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Bagas31 aktivasi office 2019
Total real estate transactions in D ubai reached 41, last year, new data the from real estate listings portal found, which compares favourably to the 11, property sales transactions registered in the emirate in at the height of the global financial crisis. Off-plan properties, accounted for 23, transactions in , owing to attractive prices and incentives offered by developers such as the free windows vista home premium product key waiving of service fees, a range of post-handover payment plans, discounts on registration charges and commissions and guaranteed rental returns.
However, new off-plan launches were considerably down from their and levels, Property Finder said. The top five areas with the highest overall property sales transactions in were Business Bay with 3, transactions, Downtown Burj Khalifa with 2,, Dubai Creek Harbour with 2,, Dubai Hills Estate with 2, and Dubai South with 2, deals. There were also over 45, units completed in , according to Property Finder — the highest number of units finished in one year since Dubai also registered 18, transactions in the secondary market last year.
In September, Dubai formed a higher committee for real estate planning, headed by lisensi avast secureline vpn Deputy Ruler Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed and a number of senior property developers.
Other measures rolled out by the government last year included year visas for investors and professionals, as well as reforms to real estate laws in Dubai.
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