repair tools can be found in this related article. MA Command This command is a great time saver if you want to copy properties of one object on other without changing its geometry or contents.
In the image shown below Wipeout command has been used to clean the area around the second hook. In the image below Textmask has not been applied for the first case and in the second case, it has been applied. Select any object of the target layer on which you want to transfer the selected objects and press enter again. All the objects of the selected layer will be transferred to the end layer and also the selected layer will be removed.
DS Command Using this command you can open the drafting settings window which can be used to change settings related to status bar options like object snap, polar tracking, snap, and grid settings.
When you use LAYWALK command a list with all layers appears on the screen and you can click on any of the layer s from the list and objects from that layer s will only become visible in the drawing area. See the related article for more on Centermark and Centerline tools. PURGE Command This command can be used to remove unused named objects like layers, blocks, and dimension styles from the drawing.
This command can also remove the Defpoints layer and also layer containing objects but I would not recommend that. FILL MODE Command Using this system variable you can turn off or on the visibility of filled area in hatches or wide polylines by changing its value to 0 or 1 respectively. You need to regenerate the drawing using the REA command after changing this system variable to see its effect on the drawing.
The aperture size as defined by this system variable is the area of the square under which the point will be selected if the cursor is brought into it. The default value of this aperture is 10 but depending on the complexity of the drawing you can change this value between The size of the aperture is relative to the current scale of the screen and it is not an absolute value.
In the image below the red box not visible in AutoCAD is the aperture size for two values 10 and 50 respectively. This system variable also affects the file size of AutoCAD drawings and its compatibility with other software. By decreasing the value of this system variable you can increase its compatibility with other software and it also decreases the size of the CAD file but the time consumed in save operation generally increases.
When you increase the value of this system variable opposite happens. You can remove this preview thereby improve the performance by changing the value of this system variable to 0. Its default value is 1 but you can turn off this highlighting effect by changing its value to 0. To use this command type LAYMCH on the command line and press enter key then select objects whose layer assignment you want to change and press enter then select any object of the layer which you want to apply on selected objects and press enter key again.
The default value of this system variable is 3 and you can change its value from 0 to In the image below the size of the Pick box is 3 for the first cursor and 10 for the second cursor. You might be familiar with many of these commands but there are also many commands which are not frequently used despite their great features. You can change the value of this system variable so that AutoCAD either retains or deletes curves after converting them to 3D.
VOLUME Command Using this command you can find the volume of a 3D solid as well as lots of other information like its moment of inertia, the radius of gyration, centroid, and products of inertia.
In the image shown here, the XEDGES tool has been used to extract the edges of the 3D solid and then the solid geometry has been moved to reveal the edges only. To know more about this command follow the related article. The command is especially useful in situations where you want to detect clashes between different solids like pipes and walls.
Shell Command Using this command you can convert a 3D solid into a hollow solid with a wall thickness.
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